What does it mean to wash in a dream? Dream Interpretation Explains

There are night visions that interpreters interpret diametrically opposite. These include the action defined by the word "wash." Dream interpretation of O. Smurov argues that clean water is a good sign. But the seer Vanga did not find anything positive in the night vision, which she spoke to her relatives. Let's try to figure out what to wash in a dream.

wash dream book

Dream Interpreter O. Smurova

We have already mentioned the clean waters with which a person removes dirt from himself. Such a plot guarantees speedy well-being, the author is sure. All the sorrows of the dreamer will be washed off in the astral plane and will never again disturb him in real life. If you are disturbed or constrained by certain circumstances, they will change. Life will be much more prosperous if you happen to wash in night vision.

Dream interpretation of O. Smurov portends the deterioration of the situation to those who bathed in full view of society. This person will be discussed by all and sundry. This, of course, will be the cause of his grievances and feelings. But it’s not possible to calm the gossip. Bathing in a bath in a dream and experiencing discomfort - to the development of an ailment in the body. But it promises to patients a speedy recovery. If you find yourself in a bathhouse in a society of people of a different gender, there will be trouble associated with errors or flaws in your work. If you swam in a cramped room under tight circumstances, expect a bad change. The compendium of interpretations contains recommendations. They say: try to be quiet and modest for several days, avoid conflicts, keep quiet more.

wash in a bath in a dream

Miller's Dream Book

The famous author of interpretations connects our plot with the personal sphere. Aren't you too proud of your victories if you had a chance to wash yourself in the country of Morpheus? Miller's dream book assures that such behavior is offensive to the partner. Offended person may try to take revenge. This is confirmed by a night story in which you had to wash with soap. In a dream, rubbing your skin with a washcloth and understanding that the dirt does not go away, means one thing - you will have to repent of past sins. Until you do this, life will not get better.

In addition, the constant mental pain caused by a troubled conscience will be the destiny of the one who happened to bathe in front of the people. This is a bad dream, portending a condemnation of society and ostracism. Try to correct what you have done before people learn about the “exploits of youth”. Wash in a bath in a dream - flaunt details of intimate life. Agree, a little clever in such behavior.

wash in the shower in a dream

Dream Wanga

Clairvoyant said that washing in a dream is a sign of sins. It is necessary to sincerely repent and apologize to the offended. Wash in the shower in a dream - to retribution. If the water was cold, "prickly," the torment will last a long time. Until the end of days, a troubled conscience will reproach you for what you have done. If the water in the shower was warm, pleasant, then a retribution for an ancient sin would suddenly come. Accept her steadfastly and humbly. Then luck will again turn to you a beautiful face.

If a man in the country of Morpheus secretly spies on how young virgins wash their bodies, he will have a disease. The disease will be quite serious. It will be treated for a long time and persistently. A young woman such a plot promises bouts of unreasonable jealousy. She will suspect her beloved of treason, and for no apparent reason. A lonely woman after what she saw in a dream will envy someone else's personal happiness. Sleep is a warning. Try to cope with negative feelings until they spill dirty words at friends and relatives.

wash with soap in a dream

Dream Interpretation Hasse

This author positively interprets the plot in which a person happened to wash. Dream interpretation Hasse claims that he portends changes for the better. If the water in the shower or bath turned out to be pleasant, warm, affectionate, then help will come from loved ones. They will figure out how to help you out of the trap of fate, and in time they will substitute your shoulder. If the water in the dream was cold, burned the skin, wait for advice or real help from strangers. This plot portends a miracle conceived by higher powers for you. Soon it will become a reality. Bathe with soap, thoroughly wipe the skin from dirt - get a lot of money. One they will come from a distant relative, the other - a pay for labor. In any case, the amount will be so significant that you can not worry about the future, afford a vacation, a new home, travel and other pleasant things. It's bad to swim in dirty or muddy water. This is a harbinger of a disease that will knock out of a normal rhythm for a long time.

This is how interpreters explain dreams about washing in different ways. And which of them is right, you decide. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9699/

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