Interpretation of sleep: why dream of seeing cacti in a dream by authoritative authors

Cactus is a symbol of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions that the dreamer will have to endure in reality. Seeing a blooming cactus in the kingdom of Morpheus is good luck. The planned affairs will be successfully implemented. If an exotic plant was standing on a windowsill, in real life a sleeping person will have a conversation with a wise educated person who will share valuable tips with him.

A large beautiful plant that attracts attention, personifies the bright and extraordinary nature of the sleeper. He is a born leader, accustomed to always achieve his goals, bravely overcoming obstacles in his path.

Who had a dream?

If a man dreams of a flowering cactus in a pot, a dream book indicates that there is a woman in his environment who wants to have an affair with him. A dreamer will have romantic dates and passionate love hugs if he succumbs to the charms of his fan and yields to her desires.

In a dream, a woman cactus indicates that she will meet an interesting person, whose personality for her at first will remain a mystery. In conversations with him, the sleeping woman will understand that she has met a "soul mate" and will be able to openly share her innermost thoughts and desires with a new acquaintance.

Dream action

Cactus in the desert

Actions sleeping in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • A dream in which it happened to be pricked by a cactus, the dream interpretation is interpreted as a reflection of the harshness and short temper present in the character of the sleeping person. With his defiant behavior, he involuntarily repels people who would like to know him better and build a good relationship with him. The dreamer must learn to control outbursts of anger and have great respect for others.
  • Transplanting plants in pots is a sign that a secret will be revealed to the dreamer. He will have to take great responsibility and decide whether to disclose the information received or to keep the secret forever.
  • Transplanting a flower from a small pot into a larger pot promises an acquaintance with a person, communication with which will cause the dreamer to change his view of some things. Having overestimated his values, he will be able to take a fresh look at life and find many bright moments in it.
  • Often a dream in which you have to care for cacti is a favorable sign. The dreamer has great potential, which he must reveal and develop. If he makes enough effort, he will be able to discover unexpected talents in himself.
  • If the sleeper wanted to transplant the plant and involuntarily pricked about the cactus spines, the dream book indicates that he is biased against some people from his environment. Refusing to communicate due to imperfections in the character of a person, the sleeping person forgets that he himself is not ideal. You should be more tolerant of people and always remember your own shortcomings.
  • Buy a lot of cacti and put them in your home - in reality you have to face a difficult choice. Do not be afraid of responsibility and undesirable consequences - luck favors the dreamer. Whatever decision he makes, his family will give him their support and stand on his side.

What cactus dream of: Wangi's dream book

Prickly flower
  • Pricking with sharp needles of a plant is a warning that someone will try to slander the dreamer. Enemies are guided by envy of the achievements and successes of the sleeper.
  • Giving a cactus as a gift to your friend is a reflection of a secret hostility towards this person and discontent with his behavior.
  • To wade through densely growing thorny shrubs - to the onset of a difficult period in life. At work, in the family and in relationships with the other half of the sleeper, failure will follow. A well-deserved reward awaits him if he manages to find the strength in himself to overcome with dignity the trials that have fallen to his lot.

Miller's treatment

Cactus in a pot

In Millerโ€™s dream book, a cactus with beautiful flowers is the personification of the dreamer's inner world. He is an honest and open person with a good heart, so people subconsciously strive to find a faithful friend in his face.

A dream can also indicate the original thinking of the sleeping person and his inherent charisma, thanks to which he stands out from the crowd.

Dream Book of Longo

What cactus dream of: the interpretation of sleep

See cacti from Longo's dream book:

  • A prickly plant promises a meeting with a secretive and reserved person who, in the process of communicating with a sleeping person, will be liberated and gain self-confidence. The main thing is to show patience and delicacy, so as not to push away a new acquaintance.
  • To prick about sharp thorns - in reality you have to experience disappointment in a loved one. Perhaps the blame for all the high expectations of the dreamer, his ghostly illusions and ideals that do not have an objective basis.
  • Carefully take care of the cactus - to a fascinating conversation with an interesting interlocutor.
  • If a cactus blooms in a dream, the dream book promises the sleeping harmony in life. No difficulties can disturb the peace and tranquility that he will feel on his heart and soul.

Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Sharp thorns plants

If a man dreams of a strong young plant, then in reality he is in good physical shape. On the contrary, a wilted cactus warns of health problems. If recently the dreamer is worried about feeling unwell, he needs to see a doctor as soon as possible. The signals of the body should not be ignored, otherwise serious complications will arise.

To see a cactus with many needles is a reflection of the sleeping personโ€™s desire to show off his sexual abilities. He is proud of his own achievements in intimate life and does not hesitate to share them with others.


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