Causes of failure and features of repair of diesel engine nozzles

Failure of diesel engine nozzles is fraught with high costs for the purchase of new ones. However, Bosch specialists were able to find a less financially costly way to solve the problem - they taught auto repair shops how to repair nozzles.

Causes of injector breakdown

The main cause of malfunctions in the nozzles remains poor-quality fuel. A diesel engine with a high sulfur or water content clogs the needle channel and atomizer: the spray angle changes, the needle stops.

diesel injector repair

The washer and spring wear less frequently. If shims can still be added to the spring, then the washer must only be replaced. It is very rare that the case becomes unusable - it is damaged mechanically.

Injector Symptoms

The most paradoxical symptom is the sudden appearance of "playfulness" of the engine. This happens when the injectors supply more fuel than necessary. But this effect is soon reversed - the car begins to smoke, fuel enters the lubrication line and the oil level rises.

After a long stay, the car starts up worse and smokes. Idling becomes uneven.

Repair of nozzles of the diesel engine

At service stations, nozzle diagnostics are carried out, malfunctions are detected and, if possible, they are cleaned and worn parts are replaced.

Before starting the diagnosis, the nozzle is cleaned of corrosion and dirt in an ultrasonic bath. Then they examine if the case is damaged. For diagnosis, a plunger pump is used. With its help, injection pressure and needle mobility are measured.

Check for leaks using a maximeter directly on the engine. The nozzle is connected to the pump fitting through this device. The mechanic starter rotates the crankshaft. Diesel injection through the nozzle and the maximeter should start at the same time - this is a sign of normal needle lift start pressure.

Then measured the angle of atomization of fuel on the stand.

In order to independently check the operation of the nozzle, it is necessary to unscrew it and press the thread to the engine. Make a few turns with the starter. If the nozzle is serviceable, it will begin to spark, the correct cone of burning fuel will appear.

In garage conditions, repair of diesel engine nozzles is almost impossible. The only thing a car enthusiast can do is to clean the nozzle body with a brush. The main thing is to maintain perfect cleanliness when removing this part to avoid dust or sand grains from entering the threaded hole.

Do not use open-end wrenches. They can not only erase the edges of the nut, but also crumble it. Caps are suitable for this procedure: they evenly distribute the load on the nut.

Equipment for nozzle repair and diagnostics

The device for adjusting the nozzles consists of:

  • fuel collector;
  • own nozzle;
  • fastenings for the tested nozzle;
  • tank;
  • pressure gauge;
  • distributor;
  • plunger pump.

nozzle repair equipment

This device records the fuel pressure at the beginning of the injection and its rate of decline. If the readings do not meet the standards, then the adjustment is carried out on the same mechanism - the injector spring is clamped or loosened with the adjusting screw.

In the case when the manipulations do not bring results, the worn part is determined and replaced.

fuel injector repair

Failure in nozzles with electronic injection control is more difficult to repair: it is not difficult to replace the mechanical part, and it is not always possible to find an electronic sensor. A destroyed sprayer can be replaced, but this procedure will not completely eliminate the problem: further nozzle operation will be unpredictable. Specialists of service stations in such cases recommend replacing it.

Pump nozzle. Repair Features

The reduced pressure or wear of the sprayer is determined during bench diagnostics, as well as when repairing Common Rail fuel injectors. The difference between the pump nozzles is that each of them is equipped with its own diesel supply pump.

pump nozzle diesel engine repair

The most common failure is the wear of the pressure valve, which is responsible for the dosage of the fuel supply. After its replacement, re-adjustment is carried out at the stand. If it is not possible to adjust the nozzle pressure, then change the plunger (necessary to compress the fuel).

Criteria for assessing the quality of repair of diesel engine nozzles:

  1. When fuel is supplied, normal pressure is generated in the nozzle.
  2. Diesel does not flow out of the sprayer while the pump is closed.
  3. The spray torch is in the correct shape.
  4. After the main injection, the pressure decreases smoothly.

After repairing the diesel pump nozzle, it must be ensured that its installation passes at the correct angle to the GB. Improper location can lead to failure of both the head of the unit and the device itself.

If the repair of the diesel engine nozzles does not produce results or is not possible, you have to change them. Choosing a new nozzle is better than the brand that was installed by the manufacturer.


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