Work as a trucker. All the pros and cons

Each of us at least once in my life heard about the work of a trucker. At first glance, it’s romance and nothing more, but what is this work really like?

trucker job

Its nuances

Working as a trucker is not such an easy thing. First, a person must spend the whole day driving a truck, enduring all the deprivations of a nomadic life. Secondly, not every wife will agree to endure such a long absence of her husband, and even if she agrees, then quarrels and scandals cannot escape this house. Although there are still wives who not only understand the choice of the profession of their lover, but even fully support him.

Eh, romance ...

Everyone will say that working as a trucker is more romantic than just a daily activity. Truckers themselves will agree with this, though not always in the open. After all, does a real man agree to call that work romantic, which requires excessive labor and a lot of time, romantic? But still, romance is present here. The road, constant travels, adventures, sometimes even danger create a kind of romantic halo around this profession, making it the subject of dreams not only of guys, but even of the fairer sex, which today is not so rare.

trucker driver work

And how well it all began ...

Not everyone will say that since childhood he dreamed of being a trucker. All love for this profession arose over time. Love for cars, roads, travel, as well as the opportunity to be alone with yourself and with your thoughts creates such an attraction. Of course, the factor of human support - relatives and friends, is important, because not everyone will agree to go against someone else's opinion.

The material side of the coin

One of the main roles is played by the material side. Working as a trucker is considered one of the highest paid working professions. Of course, frequent trips, a long stay behind the wheel of a car and significant nervous loads are well paid, but is all this worth the money? Of course, the drivers themselves will decide this, not us. Today, the first place in terms of prestige is occupied by the work of a truck driver in Moscow. Work in the capital is not only paid at high prices, but also promises a lot of money by working part-time. In addition to material benefits, there is a risk, which every trucker will tell us about. This work is difficult both physically and morally, so it’s not suitable for everyone.

truck driver in Moscow

But what about?

Despite its pros and cons, working as a trucker still remains one of the most sought-after professions of our time. The attitude depends on the person himself. Someone considers this profession to be romantic, but for someone it is a stupid waste of time and effort, which requires quite a bit. We have no right to impose our opinion on anyone, because everyone can think whatever he wants, but the fact remains - truckers deserve respect, regardless of whether you like their profession or not.


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