What will tell the dream book. Ex-boyfriend comes in a dream? Understand past mistakes.

A man spends a third of his life in a dream, while his brain continues to work, analyzing not only signals from the outside, but also our feelings, emotions, and feelings. Parting, whatever it is, always leaves a mark on the soul. Everything seems to be behind us a long time ago. You have a new relationship, and you try not to remember the past relationship during the day, but they continue to disturb you at night.

This is what Sigmund Freud says about this situation, or rather a compiled dream book for them. The ex-boyfriend or spouse with whom the woman broke up is dreaming of a quarrel with her current lover. You must admit that you cannot refuse such reasoning in logic. If a woman is not too smart, and her current man is too jealous, such a scenario actually takes place.

The sorcerer and magician Yuri Longo gives his own interpretation of such a dream. By the way, it has nothing to do with magic. Rather, it is a superficial psychological analysis of the situation. If you believe the interpretation of the dream provided by Longo, the former spouse or lover dreams of a woman if she pays too much attention to her past. There is no doubt that this conclusion is correct either.

It happens that a womanโ€™s warm feelings for her former partner persisted after parting. In this case, it is not surprising that the former appears from time to time in her dreams. If the gap was painful, perhaps the resentment against this man still lives in the secret corners of the soul and makes itself felt in night visions. In this case, itโ€™s better to deal with your own past in order to start living the present.

Another option - the separation of the couple was sudden. The last words are not spoken, and the final point is not set. So the subconscious scrolls the unfinished situation over and over again. Such persistent memories speak only of one thing: it is very important for you to bring the matter to its logical conclusion. Perhaps it makes sense to just talk with your ex so that there is no understatement between you. If there is no desire or opportunity to meet with the former, use the "transparent sleep" technique to manage the situation, so to speak, from the inside.

Did you break up with your ex as a result of a quarrel? You are well aware that only your bad character is to blame for this, but pride does not allow calling the first one? Then a dream about a former boyfriend or spouse is an occasion to seriously think about your behavior and relationships with this person. Very often such dreams are prophetic and you are destined to be together.

Psychologists say that a personโ€™s dreams reflect his personal experiences, impressions, events. But in addition to logical explanations, it will not be amiss to recall the symbolic meaning of our dreams.

Do you often see your ex in a dream? It's time to look into the dream book. A former boyfriend or spouse who reminds himself of himself in a dream can mean a major change in your or his life. Especially if the former lover comes to you in a dream in an unusual shape.

This is the meaning of the symbols that the esoteric dream book offers us: an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband often dreams of women who are eager to get revenge for their broken heart. Imagination models a suitable situation and displays it in a dream. The scenario of a meeting with your ex-lover may look like this: you are in a chic dress, get out of the limousine and collide with it. The former does not look too good: unhealthy appearance, shabby clothes. Perhaps such dreams have visited you and in reality, but the subconscious mind just embodied them in a dream.
As the dream book advises : the former guy is dreaming , pay attention to the situation itself. Hot clarification of the relationship in a dream suggests that feelings for this person have not yet cooled down. Kisses and mutual caresses are evidence that you are not averse to renewing a relationship.

I must say that among the interpretations of this dream are very funny. This is what the English dream book tells us: a former guy dreams at night - beware of witchcraft. Modern man, of course, is very far from such superstitions.

If you believe the national signs, the person who you dream of is certainly thinking about you. Perhaps this is the most pleasant interpretation of sleep. After all, the fact that the once close man has not forgotten you yet cannot but rejoice. Whatever the dream book, a former young man who reminded himself of himself in a dream, is a great occasion to call and take an interest in his affairs. Nevertheless, you are not strangers and you can fully maintain friendly relations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K970/

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