Do-it-yourself universal fish bait (recipes)

Fishing ... What do you associate this word with? An abundance of catch before a delicious dinner? Have a good time outdoors for your favorite hobby? Or passionate excitement awaiting cool?

DIY fish bait recipes

No matter how differently the fishermen imagine this type of activity, they all agree on one thing: good preparation is extremely important for successful fishing. What does it include?

Of course, it is very important to have a first-class convenient spinning. Properly selected place, where a large number of bites would have lived, is of considerable importance. And, of course, it is extremely important to prepare a bait for fish with your own hands, the recipes of which will be described below.

What is this bait? How to cook it? Is it necessary to modify its main components depending on different types of fish? Let's find out.

Definition of the term

Bait is a one-time "feeding" of the water space to attract fish for the purpose of catching it. The task of the bait is not to saturate the fish, but to gulp it down (cause appetite and lure to the place of fishing).

Do-it-yourself universal bait recipes for fish contain:

  • base (or main part);
  • feed base (elements due to which the fish will be in one place for a long time);
  • additives (ingredients due to which fish from all over the reservoir will rush to the place of fishing).

Let's look at these components in more detail.

The composition of the bait. The foundation

This component should have some nutritional, taste and aromatic value in order to induce appetite in the fish.

do-it-yourself fish bait recipes pearl barley

What exactly can you prepare the base from?

  1. Breadcrumbs (crushed to small crumbs). You can cook them yourself by lightly toasting wheat or rye bread. Here you can add a little chopped, the most inexpensive cookies (such as β€œBaked milk”). However, it should be remembered that such sweetness glues the bait, so it can be added if you are going to catch with a fast river flow.
  2. Makukha (cake after squeezed sunflower seeds). This component should account for twenty percent of the total base. Very effective for fast flow.
  3. Grilled sunflower seeds, chopped. They must be stored for one to two weeks. It can be used instead of flakes.
  4. Corn grits. It can be used in any form (boiled, cheese, fried). The main thing is that this component should not exceed forty percent of the number of crackers.
  5. Flour (oat or barley). Must be no more than one third of the main element.
  6. Rippers (if fishing is carried out in still water). It can be bran, waffles, coconut. The ratio of rippers to the total volume of the base should not exceed twenty to thirty percent.

The composition of the bait. Feed elements

A good bait for fish, made with your own hands, should have a pleasant, attractive taste. What can be included in the feed base in order to win the location of the fish?

First of all, it can be well-cooked peas, boiled pearl barley, oatmeal, canned corn, freshly chopped worm, maggot, boiled millet, bloodworm.

What is the optimal ratio of feed base to total volume? Usually no more than forty percent.

What else can you consider when preparing it?

If fishing will take place in small ponds or in cold water in the fall, recipes for bait for fish (cooked with your own hands) may not contain nutritious feeds at all, or it is recommended to reduce them.

The composition of the bait. Additives

Recipes for a universal bait for fish, cooked with your own hands, must necessarily include additives that are divided into:

  • nutritious (roasted crushed peanuts, milk powder);
  • flavoring (instant or natural ground coffee, salt, fish meal, chopped squid);
  • gluing (finely ground corn, oat and wheat flour, starch).

Optional additions

Recipes of the best bait for fish, cooked with your own hands, will certainly include additional elements that are not immutable, but affect the quality and properties of the bait itself. What are these voluntary supplements?

First of all, they include flavors that should be added to the top dressing gradually and gradually, since they can nullify the bites. In cold water, it is best not to use aromatic components, but in warm water, you can safely experiment with various fragrant fragrances. Therefore, do not be afraid to add various types of flavors to your own summer bait prepared for your fish in summer. Thanks to such experiments, you are sure to find the best and most effective aromatic additives for yourself.

Interestingly, each fish reacts differently to odors. How this feature is taken into account in recipes for bait for fish, cooked with our own hands, we will discuss below.

Another optional additive is dye. It is very effective to use the bait of different colors or the color of the bottom of the pond. How to achieve the desired color?

do-it-yourself universal fish bait recipes

The easiest way is to choose the right color for the food coloring in the store. However, it can be created at home.

For example, brown bait can be achieved by adding cocoa, and black - by adding earth.

And now about the main thing - what specific bait should be prepared to please yourself with an abundant first-class catch?

Groats bait

As we saw, the basis of bait most often consists of breadcrumbs, tops and seeds. And what about all kinds of cereals?

For example, how to cook do-it-yourself bait recipes for fish from semolina? There are at least a dozen effective ways. Meet some of them.

Semka with sweet syrup . Combine two chicken eggs and eighty grams of syrup of any taste, add semolina and flour in equal proportions so that viscous balls are obtained.

Semka with sunflower oil . Cook semolina, knead until smooth and mix with three tablespoons of oil.

You can also mix semolina and corn grits in equal amounts and boil. Other effective recipes consist of boiled semolina with the addition of various components: breadcrumbs (about forty grams), cinnamon (two teaspoons) or honey (fifty grams).

Another important ingredient in the bait can be barley. Recipes bait for fish, cooked with your own hands with the addition of this component - below.

best bait for fish do it yourself recipes

Barley with millet . Take cereals in equal amounts (three hundred grams) and boil in two liters of water for about an hour with the addition of salt and sugar to taste. After making porridge, it is necessary to put vegetable oil in it (about a hundred grams). In the same way, you can prepare a mixture of pearl barley with peas and corn porridge.

Also, recipes for boiled pearl barley (three hundred grams) with the addition of honey (sixty grams), cinnamon (one teaspoon), garlic (one head), berries (one hundred grams) or food coloring (one pack) are also very effective.

Lures for all kinds of fish

Below are the recipes for bait fish carp, cooked yourself.

do-it-yourself fish bait carp recipes

The first recipe: take two kilograms of breadcrumbs, four hundred grams of fried and chopped hemp seeds and wheat bran, two hundred grams of oat bran, undigested millet, pearl barley, oatmeal, corn and soy flour, one hundred grams of milk powder.

The second method of preparing the bait includes a mixture of the following components: two kilograms of corn grits, a kilogram of two hundred grams of ground peanuts, a kilogram of semolina, half a kilogram of pet food, ground flakes and any cereal, four hundred grams of milk powder and three hundred grams of sugar.

In the form of flavoring (not more than twenty grams) it is best to add aniseed oil, chopped dill, vanilla, caramel.

But easy recipes for bait, cooked with your own hands, for bream fish.

First option. Take three kilograms of millet, half a kilogram of breadcrumbs and chopped sunflower seeds, four hundred grams of small bloodworms, one hundred and fifty - dried milk, one hundred grams of steamed hemp seeds, fifty grams of gammarus, twenty - vanillin, fifteen - aniseed oil, ten - caramel.

The second option involves a mixture of components from one kilogram of breadcrumbs, three hundred grams of fried chopped seeds, four hundred grams of bran and boiled millet.

In the form of an attractive flavor, you can add ten to fifteen grams of garlic, coriander, cinnamon.

Consider the bait recipes for river fish, prepared with your own hands (for crucian, for example).

do-it-yourself bait for fish recipes for the feeder

For one kilogram of breadcrumbs and half a kilogram of boiled loose millet, it is recommended to take three hundred grams of crushed roasted seeds and two hundred and fifty grams of Hercules porridge.

Or, to one kilogram of breadcrumbs, you can add half a kilogram of grilled roasted seeds and wheat bran.

All this should be seasoned with ten to twenty grams of aromatic additives: grated garlic, sugar or vanilla.

Now let's find out if there are separate recipes for bait feeders.

Lures and bottom tackle

A feeder is a special way of catching fish with a bottom fishing rod. What is he like?

In short, the feeder is a tackle with a feeder, thanks to which you can fish fish from the bottom of the reservoir. As you can see, the main factor in catching fish is attracting fish to the location of the fishing rod. To do this, it is important to use the most effective and efficient, self-made bait for fish (for the feeder). What needs to be considered in the cooking process?

First of all, you should pay attention to the amount of bait. If you are going to fish in warm water for four to five hours, it is best to take a bait weighing from four to six kilograms. If fishing is planned in the cold season, then two or three kilograms should be enough.

Another important factor of high-quality fishing on the feeder is the color of the bait. It is also best to focus on the time of year.

In winter, the color of the ingredients should be in harmony with the bottom of the pond, and in summer a completely different principle applies - the more color contrasts, the better. How can this be achieved?

You can add pastonchino to the basis of bait - a specially detailed crumb of biscuit, painted in all colors of the rainbow. This element has positive properties - it does not saturate the fish and does not absorb moisture for a long time.

An important condition for fishing with the help of bottom fishing rods are adhesives added to the bait. They make it viscous, so it does not immediately break up.

The most effective astringent can be called plant-derived protein PV-1, which must be added at the rate of no more than ten percent of the weight of the mixture. Cheaper adhesives are steamed oat and pearl barley.

If fishing is carried out at a depth above eight meters, it is recommended to add weighting substances, for example, gravel, to the feeder.

What exactly will the bait consist of?

As a basis, you can take not only breadcrumbs, but also crushed cookies, waffles, seeds. Their ratio to the total weight of the mixture should not exceed sixty percent.

do-it-yourself fish bait recipes from semolina

Feed components may include boiled corn, cereals (barley, millet), peas, worms, chopped potatoes.

To bind the components, you can take baby food. If you intend to fish in still water, be sure to add pop or regular aspirin.

Regarding the bait connection, one can take the following rule: if the current is weak, the depth does not exceed ten meters, then the mixture should be crumbly, if the current is quite strong and the depth exceeds eleven meters, then the bait should be viscous.

So, we found out what components do the fish bait prepared by our own hands should consist of (fish bait recipes are given above). Now let's talk about how best to mix the main components.

Cooking Instructions

An important nuance of recipes for bait for fish, cooked with your own hands, is that the mixture should be well molded into a single ball, which would disintegrate into small particles when not dropped into water, but when lowered to the bottom. What does that require?

First of all, remember that the bait must be kneaded in the evening, so that each component can be well saturated with water and become more mobile.

Here is a phased plan:

  1. Pour all the components into a large bucket with hard walls and mix thoroughly. You can use a screwdriver or a construction mixer.
  2. Add to the mixture of water at the rate of 250-300 milliliters of liquid per kilogram of composition. It should be added a little bit, stirring regularly.
  3. Let the mixture brew for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Carry out a check - blind a ball out of bait. If it turns out to be dense and whole, then leave the composition until the morning. If the lump crumbles and crumbles, then go to the fifth point.
  5. Add another 100-150 ml of water, this must be done by spraying.
  6. Fifteen minutes later, a check is carried out again.
  7. Before tossing the bait, it can be moistened again (if necessary).


As you can see, a fish bait is a very serious and important part of every fishing. It attracts fish, arouses appetite in it, and contributes to its continued retention in the area of ​​fishing. Without top dressing your fishing will become ineffective and uninteresting.

However, in this matter it is important not to overdo it. Moreover, it is necessary to choose the right components for the bait, so that they correspond to the weather conditions, course and taste preferences of each type of fish.

It is up to you to decide which bait to choose - from the store or cooked yourself. However, it is worth considering that in most cases a homemade bait will come out more expensive than a purchased one. Moreover, the first time it may not work.

However, do not be afraid of difficulties and waste! Feel free to experiment, and you will definitely choose the recipe that suits you personally! In addition, the cost of lures depends on its components and additives. Choose the components that you can afford, and then your fishing will certainly delight you with a rich and tasty catch!


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