"Leovit" cleansing kissel: reviews, composition, instructions

Kissels learned to cook many centuries ago. Initially, this dish served as a full meal. All had their own cooking methods, but most often cereals were the basis. Later, the dish turned into the category of sweet desserts. Now they began to prepare jelly from fruits and berries with the addition of starch or other thickening agent. They are not only tasty, but also very useful. This category includes the cleansing kissel “Leovit”. Reviews say that this is a low-calorie, but at the same time quite satisfying product. It fills the stomach well and gives a comfortable feeling. Doctors confirm that a viscous drink is useful to drink even for those who suffer from stomach ulcers. Today we consider the features of this drink and the ability to prepare an analogue at home.

leovit kissel cleanser reviews

Part of the program

Today in every pharmacy you can find a magic chest that offers those who wish to change in just one week. It includes various sachets that turn into breakfast, lunch and dinner by simply adding boiling water. Having lasted a week on such a menu, you can lose up to 5 kg. In addition to the general menu, there is a separate product - the Leovit cleansing jelly. Reviews say that this is a rather tasty drink that pleasantly fills the stomach and satisfies hunger, pampers receptors and reduces the desire to eat something sweet. This is a very important point, because it allows you to set the person to proper nutrition, eliminating the excess of fatty and sweet foods.

leovit kissel cleansing doctors reviews


This is not just a nice addition to your daily meal. Let’s now take a closer look at what “ Leovit ” cleansing jelly is. Reviews emphasize that after consumption, the stomach feels comfort. And this applies even to people with problem digestion. What effects can be noted:

  • The composition gently envelops the walls of the stomach. This reduces the load when eating coarse, spicy or fried foods.
  • Discomfort in the digestive tract is quickly eliminated. But if a woman is fond of diets, this will be the most problematic place in her body.
  • If you are hungry, drunk jelly nourishes and gives a feeling of comfort.
  • Increased activity and performance are noted by many reviews. Cleansing kisselLeovit ” (“Lose Weight in a Week”) helps to increase the energy tone of the body.

What is still very nice, natural ingredients make jelly safe. It is very convenient to take with you to work, on a hike, anywhere.


In the product line you can see not only the Leovit cleansing jelly. We will now consider its composition, but for now a few words about the other two products.

  • Gastric kissel, which is a mixture of pumpkin, apple, turmeric and carrot. He effectively fights exacerbations of gastritis, which may interfere with the diet. Many patients note that pain and hunger go away quite quickly, which allows you to " build " your body the way you want it.
  • Laxative kissel. If your problem is constipation, then this is the product that will allow you to quickly solve it. Weakened intestinal motility should be treated with the most gentle means, otherwise only exacerbate the problem. The composition of this drink is apple and beetroot , peppermint and buckthorn, as well as dill.
    leovit we lose weight in a week kissel cleansing reviews

Cleansing and Correction

Today, the third product in this series is in focus - the Leovit cleansing jelly. The instruction recommends it for use by those who take care of themselves. The assistant for the body, which is experiencing considerable stress in the process of any diet, is the famous jelly. By itself, it does not have any miraculous effect, but it helps to defeat the appetite, unload and improve the intestines.

So, what does the cleansing kissel “ Leovit ” (“Lose Weight in a Week”) contain? The composition is very interesting. Here, almost all folk remedies are collected to cleanse the body and normalize the digestive organs:

  • Barberry. It is a famous antioxidant. During the diet, it is extremely important to prevent free radical clogging of the body.
  • Bay leaf. Few people know that this familiar spice helps to refrain from excessive consumption of sweets and other simple carbohydrates.
  • Beetroot . It is a natural hepatoprotector.
  • Celery. Metabolic regulator.
  • Green tea. Known antioxidant that also has tonic properties.

Leovit Kissel Cleansing Slimming Reviews

The properties

Such a balanced composition made the Leovit cleansing jelly (“Lose Weight in a Week”) very popular. Of course, all these ingredients can be prepared independently, but it takes a lot of time and effort. If you buy the product in a pharmacy, you just need to fill the contents of the bag with water. Kissel removes metabolic products from the body, which is extremely important. Slagging very often becomes the reason that a person experiences constant malaise and a desire to lie down. And this does not contribute to weight loss. And of course, one cannot but note the great taste.

Clinical data

Today, one can no longer argue about the effectiveness of the Leovit program . Lose weight in a week. " A lot of reviews indicate that if you want, you can achieve excellent results. The following effects are clinically confirmed :

  • Kissel not only cleanses, but also enhances immunity. A mild laxative effect is also noted.
  • Is it possible to take the kissing cleansing “ Leovit ” on an ongoing basis? Reviews of doctors do not exclude this possibility. On the contrary, according to experts, this simple remedy helps to reduce weight, normalizes intestinal motor function, reduces the signs of cholecystitis, and improves the appearance of skin integuments.
  • Kissel has proven itself in all gastroenterological pathologies. This is noted by consumers suffering from gastritis and pancreatitis.

leovit jelly cleansing instruction

Mode of application

So, how is it worth taking the Leovit cleansing jelly? Reviews about losing weight are good, people note not only the pleasant taste and effectiveness of the product , but also the ease of use. According to the instructions, two tablespoons of jelly need to pour 200 ml of boiling water, mix and let it brew for 1 - 2 minutes. It is recommended to take 2 times a day, on an empty stomach. Another effective way to lose weight is to replace one meal with jelly . Best if it's dinner. For those who control their lives, weight and youth, this is the perfect recipe. Unlike most drugs for weight loss, jelly is completely natural and safe.

leovit we lose weight in a week cleansing kissel

Cooking yourself

It is not necessary to buy jelly in bags. No matter how they are advertised , they are still products carefully processed, filled with thickeners and other chemicals. Cleansing jelly can be prepared at home, with your own hands. To do this, use one of the following recipes:

  • Oatmeal jelly. To prepare it, you need to take 300 g of cereal and 100 g of kefir, a large spoon of sour cream and two liters of water. Add a crust of bread and leave for three days near the battery. Now strain and boil until boiling. The output is real jelly.
  • Beetroot mix . This recipe will require a handful of oatmeal and a large grated beet , as well as two liters of water. Boil for 30 minutes and strain.

The laxative effect of them is quite strong, so do not drink before work. Otherwise, it is no worse than the cleansing kissel “ Leovit ”. Reviews say that preparing homemade drinks requires a lot of time, and as a result, the finished drink is inconvenient to take with you to work. This is all true, but the product is exclusively natural.

leovit jelly cleansing composition

Instead of a conclusion

The process of losing weight can be easy and enjoyable if you use the right products. Kissels help create a feeling of fullness of the stomach and protect the digestive tract from unbalanced nutrition during the diet. If you spend a lot of time at work, such a drink can become a real lifesaver. When you want to eat, it’s not at all necessary to reach for cookies. It is enough to dilute a tasty and healthy drink in a glass of water.

Reviews say that kissel helped a lot of people handle overweight. Replacing them with one meal a day, you can lose up to 3 kg within a month. Continuing to follow the set course, in a year you can get rid of 30 extra kilograms or maintain the result without resorting to extreme diets.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9735/

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