Reviews: Home Theater Projector. Description, specifications and selection tips

For lovers of traditional cinemas, modern manufacturers of project equipment give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the film without leaving your home. We are not talking about comparing the effects, but, as user experience shows, the compact device is also capable of providing an unforgettable experience. True, you can count on a good result from a home movie show only if you use high-quality equipment. Manufacturers do not limit the consumer in the choice, offering all new technological developments. Key features and an overview of home theater projectors will help you make the right purchase decision.

Features of models for home theater

home theater projector reviews

Initially, projectors were designed for use in large rooms, such as halls, schools and other institutions. And to this day, this assignment continues to move the models towards development, suggesting a separation by areas of use. So there are devices for use at business conferences, in training processes, etc. A feature of such models is the ability to work under artificial lighting. In turn, devices for use at home are designed to watch movies with the lights off. To a certain extent, this nuance facilitates the tasks of the manufacturer producing a home projector. How to choose such a model? Among the main criteria, it is worth noting the means of connection, the characteristics of brightness, focusing and other parameters of the device that determine its functionality and quality of work.

Connectivity options

As a rule, projectors are not equipped with means for “reading” information from direct carriers. This distinguishes such devices from conventional VCRs and DVD players. In this case, the source can be a computer, laptop, phone and the same DVD player. The main thing is to provide connectivity. Most models use connectors for a digital signal, although, oddly enough, there are analog channels. The latter include composite inputs, the timeless format of S-Video, BNC and VGA. But more often there are more modern digital connectors HDMI, DVI and DispalyPort. According to reviews, the projector for a home theater with HDMI provides the highest quality "picture". In addition, modern equipment is more likely to interact with such ports without requiring adapters. True, one cannot help but recall the analog inputs, which may still be required when working with players from the last century.

home projector how to choose

What should be the brightness?

This is one of the most important, but at the same time barely perceptible, options for the layman. The fact is that this characteristic is not indicated in the labeling, since it is largely influenced by indirect factors that occur during the viewing of the film. Nevertheless, when buying, you can pay attention to the value of the light flux, which is measured in lumens (Lm) and determines the power of light. This is not to say that brightness directly depends on it, but light power can affect the balancing in color reproduction modes. Therefore, the choice of a projector for a home theater relative to brightness should be made, guided by the values ​​of lumens. So, if the diagonal is 130 inches, then you can safely take the option for 1,500 Lm. This will be enough to watch a movie in the dark. For the 80-inch format, it is worth considering the option of 600 Lm. It is important to consider that excessive brightness is also not a plus, so there is no point in storing its values ​​“in reserve”. Although, if you plan sessions with the light on, you should count on indicators of 3-4 thousand lm. Such values, by the way, are usually used in office models of projectors.

home theater projectors prices

Projector Contrast

In the specifications, this parameter is also not indicated. Indeed, in some cases it is difficult to determine, and in lighting conditions, contrast does not affect the quality at all, since exposure occurs naturally. However, sometimes you can find specific meanings in the descriptions of models. For example, Benq home cinema projectors often feature 1,000: 1 ratios. But this does not mean at all that the user can count on getting a voluminous and detailed “picture”.

The only thing that can be appreciated by an inexperienced consumer in this parameter is the presence of an automatic diaphragm. In essence, this function provides optimal regulation of the brightness balance. In practice, this is expressed in enhancing or suppressing certain shades with the goal of better color translation. Unfortunately, this option matters only in the “processing” of dark scenes where there are no objects saturated in color. This method of contrast correction is called dynamic. Unlike the direct contrast values, the presence of this function is really worthy of attention. According to reviews, the projector for a home theater with an automatic iris does a good job in the absence of lighting.

projectors for home theater benq

Optimal resolution

In the case of resolution, everything is obvious. The higher it is, the more detailed and overall the image will be better. However, it is still worth initially thinking over the tasks that the projector should solve, since this or that format is suitable in some cases and less effective in others. For example, for films in Full HD, you need an appropriate model with support for this format 1920 × 1080. If there are no special requests for quality, then you can save money by giving preference to models with the WXGA format - in this case, the resolution is 1280 × 800. But the best projectors for home theater still have a higher resolution - for example, the 4K format is becoming more popular. The maximum resolution allowed by such technology is 4096 × 2160. To watch video from a DVD player, the SVGA format will be enough, which transmits an image with a resolution of 800 × 600. By the way, this is the best format if you plan to also use the device for presentations.

Nuances of focus selection

3d hd projectors

Each projector has a feature such as projection ratio. This is the parameter that indicates the ratio of the width of the screen to the distance from it to the projector. High projection resolution have long-focus models. For example, with a 2: 1 ratio, a picture with a 2-meter width will be provided, which is convenient to watch at a distance of 4 meters. Accordingly, it is necessary to compare the capabilities of the room and the optimal projection resolution. But even with long walls, it is not always advisable to purchase telephoto models. They do not guarantee image quality at all - at least that is what the reviews say . A home theater projector can be short-focus. In particular, some manufacturers attribute 0.55: 1 format devices to this group. But there are no clear standards, so here you can also include the ratio of 1.5: 1. By the way, the choice of short-focus models is not always due to the lack of sufficient space in the room. For example, in order to prevent the light flux from closing, ultra-short-focus projectors are sometimes purchased that can be placed near the screen at a distance of 15-20 cm.

3D HD projectors

The wave of popularity of 3D technology could not ignore the design equipment. There are several different formats that provide a stereo pair effect. For example, manufacturers use side-by-side and top-to-bottom configurations. If you plan to work with Blu-ray in three-dimensional format, then you should also include the HDMI interface in the device, while the minimum version of the connector for such purposes is 1.4. Modern 3D HD projectors also include the use of special glasses. But this is not an ordinary accessory for perceiving a three-dimensional image, but devices that are developed on the basis of polarizing filters. In combination with a 3D projector, such glasses are not cheap, but the visual effect is greatly enhanced thanks to them.

Projector Design and Dimensions

best home theater projectors

Perhaps this is the easiest choice, where everyone can rely on their own taste, despite the technical subtleties and design features. I must say that it is home devices that have the most sophisticated and presentable designs. There are options with the correct geometric shapes, many devices with streamlined cases - the main thing is that the projector is in harmony with the interior. The only limitation in this regard may be due to size. According to reviews, the projector for a home theater with small dimensions requires a delicate approach in handling. But there are obvious disadvantages for large models - such devices should not be purchased if you plan to take the device with you on frequent trips.

Benq Model Reviews

Models of this company are regularly ranked among the best projectors. This is facilitated by their functionality and the introduction of new technological solutions. Users note good brightness, the ability to work in all modern formats, including Full HD. Also in the manufacturer’s lineup you can find good devices that support three-dimensional image. But there are also disadvantages possessed by Benq home cinema projectors in almost all segments. For example, quite often, users complain about sound and low noise isolation. One way or another, the model range has a wide range of options with different operational parameters, so anyone can find the optimal projector from Benq.

Epson Model Reviews

Among connoisseurs of the segment, the Epson brand is known as a trendsetter and manufacturer of high-tech devices. Another thing is that a wide consumer is dealing with models of different levels, which are characterized not only by virtues, but also by disadvantages. If we talk about the positive aspects, then the projector for home theater Epson in almost all versions provides a high-quality picture. The owners characterize it as juicy and rich. By the way, in terms of contrast, the products of this brand are considered the best option.

Nevertheless, all the advantages of the picture are again clouded by a faint sound. Also, in some models, the noise of the device is heard - for example, sound insulation at 30 dB makes itself felt not in the best way. In addition, there is a high cost of Epson models in the middle segment - up to 70-80 thousand rubles. True, there are budget projectors for home cinema, the prices of which vary between 20-30 thousand. But such devices do not reveal all the technological advantages of equipment for watching movies.

Sony Model Reviews

3d projectors for home theater

The products of this brand are also criticized for their high cost, but in this case it fully justifies itself. Sony developers today offer the highest widescreen resolution. Owners note the clarity of the image, the brightness and depth of contrasts. This effect is provided by projectors for home theater, the prices of which exceed 200 thousand rubles. Users of this technique emphasize that it is practically devoid of the disadvantages that are observed in competitors. That is, the projectors do not make noise, provide high-quality sound, and all this against the background of an impeccable picture.


When getting acquainted with the characteristics and subtleties of choosing a projector, many will ask themselves: is it not easier to buy a large-screen TV? Moreover, both options are approximately comparable in price. But it all comes down to the big screen - in inches the comparison will not be in favor of the TV, and this is the main advantage in the process of watching a movie. And this is not to mention the pleasure that 3D projectors provide for a wide format home cinema. True, in this case, the gap in price will be quite impressive. There are other benefits to projectors, including compact size and minimal eye strain. And if there is an idea to go to the cottage and arrange a movie show there? Of course, the compact device also benefits in practicality. But in any case, it is important to provide for all the nuances of operation, so that the purchase meets expectations.


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