Aristotle's philosophy is concise and clear. Key Points

Aristotle is the best student of Plato. But he managed to get out from under the wing of a great teacher and create his own philosophical system. Aristotle's philosophy briefly and clearly sets out the basic principles of being. His teaching can be divided into several major topics.


His works are rightly proud of ancient philosophy. Aristotle introduced the concept of category. In total, he identified 10 categories - the basic concepts necessary for cognition. A special place in this series is occupied by the concept of essence - what the object is in reality.

Only in terms of categories can statements be created. Each of them acquires its own modality: chance, necessity, possibility or impossibility. A true statement is possible only if it meets all the laws of logical thinking.

Statements, in turn, lead to syllogisms - logical conclusions from previous statements. Thus, from the already known, new knowledge is born, obtained through logical reasoning.

Aristotle's philosophy is concise and clear


Metaphysics is a philosophy, the teaching of Aristotle, according to which the idea of ​​an object and its essence are inextricably linked. Each thing has 4 reasons.

  1. Matter itself.
  2. The idea of ​​the subject.
  3. Opportunities hidden in the subject.
  4. The result of the act of creation.

Matter itself wants to be formalized into the essence of the object, this desire Aristotle called entelechy. The transition of opportunity into reality is action. In the process of action more and more perfect objects are created. This movement strives for perfection, and perfection is God.

God as the very embodiment of the idea of ​​perfection cannot be embodied in something better, therefore his role is only contemplation. The universe in its development seeks to approach God, as a kind of ideal. He himself is in blissful inaction, but at the same time he cannot exist without the material world, like any other idea.

what is the philosophy of Aristotle


Aristotle's philosophy briefly and clearly describes the world. The basis of everything in the world are 4 traditional elements. They are created on the basis of opposites: dry - wet, warm - cold. Warm elements - fire and air. The warm ones rush up, and the water and the earth rush down. Due to this movement in different directions, they mix, forming all objects.

Aristotle imagined the heliocentric universe. Around the earth in orbits all the planets rotate, as well as the sun and moon. Next are fixed stars. They are living beings, standing an order of magnitude higher than man. All this is surrounded by a sphere filled with divine elements - the ether. This system of representations of the world was a huge step forward, compared with more ancient representations.

antique philosophy aristotle

Nature and soul

All life on earth has its own soul, and that which does not have it, seeks to acquire it. Aristotle's philosophy briefly and clearly shows the whole diversity of being on our planet. He distinguished 3 types of soul. Vegetable is the lowest level; its purpose is only nutrition. An animal is a sentient soul, animals are able to feel and respond to the outside world. The human is the highest form of soul possible on earth. The soul cannot exist without its material body.

Based on the idea of ​​development, the entire natural world also seeks to move to a new level. Inanimate nature seeks to go into plants, plants in animals, animals in man, man in God. This development is manifested in the fact that life is becoming brighter and more diverse. There is a kind of evolution of the soul in the pursuit of perfection. Thus, the soul, which has reached the highest point, merges with God.

philosophy doctrine of aristotle


Knowing what is good is not virtue. Aristotle's philosophy briefly and clearly shows how to achieve perfection. The craving for good can only be created through the repeated repetition of exercises aimed at making the act of good unconscious.

Good is the rule of the mind over the lower passions. The most important thing is not to go to extremes. Pleasure should not be caused by vicious actions, but by awareness of one’s morality.

The main value is justice. Each person should try to do everything for the good of his state. The basis of the state is the family. Her head is indisputably a man, but a woman is not deprived of her freedom in everyday life. Children have less rights and are obliged to obey in all the will of the head of the family.

Although Aristotle talked a lot about the value of freedom, he considered slavery legitimate. Wild people were placed almost on a par with animals that were unable to develop virtues. And so that these virtues could be developed by the citizens of Greece, they should not work physically.

About what lies the philosophy of Aristotle, many books have been written. But the main points can be stated quite briefly. His idea of ​​the world and nature was fully consistent with his time and even in some ways was advanced.


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