Why do you dream of broken teeth? Find out!

Everyone has dreams. Sometimes he does not remember them, but sometimes visions, on the contrary, are firmly imprinted in memory. And it’s good if it’s a good rainbow dream about traveling to Bali, for example, or about buying a luxury foreign car. But if the dream is bad and left an unpleasant aftertaste? Do not rush to get upset! Sometimes the most seemingly scary nightmares in real life promise wealth, fame, and successful marriage. Why do you dream of broken teeth, for example? Let's try to figure this out.

So what does it mean to see a broken tooth in a dream ?

Psychologists claim that such a dream marks the presence of a person's problems that are difficult for him to cope with, or he can’t do this at all. That is, this or that situation was too tough for him, he is not able to resolve it and subconsciously worries about it.

why do you dream of broken teeth
A person who saw such a dream should think about what worries him and try to figure it out. Maybe you need to ask for help from close people whom he trusts. When the difficult situation is left behind, the dream will also go away.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Now let's see what the broken teeth dream of in the dream book Denise Lynn. He convinces that such a dream indicates that a person in real life reasoning too much - chewing on different topics, and it’s time to tie it up. It is better to pay attention to your shortcomings, because everyone has them, and work on them. Also, such a dream symbolizes wasting energy. This is a sign that you need to put it in some more favorable direction.

dream book broken tooth

And here is how the Mayan dream book answers the question of what broken teeth dream of. Allegedly, such a dream means growth and spiritual development. The old is replaced by something new, better.

Noble dream book

And what will the noble dream book tell us about this? A broken tooth in a dream indicates a loss of strength and that you need to close your mouth with a lock and stop gossiping. Also, according to him, teeth mean decisiveness. If a tooth has broken in a person’s dream, it means that he lacks the spirit once and for all to solve a conflict or problem situation. You need to temper your character and learn to say “no” in those cases when it is required.

And why do you dream of broken teeth according to the dream book of health? According to it, this means that, most likely, a person has problems with digestion or the gastrointestinal tract. It might be worth a visit to the doctor.

see a broken tooth in a dream
But the Russian dream book offers the following interpretation of sleep. Teeth broken or falling out during a night dream promise in real life conflicts at work, perhaps even a quarrel with superiors. In the near future, after such a dream, you need to be careful, keep your eyes open and carefully perform your labor duties.

Family dream book

And this is what the family dream book tells us. A broken tooth means that the person who dreamed of such a dream took on an exorbitant load. Maybe he saves management on him, forcing him to do work for three, so as not to splurge on new employees, or maybe he has too many household responsibilities and is deprived of proper rest. One way or another, it’s worth reconsidering your attitude to life, because you won’t earn all the money and you won’t redo all the work. It is necessary to slow down for a while, exhale and take a break to restore the wasted forces.

According to the village dream book, if one tooth breaks in a dream, you should expect bad news. If two - then a band of minor troubles is coming. Well, if three or more teeth are broken, serious misfortune can happen. You need to be careful and careful, especially on the road.

The true dream book has a very voluminous interpretation on the topic of broken teeth. It all depends on which tooth is damaged. According to this dream book, the lower teeth symbolize a woman, the upper - a man. Next is the specifics. The front teeth are children, the right eye tooth means father, and the left tooth means mother. The molars are good friends or close relatives. It is necessary to remember which of the teeth broke in a dream. After all, this means that a certain family member will be in trouble, illness or a family quarrel.

Popular beliefs

According to popular beliefs, a tooth broken or chipped in a dream in real life promises bad luck, broken plans, awkward situations and unpleasant stories.

interpretation of sleep teeth

A person who sees such a dream needs to be in control for some time, not to participate in scandals, not to trumpet at all angles about his grandiose plans for the future ... In general, as they say, be quieter than water and lower than grass. Perhaps then the troubles will not affect him.

Little conclusion

These are the transcripts of dreams about broken teeth. To believe night visions or not is everyone's personal choice. However, no matter what the dream, one should not attach too much importance to this - one does not need to voluntarily become a magnet for trouble!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9676/

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