How to create a local network

The presence in the office of a local network has long been one of the most important tasks for all organizations that use computers in their activities. In addition, the number of computers has increased in many households. That is why a very important question may arise: how to create a local network? To begin with, you can consider what you may need for this.

A prerequisite is the presence of network cards on all computers. Now they are built into most models, and for their proper operation it is enough to install the appropriate drivers. If you have a problem with the network card, you can buy a new one. In addition to a network card , a certain set of accessories is required.

If you are interested in the question of how to create a local network, then you should know about the need for a network hub. This device is designed for switching between all network devices. Sometimes it is called a switch or hub. There are also such devices that combine the functions of several at once, for example, ADSL modems are equipped with several network connectors. If you purchase such a modem, then the need for a separate hub will disappear. When choosing a switch, you need to focus on the number of computers that should be on the shared network. If you intend to use more than four computers, then you will need a separate network hub to create a LAN connection. A network hub should have more ports than computers should currently be connected, as the local network can gradually grow.

If we talk further about how to create a local network, then it is worth mentioning the need for connecting cables. In the local network, each device must be connected by separate network cables to the hub. The cable length is not allowed to exceed one hundred meters, but this is enough for most offices and apartments. There are two types of cables: crossover and straight. A crossover is applicable for connecting computers to each other, and a direct one for connecting to a hub. If your local network will be created with a hub, then you must use an exclusively straight cable. You need to imagine where the hub will be located, and then measure the distance from it to the computers. It is better to take network cables with a margin in order to be able to move the computer if necessary.

Now that you have all the necessary components, the question of how to create a local area network becomes almost open. All computers must be connected to the hub, and it must be included in the electrical network. On the hub, when the computer is connected, the indicator corresponding to the connection port lights up, which indicates the operating status. If the light does not light, you need to use another cable.

Now it's time to configure the network settings on each of the computers. Configuring network cards to receive addresses should be done manually. Each computer must be assigned network addresses so that their beginning is 192.168.2.x, and put a new number in each computer's place x. Now on all machines you need to assign a working group. It should be the same at all. The names of the machines must be chosen different. After such manipulations, you must restart the computers. Now you can go into the network environment, click there "Display workgroup computers." In the event that you did everything right in the early stages, then there should be no problems.

There are modern applications that allow you to organize the creation of a local network via the Internet, that is, two computers will be removed at a considerable distance, but will perceive each other, as in a regular home group. For example, Hamachi.

That's all with regard to how to create a local network.


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