How to become an architect and what is needed for this?

Many young people are interested in the question of how to become an architect. This is a prestigious and highly paid profession, and good specialists are always in demand. Nevertheless, becoming a competent architect is not an easy task, which requires long training and titanic efforts.

how to become an architect

Profession history

If you think about how many hundreds and thousands of years there are Egyptian pyramids, ancient temples and other structures, we can conclude that the architect is one of the most ancient professions. One of the most famous names of those times is Imhotep.

During the Renaissance, the profession of an architect became especially popular and prestigious. Since Italy was the center of the development of art, it was in this country that the largest number of talented specialists was concentrated.

With the development of science, technology and industry, the responsibilities of the architect somewhat narrowed. Today, its main function is design. Nevertheless, he has the right to control the process of construction and decoration.

become a famous architect

Why choose an architect profession

Becoming a famous architect is the dream of many young people. There are several significant reasons for this:

  • architecture is not just a field of activity, but a lifestyle;
  • good professionals are respected in society;
  • Considering that architecture does not stand still, you will also constantly develop;
  • the specialist has the opportunity to express his thoughts, transferring them to projects;
  • the ability to work independently without superiors and subordinates;
  • the result of long and painstaking work can not only be seen, but also felt;
  • good projects architects improve people's lives;
  • Despite the need to strictly follow standards, there is always room for experimentation and innovation;
  • a good architect is always in demand (even when retired);
  • the opportunity to work in many fields of activity - from the construction of small residential buildings to large industrial facilities.

what you need to know to become an architect

What you need to know to become an architect

In order to design beautiful and reliable buildings, it is important not only education, but also innate talent. Nevertheless, without a certain theoretical base it is also impossible to become a good specialist. What do you need to know to become an architect? Here are the highlights:

  • computer design programs;
  • basic calculation formulas;
  • fundamentals of environmental and geodetic standards, as well as building maps;
  • compilation and reading of technical documentation;
  • building codes.

Job responsibilities

When wondering how to become an architect, you first need to understand the essence of the profession. So, the duties of a specialist include the following list of tasks:

  • construction of drawings, costing, making layouts, as well as the development of other documentation related to the building;
  • design of the facility whose construction is planned;
  • continuous supervision of the process of building construction in order to determine its compliance with design documentation;
  • making decisions in case of any deviations;
  • contacts with project customers and material suppliers.

can become an architect

Basic requirements for job applicants

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to become an architect, it will be useful to find out what requirements are put forward to applicants for the position. So, when it comes to a solid company, it is important to have the following characteristics:

  • higher education in the relevant profile;
  • at least two years of work experience in a similar position;
  • fluency in popular computer-aided design and modeling programs;
  • knowledge of workflow and the ability to properly draw up paper;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​(if the company works with foreign contractors);
  • knowledge of the latest trends in building materials.

Where to get an education

From young people you can often hear the phrase: "I want to become an architect!" Naturally, for this you need to get an appropriate education. It should be borne in mind that when entering a university it is necessary to have certain drawing and drawing skills, which are simply impossible to obtain as part of the school curriculum. Therefore, the issue of preparation should be taken care of in advance. This is the surest way to become an architect. How many years will it take? At the institute you will have to spend 5-6 years. But a good architect learns and improves all his life.

Of course, those who have been studying at an art school since childhood have the greatest chances for admission. Nevertheless, if you have natural abilities and desire, then the basics of academic drawing can be mastered within 1-2 years. It is worth paying special attention to the image of still lifes and gypsum natures (these tasks are most often encountered upon admission). It is also worthwhile to tighten the drawing with the tutor.

Usually, the competition for a specialty of an architect in universities is quite large. Naturally, not everyone can get the coveted place. But this is not a reason to despair, because there are also schools and technical schools where they teach this specialty. In addition, with a diploma of secondary education, you can also enter the institute. Of course, the training will be delayed, but this is a real chance that you can take advantage.

Few people know that it is quite possible to become an architect without special education. So, you can get a job in a construction or design office, where you will simultaneously receive a salary and receive the knowledge and experience necessary for further career growth. After about 10 years, you will be able to obtain the appropriate license. The main thing is talent and desire.

what subjects you need to know to become an architect

Profile items

Many young people are interested in the question of what subjects you need to know to become an architect. Of course, the list may vary slightly depending on which university you choose. Nevertheless, the standard set of disciplines is as follows:

  • Russian language and literature (standard exam for admission to any university);
  • mathematics (a very important subject for an architect, but the leadership of some institutions replaces it with history, believing that creativity is more important than exact sciences);
  • creative exam (includes tasks on drawing, composition and drawing).

How to become a good architect

It is important not just to get an architect’s education, but to become a good and sought-after specialist. This task requires titanic efforts. Therefore, if you firmly decided: “I will become an architect!”, The following steps must be taken:

  • Carefully choose your school. It is necessary to do this not on the principle of "where to take", but "where it is best taught." Chat with current students or graduates of different universities, as well as try to get information about training programs and compare them with each other.
  • Prepare for admission in advance. About two years before graduation, you should start to study painting and drawing in depth. You can hire a tutor, but it is best to sign up for preparatory courses at the university.
  • Start working as a student. So you will get invaluable experience, which, being multiplied by fundamental theoretical knowledge, will make you a valuable specialist.
  • Many ambitious graduates seek to open their own architectural bureau immediately after graduation. This is a mistake. It will be much better if the first few years you work under the supervision of an experienced architect, from whom you can learn from the experience of management.
  • Develop your own style. This can be done by carefully studying the work of famous masters.
  • Do not miss a single festival, exhibition and other events where you can prove yourself. Even if you do not have the best practices to show your skills, be sure to attend such an event to get acquainted with the latest trends in the field of architecture.

I want to become an architect

What prevents to be a good architect

Thinking about how to become a good architect, you should know not only about those things that contribute, but also about those that impede the achievement of your goal. The second category should include the following:

  • Search for easy ways. Even if you have a natural talent for drawing and sketching, this does not mean that you have an architect’s diploma and a well- paid job in your pocket. To achieve the goal you need to work hard and strive for new knowledge.
  • The dream of a high salary. You need to understand that the "price" of an architect rises with experience. Sometimes, it takes more than one year before a specialist earns a name and a good reputation.
  • Impressiveness and vulnerability. These qualities are one of the main enemies of the architect. Be prepared for the fact that your professional qualities and projects will be severely criticized by customers and management.

Personal qualities of a good architect

What does it take to become an architect? First of all, these are innate abilities and personal qualities that will become your support in the process of mastering the profession. So, a good architect should have the following characteristics:

  • Creative potential. It can not be identified with the banal ability to draw. Pencils, markers, paints and more - these are just tools to help you reflect original and innovative ideas.
  • Spatial thinking. This is a very important quality for an architect, because he must create not just a flat picture, but also represent three-dimensional images. Fortunately, if you do not have this quality by nature, it is quite possible to develop it.
  • A heightened sense of responsibility. Since the architect creates not simple objects, but those in which people will spend time, he must take care not only of aesthetics and comfort, but also of safety.
  • Perseverance. In order to make a good project, you will have to sit over the Whatman paper for more than one hour.
  • Sense of taste. This quality is simply a must for an architect who wants to engage in creative projects, rather than typical buildings.
  • Observation. A good architect should notice all the details of existing objects, so as not to repeat and create something new and unusual.
  • Good visual memory, which will greatly facilitate your work on the project.

Current state of the industry

Unfortunately, at the moment, domestic architecture is going through hard times. Not only qualified specialists, but also ordinary people note that modern buildings are tasteless and even ugly. At the same time, genuine monuments of architecture are being destroyed under the influence of time and the human factor.

If we talk about the labor market, then the situation here is also not the best. Getting a good well-paid job is not so easy, because the competition in this area is huge. Nevertheless, any crisis tends to end. It is possible that a new generation of young professionals will take Russian architecture to a whole new level.

what you need to become an architect


An architect is one of the most prestigious professions with a history spanning several millennia. It gives not only a good financial position, but also a high status and respect in society. That is why many are interested in the question of how to become an architect. Of course, for this you need a natural talent, but without hard work, you will not succeed in becoming a good specialist. You need to constantly learn, improve and take on any job in order to gain invaluable experience. Be prepared for the fact that it can take you years of training and work to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist.


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