Drinking collagen: reviews of doctors

Mankind has been looking for a recipe for eternal youth since time immemorial. New funds appear, old ones go into oblivion, but all the same, the years take their toll. Today, women's minds are excited by the novelty in the market - drinking collagen. The manufacturer has made advertising very attractive, pushing the weakest point. He explains the ineffectiveness of applying collagen-containing products to the skin. Through the pores, the molecules cannot absorb and give the desired effect. But when he enters the body, he will go exactly to what is needed, that is, restoration of the skin, nails and hair. Is this really so and is it worth consuming drinking collagen? We have to find out today.

drinking collagen

Three way

Let's dwell a little more on theory. The fact is that people have long known that collagen and elastin are the substances that give the skin elasticity and good appearance. After 30 years, it begins to be produced less, as a result, the skin becomes loose, wrinkles appear. To stop this process, they began to produce various creams that did not give the desired effect. Then progress stepped further. Beauticians have learned to inject collagen by injection. However, the high price and lack of evidence of the effectiveness of this procedure have left it in the background. Then, experts from the beauty industry suggested the easiest way - this is drinking collagen.

drinking collagen reviews

What is it?

In fact, the idea of ​​using it inside is not at all new. Eastern peoples knew well that a strong broth, cooked on meat, with veins and bones, helps to preserve youthful skin and joints. For Kazakhs, this is horse meat broth, for Russians, it’s cool, and for Japanese, it is an infusion of algae with gelling properties. Among all these nations, one can meet long-livers, distinguished by good health and the absence of wrinkles. So, we can assume that drinking collagen is an effective tool, but not a novelty at all.

libriderm collagen drinking

A little physiology

Let's not argue yet whether the new product is an effective tool and whether it is worth buying. Let us turn to physiology for now. What is collagen? This is a protein that our body really needs. Thanks to enzymes, any protein is split into amino acids. Then what is the difference if you ate boiled meat or took drinking collagen? The reviews of experts in the field of dietetic nutrition claim that there is not much difference, but its sources are practically absent in our daily nutrition.

Collagen is a special fibrillar protein, which is very small in meat. The main source is connective tissue. Thanks to a special set of amino acids, it gives the tissue density and elasticity. There are a number of functions that collagen fibers perform in the body:

  • Due to its sufficient amount, good condition of tissues and tendons is maintained, their stretching is ensured and rupture is prevented.
  • It is also a building material, due to which the cells of the connective tissue are renewed, and the skin looks young and healthy.
  • But most importantly, collagen helps retain water in the cells. This is enough to prevent wilting, wrinkles and sagging.
    libriderm collagen drinking reviews

Three kinds

Today in the market you can often find animal collagen, liquid, drinking. He is the cheapest, get it from cattle skin and pork tissue. Its regular intake replenishes the body's reserves, as a result it helps to control the appearance of wrinkles.

The second option is marine collagen. It is also widely advertised and can be found on the market as a ready-made powder for solution preparation. It is produced from fish skin, and the structure is very close to that of collagen fibers in humans. It is made from marine or freshwater inhabitants, and in some cases, such collagen can cause an allergic reaction.

The third type is vegetable. But in fact, this is a marketing move in order to attract vegetarians and women who are watching their figure. This is an extract from wheat grain that has nothing to do with collagen.

Under the action of protein, body weight decreases and energy increases, healthy joints are maintained. Collagen supplements strengthen hair and nails and reduce their fragility by several times.

collagen drinking doctors reviews

How to take collagen protein

In stores, it is sold in powder form. Before use, it is diluted with water so that it becomes liquid. The only drawback is the taste, which seems to many too unpleasant. The smell is also not too happy, but only in the form of benefits for the body is quite possible to tolerate.

The proportion is quite simple, one teaspoon goes into a glass of water. In addition, instead of water, you can use milk, kefir or juice. Use it for sure 30 minutes before eating. Animal collagen is best suited for rejuvenating the body, but marine collagen is best for joint health.

Collagen hydrolyzate

It is sold in most pharmacies, and is quite inexpensive. It is used as a dietary supplement for food. Against the background of constant intake, this substance is able to accumulate in cartilaginous tissues, as well as in the intercellular space. If taken orally, 10 g of collagen protein daily, then damage to cartilage tissue can be reduced. Therefore, such drugs serve as effective helpers for the prevention of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, help relieve pain and improve well-being. The general course of treatment is one month, but experts recommend consuming collagen constantly.

drinking collagen

Libriderm - drinking collagen

This complex includes hydrolyzed collagen, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, B vitamins . Of course, the composition is very useful. Thanks to a special formula, all components are absorbed by 90%. To achieve the first results, it is advisable to drink the drug with a course of at least 3 months, and generally it is desirable and longer. This is not a medicine, but only protein, which is very necessary for every cell of your body. Among those who have already taken Libriderm (drinking collagen), feedback on the results is quite good. There are no side effects, the body works like a clock, an increase in energy is felt, even after a hard day it does not make you sleepy. But as for the reduction of wrinkles, almost no one notes such an effect, except that the skin color becomes fresher. But this is not surprising, because you are not taking a wonderful pill, but a simple protein, albeit a very important one.

Doctors opinions

And what do experts, cosmetologists, dermatologists and therapists say? How do they rate collagen drinking? The reviews of doctors are rather modest. There will definitely be no harm from it, so you can use such an additive in food regularly. The body will split the protein into amino acids, and all of them will go to ensure its vital functions. But there is no special protein that will be used only to improve the condition of the skin.

According to research, taking collagen in the form of a powder, as well as in the form of a cream, is ineffective for rejuvenation. The fact is that wrinkles form in the dermis, and that is where collagen fibers should be located. When applying the cream, even if it contains similar molecules, their incorporation into the dermis cannot occur. And drunk collagen cannot be used by the body as a building material for skin cells.

best for your skin

Instead of a conclusion

Using collagen supplements is not able to harm your body. It is a source of valuable protein, which is the main building material and source of energy. However, optimizing your nutrition, you will get exactly the same effect. Therefore, include in your diet meat, fruit jelly and aspic, as well as vegetables and fruits as sources of vitamins and fiber. Believe me, the result will be no worse.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9667/

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