The main types of tables for the intended purpose. Functional and decorative characteristics of tables, selection tips

Such a piece of furniture as a table occupies a special place in the house. It should be multifunctional, convenient and have an aesthetic and attractive appearance. In the shops there are quite a few types of tables: round, square, rectangular, differing in size, design and materials used for production.

What are the tables

There are many varieties that differ not only in the features listed above, but also in their purpose and functions. Among the variety of types of tables, it is difficult to choose the right product. The most popular are:

  • dinner table;
  • serving table, looks like a tray with legs;
  • a desk to perform a variety of writing work;
  • low coffee table, it is used for relaxation;
  • the dressing table is equipped with a mirror, it stores a variety of accessories and personal hygiene products;
  • the table for the TV has many compartments, in addition to serving as a stand, you can still store various objects in it;
  • computer desk.

Also on this list are billiard tables, a tennis table, a bar, a telephone and a kitchen. In turn, the types of tables are divided into subspecies. The presented products are characterized by multifunctionality and practicality, in addition, they well save the usable area in the house.

Types of dining tables

How to choose a table correctly?

Buying a table is an important stage for which you must first prepare. First, select the location of the table, and only then decide on the shape and size of the structure. When choosing some types of tables, some difficulties arise, but having familiarized yourself with the rules and nuances of selection, it will be easier to choose a product.

To make the table in the room look appropriate and harmonious, you need to make a plan of the room, indicating in it the location of windows, doorways and other pieces of furniture. This figure will help determine the design parameters.

Before you buy a table, you should pay attention to the main characteristics and functions:

  1. Table size.
  2. What material is made of.
  3. The form.
  4. Design Features.
  5. Product Style.
  6. How well it fits the interior of the house.

Corresponding to all parameters, the table will perfectly fit into the general atmosphere of the house.

Sizes of tables

Table size is an important parameter that is of great importance. For each type of table there are certain standard sizes. If six people fit at the table, 0.6 meters of the countertop should be allocated for each person sitting. In addition, the chairs should be at a certain distance from each other so that people sitting next to each other do not touch their elbows and can easily get devices and dishes from the table.

When choosing a dining table, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  • the distance from the edge of the table to the wall should be at least 0.70 meters. This is only if there is no passage between the table and the wall;
  • the optimal width of the table is 0.85 - 1.05 meters.

If modest square meters do not make it possible to purchase a large table, and it is simply necessary to assemble a large number of people, it is better to purchase a transforming table. When the table is folded, it does not take up much space.

Types of tables photo

Table shapes

The size and shape of the table should match each other. The types of dining tables differ in shape, since it is it that mainly affects the size of the structure. In addition, the shape and footage of the room itself is important. The shape of the table is:

  1. Rectangular Tables of this type are found most often, because they look good in any room. The shape of the object allows you to put it near the wall, thereby saving usable space. If the room is large, it is better to put a rectangular table in the center of the room. At such a table fits more than ten people.
  2. Square. Square tables are only small. They are designed for four people. This is the optimal number of people sitting at a square table.
  3. Round and oval. Both round and oval structures should not be placed in small rooms. The oval table will fit more than five people, while the round table will compactly accommodate only four people.

Design features

Depending on the structural capabilities, two types of tables are divided:

  • stationary;
  • transforming.

The stationary table does not expand, while the transforming table can be moved apart, unfolded and recline certain parts. When laying out the table, not only the width of the structure changes, but also its height. Book-shaped tables are popular.

Basically, such structures when folded take up little space.

How many legs are on the table

The presence of legs at the table is required. The appearance and level of design convenience depend on this. When buying a table, immediately determine the number of props. There are many types of large tables. Because of their area, they need additional support elements.

A common and classic option is a four-legged table. Such a number of supports makes the table more stable, comfortable and safe. In addition to this option, there are tables with three legs. This is an interesting and ideal solution for round products. Objects with three supports look attractive and aesthetically pleasing, in addition, sitting behind them is convenient.

Types of large tables

A two-legged table is considered unstable. This table is narrow and uncomfortable. The number of seats is small, since guests can sit at such a table on only two sides.

Unlike a table with two supports, a table with one leg is much more convenient. Guests sitting at a table with one support will be comfortable, since the leg is in the center of the countertop. The disadvantage of this design is its small size. It is difficult to imagine a large table with one support, the large weight of the countertop will make it unstable.

What material are tables made of?

For the manufacture of tables using a variety of materials. This makes it possible to choose a table that fits as much as possible into the interior and will meet the set conditions. If the table will be in the kitchen, it is necessary to choose a design that is resistant to frequent changes in temperature and high humidity. Most often for the manufacture of various types of kitchen tables are used:

  1. Chipboard is the most affordable option. The low cost of the design greatly affects the quality. Unfortunately, tables made from chipboard have a short lifespan.
  2. Medium Density Fiberboard A product made of such a material is a bit more expensive than a table made of particle board. These options differ not only in price, but also in characteristics, since the fiberboard is more resistant to moisture.
  3. Natural wood. Tables made of this material are durable, reliable, outwardly attractive, which allows you to fit well into any interior. Of course, such positive qualities correspond to the price of the product. Few people can afford to buy a table made of wood.
  4. Glass. Glass tables are easy to clean, visually expand the space.
  5. A rock. For the manufacture of stone tables using natural and artificial material. The stone structure is distinguished by its high weight and density.
    Types of computer tables

How to choose a computer desk

In today's world, it's hard to do without a computer. People who spend a lot of time behind the device should feel comfortable, which is why they need to purchase a special computer desk. There are three types of computer tables: straight, angular and U-shaped.

  1. A direct computer desk is a classic option that is used most often. Similar designs have a special shelf for the keyboard and stand for the monitor.
  2. Corner design saves usable space. On it you can place many items necessary for work.
  3. A U-shaped table is the most convenient option.
    Table for notebook

To choose a suitable table, you must consider:

  • construction size;
  • availability and quality of fittings;
  • what material the table is made of;
  • operational period.

Types of tables for a child

You need to choose a desk for the child carefully. It is important that it is comfortable, because the posture of the baby depends on this. Types of school desks vary in size, shape and design capabilities:

  1. Classic table. This design exactly resembles a school desk.
  2. Angular. The table takes up little space and fits perfectly into the interior, equipped with a variety of shelves.
  3. Table transformer. The transforming table can be adjusted to the height of the child.
    Types of kitchen tables

A large assortment of various tables makes it possible to choose a model that is suitable for all parameters. You need to choose a table based on personal preferences and capabilities. The design should not only be outwardly attractive, but also as convenient as possible regardless of the type of table. The photo below clearly illustrates how a small children's table looks.

Types of school desks

Now you know how to recognize this or that design and what to look for in choosing a table for the house, regardless of its functional purpose. Follow the recommendations described above and pay attention to the features of the selected table option for the dining area, workplace, children's room.


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