How to change the language on the iPhone: the main ways

The “apple” iOS platform, which runs the now extremely popular iPhones and iPads, has, in addition to numerous chips, another interesting feature - multilingualism. This implies the presence in your device of a lot of pre-installed localizations. Among other languages, naturally, there was a place for the “great and mighty”.

how to change language on iphone

It is not so important where exactly you bought the gadget - at least at the North Pole. In the settings there is always a Russian language for the system and the main keyboard. But sometimes it happens that some users fall into the hands of an apparatus where the localization of the interface is framed in a language other than Russian.

Translation difficulties

Of course, with English letters you can at least somehow figure it out, but what to do with oriental or Asian hieroglyphs? This is where the quite natural question arises: how to set up an iPhone in Russian and do it painlessly both for the gadget itself, without damaging the system settings, or for the user. The problem may not be so acute, but it introduces some into a real stupor. So, let's figure out how to change the language on an iPhone, empirically. The methods described below are suitable for absolutely all versions of gadgets, including iPads with iPods.

First inclusion

If the device was purchased at a distributor’s store, that is, it was packed, no one had ever used it, then the question of how to change the language on an iPhone practically disappears. It’s enough to turn on the device, and after the welcome screen you will immediately be transferred to the country selection and, accordingly, localization section. We select the language you need and then work with the platform in familiar letters.

iPhone menu

It is also worth noting that many CIS countries support the Russian language, but each specific, different from domestic localization has its own nuances. Therefore, do not be too lazy to flip through the sections of the regions and choose exactly Russia, and not Armenia or Kazakhstan. Pay special attention to this before changing your language on your iPhone.

Subsequent Inclusions

If you came across a gadget with an already installed unfamiliar localization, then you will have to navigate through the pictures. First of all, we find the gear icon in the iPhone menu, that is, the settings. Next, in the window that opens, click on the identical shortcut and scroll down the screen to iTunes Wi-Fi. Regardless of the localization, this item will always be depicted in English letters, so there should be no further confusion.

We are interested in the paragraph above this inscription, which is precisely responsible for working with languages. After clicking on it, a new window will open where you need to select the topmost line in the menu. This item opens a list of all available languages, including Russian.

how to set up an iPhone in Russian

Next, select the selected language with a click until a blue checkmark appears and click on the icon in the upper right corner, which is located exactly under the battery indicator. This is a kind of “Accept / Enter”. After some time necessary to install localization, your gadget will take the usual Russian-language look. If something went wrong and you missed somewhere, it is best to turn it off, then turn on the device again and repeat the procedure from the very beginning, and not try to continue wandering around the hieroglyphs. Keep this in mind before changing your language on an iPhone.


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