Samsung TV does not turn on, the red light blinks: possible causes and their elimination. Repair of Samsung TVs

Despite the fact that more and more people use computer technology in their lives, TVs still occupy their dominant place in any apartment. Today, a huge number of various manufacturers of these products are presented on the market, but Samsung's equipment is most popular. However, despite the big name, high quality and modern technology, the devices of this manufacturer sometimes start to work with errors. As a rule, they are not much different from standard faults.

For example, some are faced with the fact that the Samsung TV does not turn on, the red light flashes, but the screen remains dark. In this case, do not sound the alarm, since this problem is solved.

Samsung TV does not turn on; red light flashes

What to do if the TV does not turn on

A TV, like any other complex equipment, can periodically malfunction. However, as a rule, there is no relationship with its service life. In some situations, when the Samsung TV does not turn on, the red light blinks or the monitor immediately goes out, the problem may be hiding in the incorrect switching of the relay or other nodes. Such breakdowns are characteristic of older televisions with picture tubes. Newer LCD models are notable for their sophisticated filling; accordingly, self-repair of such devices is complicated. However, it all depends on whether there was a hardware failure, or if the user was simply smart about the settings.

It is worth noting that in some situations it is really possible to fix the malfunctions yourself. However, in this case, you need to be confident in your knowledge and not to risk it again. First of all, you need to try to determine why the Samsung TV does not turn on. A malfunction can manifest itself in different ways.

Why the LCD TV does not turn on

Almost all modern TVs are equipped with LCD screens. If the Samsung TV does not turn on, the indicator blinks or constantly turns off, then first of all, you need to pay attention to some of the most common symptoms of malfunction. Most often they are associated with damage to the remote control. If the indicator lights, then most likely the battery life of the batteries installed in the device has exceeded. Also, it may not turn on due to improper operation or improper use of the extension cord. Also, many are faced with such a problem when connecting a computer to a TV.

repair tv samsung

Why is the indicator blinking and the TV is not working

If a red, blue or green light gives “life signals”, this means that the technician is independently trying to diagnose the type of breakdown. To determine what exactly happened with the TV, you need to pay attention to the number of flashes of the indicator.

As a rule, all self-respecting manufacturers accompany their equipment with detailed instructions, which indicate the designation of this "Morse code." In some situations, this problem occurs because the user uses an LCD TV instead of a computer monitor. If in this case the sleep mode is turned on on the PC, or it is completely off, then in this case it will be impossible to turn on the TV from the remote control. In this case, the red lamp should blink for several seconds. After that, it goes out.

To understand that the Samsung TV does not turn on and the red light is blinking, just turn on the computer again, or, conversely, turn it off. After that, the TV should begin to function normally.

Why Samsung TV does not turn on

If the indicator is lit continuously

If this happens, then first of all it indicates that the control unit is not receiving the necessary power. Usually, the LCD TV refuses to turn on using the remote control.

In this case, most often the failure lies precisely in the control panel. In order to solve a similar problem, it is necessary to disassemble the device and pay attention to whether the contacts are oxidized. You also need to check the battery life. The emitter must be intact. If before that the remote control buttons were filled with a sweet drink, then this may well be the cause of the breakdown. In this case, it is enough to clean the control panel or purchase a new control device.

If the Samsung TV does not turn on and the red light flashes, then you should try to turn on the device using the control buttons located on the side or back of the TV. However, this method does not always work.

Samsung TV does not turn on indicator blinks

If the TV does not turn on using the buttons on the panel

In this situation, there are two likely causes of the malfunction. In the first case, the device’s built-in protective system could work. This will be indicated by the fact that the device does not turn on at all or turns on for only a few seconds, after which the monitor goes off. In this case, the potential cause of the problem is a voltage drop or a sudden outage. In such situations, the TV automatically enters sleep mode.

To restore normal operation of the TV, it is recommended to unplug the plug from the wall outlet for a few seconds and try to turn on the device again.

If such power outages occur with enviable regularity, then experts recommend purchasing an uninterruptible power supply, surge protector or a special voltage regulator.

Samsung LCD TV does not turn on

Also, the cause of such a malfunction may be a failed processor or control unit. In this case, it will not be possible to fix the breakdown on your own, so you will have to contact the Samsung TV service center. If the device was purchased recently, then in the official Samsung salon, system recovery services should be free.

Choosing the right mode of operation

In a situation where the Samsung TV does not turn on and the red light flashes, you can safely exclude any power problems. Quite often, users simply choose the wrong mode of operation of the device. It is worth considering that every modern TV equipped with an LCD monitor can work in several states at once. The mode can be: standby, DVD or game.

Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to study in detail the instructions for the specific Samsung model and clarify how to switch the TV. It is possible that the device simply works in standby mode. It is in a sleeping state that the screen goes blank, and the indicator light continues to light up in red or green.

To correct the situation, you need to try different modes. In some modern Samsung models, there is a special key, when pressed, you can specify the current state of the system. It is also worth checking the connectors in which plugs from game consoles or players are usually installed. If the game mode is selected on the device, but the device is not connected, the Samsung LCD TV itself does not turn on, although the indicator light is on. However, far from always everything is so cloudless.

Samsung TV malfunction does not turn on

If the TV does not turn on and the LED does not light

In such a situation, there are a huge number of causes of the problem. The most common of these is the lack of voltage at the outlet. In this case, you need to purchase a special tester or screwdriver with an indicator and check the voltage.

If there really is no power, then the answer to the question of why the Samsung TV does not turn on is obvious. In this situation, it is worth trying to turn on and off the electricity in the room with the help of a shield. If the problem persists, it is recommended to contact an electrician.

Another common reason for such a breakdown is damage to the extension cord (if used when connecting a TV). If the old Samsung TV does not turn on, then the fuse may have blown. However, such problems are peculiar exclusively to kinescope models.

The old Samsung TV does not turn on

In addition, any other component responsible for the operation of the device could fail. Therefore, in some situations, Samsung TV repair service is indispensable.

Technical problems

First of all, it’s worthwhile to understand that Samsung’s modern LCD TVs have very complex technological designs that are almost impossible to fix on their own. In case of hardware malfunctions, as a rule, a clicking sound can be heard in the back of the case. It indicates that the built-in blocking module is activated and a failure has occurred in any node. If such clicks are well audible, then you need to contact a specialist.


If the Samsung TV turned off and does not turn on, then the reason for this can be anything. More modern models are equipped with built-in protection against power surges, however older devices can fail with a sudden power outage. In addition, the new TVs have a huge number of settings, which are very easy to get lost in. And if there is a small child in the house, then he could very well “play” with the control panel and set the screen lock and so on. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to study the instructions for the device in detail.


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