Hand Weight Loss Exercises

Losing weight, women devote a lot of time and attention to the waist, stomach, hips and buttocks, sometimes forgetting about their hands. And only when the muscles in the arms become loose, flabby and sag, the ladies suddenly remember their existence and begin to rack their brains, what kind of exercises to choose to lose weight and form a beautiful relief.

The fullness of the hands can be hidden with the help of correctly selected clothes - a long sleeve or sleeve to the forearm will successfully mask the problem area while you persistently visit the section or train at home. In summer, in hot weather, you can wear light dresses with a sleeve slightly above the elbow. Another secret - during arm movements, strain them - this will give the muscles a visible tone and will train them once again, albeit not in full force. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, it is better if your movements are a little constrained than you will shake the flabby fat layer in front of everyone.

Women simply need exercises for losing weight , because a beautiful, harmonious and toned body is always sexy! If you do not have time or money to visit the fitness club, and you decide to practice at home, then choose the appropriate exercises for losing weight from the following complex:

  1. We stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms at shoulder level spread apart. Raise the brush 90 degrees from the hands, feeling tension, count to three and slowly wind the brush over the head, straightening them gradually. We return to the starting position. Ten repetitions.
  2. Now bend your arms at your elbows and connect your palms at the level of your forehead (the elbows are at the same time as your shoulders), pressing hard against each other, slowly lower them down to the abdomen. Without stopping to push, we raise our hands up to the level of the forehead, repeat ten times.
  3. Legs shoulder width apart, arms spread apart. Holding the hands parallel to the floor, we begin the rhythmic rotation of them in a small circle forward and backward 10 times. We do five approaches. Hands should be strictly parallel to the floor! Performing exercises for losing weight at home, you must clearly monitor the correctness of the execution, otherwise the result will appear much later or not at all.
  4. Raise your arms above your head and begin to bring them closer to each other, crossing behind your head, changing hands in turn. Perform 30 times at a fast pace.
  5. We connect fists and elbows in front of us. Slowly we begin to raise our joined hands, trying to make our elbows rise to the level of the nose. We make sure that the elbows do not separate, the cams when lifting up were strictly parallel to the floor and did not move towards the head. Perform the exercise 10 times.
  6. Now we bend our knees a little and lean forward a little. We clench our fists and begin to bend our arms at the elbows, while wounding them behind the back. Tension should be well felt in the hands. We do the exercise ten times.
  7. We lay down on our back, put our hands under our heads. Strongly resting on the floor with elbows, we count to five, we relax. Repeat 15 times.
  8. To complete this exercise, we need two dumbbells weighing one kg each. Instead, you can use water bottles. We stand straight, legs clearly shoulder width apart. Raise your arms to the sides, then forward ten times. Over time, the load can be increased to fifteen to twenty repetitions.

Such exercises for losing weight in the hands will make them beautiful, while tightening the muscles of the chest and back, which is also important for women. And also, trying to make your hands much more attractive and slimmer, remember that the most effective exercises for losing weight are ordinary push-ups. Start at least six times and over time increase the number of repetitions to ten, then fifteen, etc., and you will see an excellent result. In addition, push-ups noticeably tighten and slightly increase the chest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9669/

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