A wound on the leg. Dream Interpretation - Meaning and Interpretation of a Dream

Unfortunately, men and women see not only pleasant things in their night dreams. What does a leg wound mean? The dream interpretation will help to understand what this alarming symbol promises. The interpretation depends on the details to be remembered.

Esoteric Dream Book: Leg Wound

So, what does this mean, if you rely on the interpretation of this guide to the world of dreams? Does the dream book make a good or bad forecast? The wound on the leg symbolizes the losses that the sleeper has to suffer in real life. Unfortunately, this cannot be prevented; all that remains is to learn a lesson from the mistakes made.

what does the leg wound dream about

Handling a wound is a good omen. Such dreams promise a man or woman the offensive of the long-awaited white streak in life. Everything will work out in the best way, the sleeper needs only to surrender to the will of providence.

Predictions of Nostradamus

What does a dreaming leg wound prophesy for men and women? Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus informs the sleeping person that he needs to look at his closest surroundings. Next to the man are hypocrites who impersonate friends and dream of doing harm. Also, this symbol can warn that loved ones in a difficult situation will betray the dreamer.

leg wound in the dream book

Does the sleeping person hurt any of his friends or relatives? On request, he has reasons to fear for his reputation. There are people who make every effort to discredit the dreamer. Did the girl dream that some animal was hurting her? Such a plot warns that it will soon fall under the influence of others. A person who will dictate his will will be a real despot and tyrant. Unfortunately, attempts to free oneself will not succeed.

Interpretation of Freud

If we rely on the interpretation of Sigmund Freud, then what does the wound on the leg symbolize? The dream interpretation makes an unfavorable prognosis for a young girl who dreamed of something like this. In reality, a sleeping woman will soon begin a relationship with a guy. At first, the young man will make a good impression on her, but soon the girl will be disappointed in him. Relations, unfortunately, will only bring suffering, so it’s worth it to think carefully before starting them.

dreamed a wound on the leg

Blood oozing from night’s dreams from a wound on a leg? On request, a person will be forced to regret having entrusted his secret to a friend or relative. If such dreams disturb the night peace of a pregnant lady, then she should be more careful about her well-being, and not ignore the alarming symptoms.

Another possible explanation is sexual dissatisfaction. A person who has dreamed of a wound on his leg is categorically not satisfied with his own intimate life.

Where did she come from

The interpretation depends on where the leg wound came from. Dream Interpretation considers various options, which are listed below.

a woman dreams a wound on her leg
  • The sleeper injures himself. In reality, a person makes one mistake after another. By his actions, he harms not only himself, but also those around him.
  • Damage occurs by itself, the source cannot be established. Such dreams are a sign that a person needs to blame himself for all his troubles and troubles. It is not only about what has already happened, but also about what should happen soon.
  • Someone friend inflicts a sleeping wound on his leg. The dream interpretation connects this with the appearance of enemies in man. There is a high probability that people who dream of doing harm have come very close.
  • A stranger injures a dreamer. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper should be wary of an accident in the coming days. It is advisable to refrain from risky activities.


Why is there a wound on the leg with blood? The dream book warns a person that soon he will have to endure the betrayal of someone close. For example, the second half of a sleeping person can cheat on him. Or his best friend will fail him in a difficult situation, refuse to help.

hurt leg in a dream

What does the old bleeding wound on this part of the body symbolize? A person does not manage to live in the present, with his thoughts he constantly returns to the past. Again and again, he recalls the grievances inflicted on him by other people. Until the dreamer is freed from painful thoughts, his life will not change for the better. A man must make an effort and forgive his offenders.

What do old leg wounds without blood mean? The dream interpretation informs a man or woman about the need to show firmness. The right time has come to implement the long-hatching projects. Fortune will favor man for a long time.

Open deep

What does the open wound on this part of the body symbolize? Dream Interpretation prophesies sleeping quarrels, conflicts with others. The sleeper himself will not be to blame for this, everything will happen as a result of the actions of other people. Also, such dreams can warn that a person has many ill-wishers. These people are aggressive and determined, ready to make every effort to harm him.

foot wound treatment in a dream

Why is there a deep wound in the leg with blood? The dream book warns a person that he is waiting for disappointment. It is highly likely that the sleeper will fail on the personal front. For example, his feelings may not meet reciprocity.

Pus worms

What promises a purulent wound on the leg? Oddly enough, the dream book gives a positive assessment of such a symbol. Past troubles tempered the character of the sleeper. He became stronger and more confident in himself, figured out what he wants to achieve. A new period will soon begin in life, the black stripe will be replaced by white. Problems that now seem very serious, resolve themselves, will no longer be able to harm a person.

What does a wound that has worms mean? Such a dream signals that a man or woman needs to see a doctor immediately. It is highly likely that the sleeping person develops a serious illness that is better to detect at an early stage. Also, such a dream can be seen by someone who is awake worried about the health of loved ones.


What does a torn leg injury seen in a dream mean? Such dreams portend problems in relations with the chosen one. Misunderstanding may appear, lovers will move away from each other. This situation is easy to fix, just pay more attention to the second half.


Why is there a wound on the leg and arm? The dream interpretation predicts an acquaintance with a person who is destined to play a significant role in the life of a sleeping person. His appearance on the horizon will be the beginning of important changes.

a man dreams of a wound on his leg

Also, such dreams may indicate that a person will succeed in any business for which he undertakes. This is true only if the dreamer really wants to finish what he started. There is no doubt that the efforts made will pay off. The reward will be much greater than what a person expects.


Why is there a deep wound on my leg? The dream interpretation is also considering such an option as an attempt to independently treat it. Such a plot indicates that the life of the sleeping person is beginning to change for the better. Soon, the person will receive the good news that has long been waiting for.

What does it mean to bandage a wound in one's dreams? The hired dreamer will finally be able to deal with the accumulated problems. He will have free time, which he can devote to things that give him pleasure.

In the dream, someone else was injured, and the sleeping man is trying to help him? Such dreams are a sign that kindness and justice are not alien to man. He dreams of improving the world that surrounds him, taking certain steps in this direction. Also, the treatment of someone else’s wound may portend the resolution of conflicts in the family, which oppress the dreamer.

Various plots

What other interpretations does the dream book contain? A wound on the leg with blood can have different meanings.

  • A bullet wound dreams of participating in a large-scale project. This is true if blood does not ooze from the wound.
  • If she bleeds, then such dreams indicate that a person experiences before meeting with the leadership.
  • Did the dreamer injure his leg during a fire? Such a plot informs that in reality he is destined to become famous.
  • Was the limb damaged by a blow, a fall? In reality, a man or woman will soon have to experience many unpleasant moments.
  • Why dream bloody corns on my legs? Enemies of the sleeper by their actions will make him properly worried.
  • An open fracture is a bad sign. Such a plot is a warning that the dreamer will soon lose a close friend. The sleeper may try to avoid this, but with the highest probability nothing will come of it. An important person will still disappear from his life forever or for a very long time.

What else do you need to know

What else can the dream book tell? A deep wound on the leg without blood or with blood, what is the dream of? Suppose someone sleeping is hurt by someone. The meaning depends on who exactly the person inflicts the damage in his dreams.

  • The dreamer dreamed that he was hurting a friend or relative. Such a plot warns that in reality a person will offend someone who is important and dear to him. It is better to try to prevent this, since it is hardly possible to earn the forgiveness of the victim.
  • A man inflicts a deep wound on a stranger. Such dreams inform that the dreamer will face serious obstacles on the way to his goal. Fortunately, the sleeper will be able to successfully overcome them, he will finish what he started to the end.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9693/

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