Failure to report a crime (Criminal Code, Article 205.6). Where to report a crime

Failure to report a crime in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation refers to the legal element of impunity in relation to an unlawful act. The science of jurisprudence considers this term in the form of a link with the offense. But there is no complicity, since the person involved does not assist in its commission, there is no causal connection with the subject.

Some legal acts were changed after the Soviet Union ceased to exist. For example, leaving the law responsible for the failure of citizens to report a crime, the Criminal Code of the new format excluded the phrase about non-reporting. Legislators considered that denunciations were negative and could be inadequately accepted by the population as incorrect actions.

Guard the order

What actions are dangerous for society?

Failure to report a crime of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is regarded as a socially dangerous phenomenon, therefore, such silence is punishable. This does not mean that everyone is obliged to scribble complaints about objectionable neighbors. It is not worth filing claims on unproven facts of petty theft, violations of labor discipline. There are various tools that effectively act on civic integrity.

The acts of non-reporting of a crime under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation include hidden information from law enforcement agencies:

  • plans and conduct of terrorist acts;
  • organization of communities that intend to commit robberies;
  • creation of groups, their training for illegal actions;
  • promotion of criminal elements;
  • making appeals for rallies and demonstrations, posting commercials on the need for terrorism and violence;
  • on the characters in the hostage-taking;
  • the formation of armed gangs;
  • theft of vehicles of any kind: air, water, rail, road;
  • illegal production and storage of explosive devices, substances;
  • armed rebellion;
  • planning and committing attempts on the lives of high-ranking citizens;
  • violent influence on power structures to change the state regime;
  • power actions against individuals and organizations.
Global terror

Nuances of Consequences

Failure to report a crime threatens not only relatives, but all the people around them, regardless of their status, is dangerous for the country and undermines its credibility at the international level. Before contacting a law enforcement agency, the applicant needs to know some facts about the reliability of his suspicions. This does not mean that he will conduct investigative measures. Just do not forget about the responsibility under article 207 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which citizens bear when they tell the police false information about bombing in schools and any public places for their own fun by telephone.

If a person knew about the preparation of illegal activities and hid, he can be convicted within:

  • penalties in the amount of 100,000 rubles., the level of punishment depends on the degree of guilt;
  • forced labor during the year;
  • real term with serving in a correctional institution.

Investigators conduct a thorough investigation and only on the proven involvement of the subject refer the case for further decision in court.

Dangerous effects

Who is not attracted to?

For failure to report a crime in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the article appeared relatively recently - from 2016. Its direction has changed from personal to social. Suppose, under this legal act, there is no punishment for hiding the preparation of rape and murder from the police. There is no conviction for people close to criminals.

Parents, spouses, children may not testify about the actions of daughters, husbands, fathers about their criminal intentions. Mother has the right not to inform law enforcement agencies that her son is connected with a criminal group and is preparing a terrorist attack.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation by its article 51 speaks out against denunciations of relatives. Priests are exempted from responsibility, since they cannot divulge the secret of confession. A lawyer may also not disclose the thoughts of his clients.

Registration of citizens

Where to report a crime?

Almost every citizen has a cellular telephone at hand. Depending on the options that the operator services, access to emergency services is provided. The usual and well-known to many police phone - 02 will not work, even if a domestic crime is committed.

Just in case, you need to fill in the address book with the number of the local inspector. You will need to know and dial the region code to call a landline phone to the police station at the place of residence. If the Internet is connected, no one is forbidden to go to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is given full information about hot lines throughout Russia.

Phone cards

Who to call?

The numbers by which you should contact the subscriber, if it became known about the preparation of a terrorist operation, are usually indicated on the official websites of the relevant services, for example:

  1. Siberian Federal District oversees Kursanov D.E.
  2. For peace in the North Caucasus, the responsible Simakov N. N.
  3. In the Belgorod region, you need to call the duty officer at the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  4. The Vladimir region, in relation to law and order, is entrusted to V.P. Kukushkin
  5. Kaluga citizens should contact directly the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. In Ryazan, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Lebedev S. N, the operators accept the message.
  7. In Smolensk, on the street Dzerzhinsky, 13 follow the order. The Office of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs is headed by V. Salyutin.

And so in all cities of Russia.

What should I look for?

The list of “hot” numbers is preceded by a warning, which should be discussed with the operator who received the call:

  1. About the criminal intentions of policemen of any rank.
  2. If someone inclines to corruption.

Each district has its own code and telephone number, they are presented on the website and are available to every resident. The law does not indicate where a person should go if he became aware of the threat of a terrorist attack, and there are no concrete formulations regarding possible situations. But the responsibility for not reporting the impending crime is indicated.

Probably, the legislator considers it so clear that on all issues residents write and call the police and the prosecutor. Will a simple district policeman solve the problem of banditry, encroachment on state property? Most likely not. But he is obliged to respond, pass on information to higher officials.

Hunting one after another

Legislative regulation

Article 205. 6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the rules of jurisprudence, has objects, subjects and parties. Characteristics:

  1. The objective side indicates the lack of reports to the police about crimes. Individuals do not fulfill their moral duty to protect the population from the threats of terrorism.
  2. The objects of crime are society, its representatives.
  3. The subjects include persons who are over 14 years old.

Regarding age, legal scholars argue, believe that he is too small to fully understand his actions. There are no restrictions on the terms in the act, it is indicated that a person cannot be responsible for crimes that he learned about 2 years before they were put into practice.

Case law

The legislative provision has not so long ago been in force in the country. It was developed and adopted due to known cases of replenishment of terrorist groups banned in Russia and active agitation of followers to join them. Pretty respectable students reached for the militants as wives. The laws are too humane, many prohibitions have been approved. Perhaps Karaulova would not have been convicted if her parents had turned in time to the competent authorities for help. Successful in schooling, from a wealthy family, the girl goes for obvious crimes even after returning from an organization hostile to the whole world.

Dangerous crimes


Probably, many were outraged by laws requiring cellular operators to keep negotiations and give access to them to the FSB and the police. But how can an investigator prove the existence of correspondence and a clear threat to society if a person intentionally hid his knowledge?

Let the relatives of the victims of the explosions at train stations, trolleybuses and the metro express their opinion on the personal information that the state is encroaching on. Only the close connection of all executive, power structures, the help of the population can protect society from mass death. Terrorism is slowly but surely spreading all over the world; the law enforcement agencies of countries cannot protect against this. In Russia, catastrophic events have significantly decreased. Of course, this is the merit of special services that do not relax even with a deceptive lull.

Law enforcement agencies note the help of citizens who timely warn of suspicious persons in the area, illegal activities, waste paper with Nazi appeals and slogans.


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