Regression software testing. What is regression testing

When creating high-quality software, it is necessary not only to write lines of code, but also to make sure that there are no errors in them. And if primitive malfunctions are detected in most languages ​​even at the compilation stage, then more complex ones must be found already at the start of applications. This process is called testing. It, in turn, is divided into a number of branches, which differ in their content and features of errors. The article will examine what regression testing is. What is it like? What tests are there? Is there a possibility of automation? So what is regression testing? Let's talk in more detail.

Types, types, directions

Regression testing (regression testing) - a verification mechanism that aims to detect various problems in the already tested areas of programs. This is done not for the final conviction that there are no broken code sections, but to find and correct regression errors. They mean bugs that appear not during the writing of a program, but when adding new sections of code or correcting earlier mistakes in the code syntax.

regression testing

Summarizing all the above, we can conclude that the goal of regression testing is to make sure that the correction of existing problems did not lead to new areas of the program code that were already tested. There are two main types of tests:

  1. Functional.
  2. Unfunctional.

They can be expressed as:

  1. Scripts.
  2. Sets.
  3. Kits to run.

What, in fact, includes regression testing of software? Work is underway in 3 main areas. Namely, regression:

  1. Bugs.
  2. Old problems.
  3. Side effects.

Function tests

They are based on the functions that the system performs. They can be carried out at the component, integration, system and acceptance levels. Two main aspects on which testing is carried out:

  • Requirements.
  • Business processes.

When working on requirements, you need to make a list of what needs to be tested. In this case, it is desirable to highlight priority details in order to determine the direction of work. This is necessary so as not to disregard all the most important functionality. When testing "business processes", the emphasis is on them, that is, everyday work scenarios are run.

regression testing

The advantages of functional verification include the fact that the software imitates the actual use of the system. But there are also drawbacks: for example, a program can be amenable to excessive testing. Loss of logical errors in the software itself is also possible.

Non-functional tests

These types of tests are aimed at checking all properties that are not related to the functions of the system. Of these, you can bring the following parameters:

  1. Reliability. The reaction to various unforeseen situations is checked.
  2. Performance. How a system works that lends itself to different loads.
  3. Convenience. How convenient it is to work with the application, according to the user.
  4. Scale. Requirements for changing the height and width of the application when working with different monitors.
  5. Security. How protected are user data, as well as information during transmission by different channels.
  6. Portability. It checks if the application works on different platforms, and if so, on how many.

software regression testing

What properties of the system can be investigated in these cases? There are 4 of them.

  1. Testing the installation. It is checked how successfully it is possible to install the program on the computer, configure it, and, if necessary, delete it. High-quality tuning allows you to reduce the risk of losing user data or reducing (worsening) the performance of the application.
  2. Comfortability testing. Checking the developed software for ease of use and understandability to the end user.
  3. Configuration testing. It implies checking the operability of the program when installing various system settings, as well as experimenting with the internal settings of the program.
  4. Failure and recovery testing. Functional check after errors occur. The reaction of protective properties is evaluated, as well as what data and to what extent is stored after the application suddenly stops working.

Summing up, it should be said that, although the application operability in terms of fulfilling the tasks does not depend on non-functional tests, they allow us to talk about such properties as reliability, performance, and software security. These parameters characterize the quality of the program and in one way or another leave a certain impression on the user. Therefore, the importance of this testing is no less than that of functional testing.

Test cases

Test cases are called blanks for checking software. They are called automated testing tools. This is special software with the help of which a specialist creates, debugs, executes and analyzes the results of running an application through such developments:

  1. Test scripts. These include instruction sets designed to automatically check individual parts of the software.
  2. Test sets. These are combinations of scripts that test certain pieces of software that are combined by common functionality or goals.
  3. Tests to run. These are combinations of various scripts or sets for simultaneous launch when checking a program.

what is regression testing

Regression Test Automation

Automation of labor is one of the foundations of human development in the 21st century. She touched on this topic. So, by automated testing of software is understood the process of software verification, during which the main functions and tasks, such as launching, initialization and execution, as well as analysis and output of results, are carried out automatically, using the appropriate tools. This action is performed by a technical specialist who is responsible for creating, debugging, and maintaining test scripts, test suites, and tools. Work can be carried out with various software, including regression testing of automated systems.

layout regression testing

Bug regression

By this testing is meant the search for problems that are officially β€œfixed”, but there is reason to believe that they still exist. The peculiarity of this type of checks is that it is necessary to check all actions with a specific object in various combinations. First of all, they test the correspondence of reality to messages on eliminating the problem by the mechanism by which it was identified. Regression testing of layout in this case helps to make sure that there are no undesirable effects.

regression testing what is it

Regression of old mistakes

By this we mean the identification of situations where recent changes made to the program code have invalidated corrections of old errors. Thus, they again begin to be active. Therefore, when making changes to the software code, it is necessary to start the testing processes from the beginning (provided, of course, that there were problems with working capacity).

Side effect regression

It is understood as situations when a recent change in the code in one part of the application made some or all other parts of the developed program inoperative. As an indication of the presence of such problems is the lack of performance in one or more parts of the program. The task of the tester is to identify all problem areas.

regression testing of automated systems

Summing up everything written, what can be said about regression testing? That this is now a topic that should no longer raise questions. It remains only to master everything in practice.


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