Homemade slimming laxative

Sometimes the circumstances are such that in the evening it is necessary to fit into an evening dress, and at the same time, the stomach should be flat. Or you want to look decent on vacation - thereโ€™s simply no time for diets. In such cases, laxatives come to the rescue.

What are they?

A huge class of laxatives can be divided into two large families:

  • Inorganic preparations. Can be used for weight loss as "blowing" the waist and abdomen. They have many side effects.
  • Organic products based on herbal extracts with minimal chemical treatment. By time, they act longer than inorganic, but sparingly relate to the gastrointestinal tract and practically do not cause side effects.

Organic drugs, in turn, are:

  • based on vegetable oils (castor, coconut, almond) - they act gently, the effect of such a laxative for weight loss is optimal;
  • Antraglycosides are extracts of laxative herbs (senna, buckthorn, rhubarb, and grass).
laxative capsules and weight loss

What to choose: tea, pills or syrup

The quickest way to buy pills in a pharmacy and take them according to the instructions, washed down with water. After this, a reaction will begin within four to eight hours, and then the gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed. At this moment, it is best to be at home, because if the action of the medicine catches you at work, in public transport or in traffic, it will be, to put it mildly, unpleasant.

Syrup (for example, the now popular "Fitolaks") differs from the tablets in a softer and faster effect. Bowel movement occurs approximately two to three hours after taking the necessary dosage. Syrup can be used if you plan to be outside the house.

pills and weight loss

For weight loss at home, you can also use tea from self-made herbs. You will need:

  • dry ground senna grass (sold in a pharmacy) - a couple of tablespoons;
  • buckthorn in the same form as senna - one or two tablespoons.

Pour boiling water and let it brew. Take half an hour before meals half a cup. The effect will be mild, it will come about 10-12 hours after the time of administration.

"Bisacodyl" for weight loss at home

This drug belongs to the class of inorganic laxatives. You can buy "Bisacodyl" in any pharmacy, a prescription is not required. These are the most powerful laxative diet pills. The weight after taking will be about two kilograms for a woman weighing 68-75 kg.

But Bisacodyl also has many side effects. Be prepared for them:

  • sharp, piercing pain in the stomach one hour after taking the tablets;
  • nausea with individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer (which is a contraindication to taking "Bisacodyl");
  • in some cases, cutting pains in the intestines, which themselves subside within an hour.
bisacodyl and weight loss

Bisacodyl can be used in the form of suppositories (suppositories) - in this case, stomach pain can be avoided. Bowel movement is faster than when using pills.

Senade for fast weight loss

This is a popular, cheap and safe homeopathic remedy based on senna and Alexandrian leaf. It gained wide popularity among women due to its strong laxative effect, due to which it is possible to get rid of one and a half to two kilograms at a time.

"Senade" for weight loss

โ€œSenadeโ€ has practically no contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended for use by people with gastritis of various etiologies and peptic ulcer. Indications for admission are primarily constipation. But the Senade gained wide circulation among the people precisely as a laxative for weight loss.

A homeopathic remedy does not cause such severe pain as drugs of inorganic origin.

"Fitolaks": is it effective for weight loss

Available in tablets, in the form of syrup, in filter bags. Successfully used by many women as a laxative for weight loss. Almost no side effects and can be used at home.

If you purchased Fitolax in filter bags, you can brew it like tea. If you drink such a drink on an empty stomach, you will forget about problems with constipation.

On sale there are also sweet bars with chocolate flavor "Fitolaks", they also have a laxative effect. The composition includes slices of prunes and dried apricots. Such bars are no longer a medicine, but a biologically active food supplement recommended for people with regular constipation and other stool disorders. For those who want to lose weight, itโ€™s better not to waste your time on such bars, but to choose a drug with a more powerful effect.

slimming capsules

Castor oil as a laxative

This tool has gained truly great popularity among the people. Compresses, masks for softening the skin, and cosmetic dandruff milk are made from castor oil. Few people know that oil is a first-class and safe laxative for weight loss.

Castor oil can be bought either in capsules or in liquid form (30 ml and 50 ml bottles). For those who are unpleasant to swallow regular oil, it is better to use a capsule form.

One tablespoon taken on an empty stomach is enough to experience the laxative effect of this oil in all its glory. The effect occurs approximately 6-7 hours after administration. This laxative for weight loss is one of the safest, cheapest and most effective.

Castor oil can be replaced with almond oil. It also has laxative properties, begins to act after 6-8 hours from the moment of administration. Almond oil can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Senna leaves for weight loss at home

You can buy this weed in dry ground form at any pharmacy.

Depending on your preferences, in tea leaves for tea to two tablespoons of senna, you can add blotch grass, buckthorn or malt root powder. This drink can replace dinner. Keep in mind that buckthorn can give bitterness and astringent taste, and adding sugar and other sweeteners to such a drink is undesirable (so as not to impede the absorption of bioflavonoids). Laxative slimming tea can be made at home. The effect of it will be no worse than pharmacy tablets.

Senna tea is an excellent and inexpensive laxative for weight loss. Reviews about this drink are mostly only positive. If you are too lazy to make tea yourself, you can buy a ready-made "Collecting Laxative" in the pharmacy, which includes crushed dry leaves of buckthorn, nettle and yarrow.

Also on sale there are suppositories (candles) based on senna. Glycelax is an excellent remedy. But in the production of suppositories, modern technologies are used and can not do without adding inorganic components. So for lovers to use only natural and organic products, it is better to opt for a laxative herbal collection or castor oil.

Doctors say this way to lose weight

Doctors are categorical: if you choose between serious fat-burning prescription drugs and a laxative, then you should prefer the second. Often due to bloating and irritable bowel syndrome, the stomach becomes convex and looks unattractive. Laxatives allow you to kill two birds with one stone: to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract and, as a result, become the owner of a flat slender abdomen.

Be on the lookout: if you use laxatives on an ongoing basis (more often than 2-3 times a week), then addiction can occur. The so-called "lazy bowel syndrome." Internal organs get used to getting help from the outside, from pills. And ordinary peristalsis becomes weak. Doctors do not recommend the use of laxatives for weight loss more than once a month. This is the optimal frequency, if you take more - with a high degree of probability there will be problems with intestinal motility.

Inorganic drugs (Guttalax, Bisacodyl, Isaman, Isafenin, Phenolphthalein) are addictive more often and faster. Be especially careful with these medicines.

Guttalax drug

By the way, with the abuse of laxatives for weight loss, an increased amount of hydroxycitric acid can begin to be produced, which affects the level of sugar in the blood. This can contribute to the development of diabetes and in the long term lead to weight gain. This once again proves that you need to use a good laxative for weight loss occasionally and wisely.

How many kilograms can you lose weight in one go?

Initially, laxatives were not created to lose weight, and certainly not for fat loss. These are primarily drugs for constipation and for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Let them have a minimum of side effects - but these are still medicines, and overdoing them can be dangerous.

But due to bowel cleansing, weight loss does occur. What laxative for weight loss will achieve the greatest plumb?

  • "Bisacodyl" - from 0.5 kg to 2 kg at a time;
  • Senade - from 0.5 kg to 1.5 kg;
  • laxative infusions and fees - from 0.5 kg to 1 kg;
  • castor or almond oil - from 0.5 to 1 kg.

Many women believe that laxatives somehow reduce the subcutaneous fat layer. This is a dangerous delusion! Fat burning is a complex process, and it is impossible without a calorie deficit on a daily basis. And laxatives just cleanse the gastrointestinal tract - due to this, weight loss occurs.

What is the most effective laxative for weight loss?

Do not chase a quick result. Many women opt for Bisacodyl, learning that a plumb of about 2 kg can be achieved in one go. But when, after an hour after taking the pill, severe pains in the stomach and nausea begin, they regret their choice. The effect of a laxative for weight loss is the complete emptying of the colon.

A mild and safe agent is castor oil.

Castor oil

If you nevertheless decided to lose weight with the help of a laxative, opt for a natural remedy with a minimum of side effects. Let the plumb line be not so impressive, but you can maintain health and well-being.

What laxative for weight loss at home to choose? You decide - now you know the main differences between these drugs.

Side effects of laxatives

The most common negative effects after taking:

  • Lazy intestine syndrome (occurs with frequent use). Preventing the premature occurrence of drug dependence on laxatives is easier than treating this condition.
  • The release of hydroxycitric acid - affects blood sugar and can contribute to weight gain.
  • Atony of some sections of the intestine - subsequently can lead to complications up to peptic ulcer.
  • With prolonged use, and then a sharp abolition of a laxative, the patient will necessarily suffer from constipation.

It is always worth first to try to lose weight on your own - to do physical education, buy a gym membership, and cut down on the daily calorie intake. And such an extreme as taking potent laxatives for weight loss can be tried only in the most extreme case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9733/

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