I dreamed of dust: a dream book. Wipe the dust in a dream

As you know, in night dreams we can dream of a variety of objects and phenomena. Since ancient times, people have wondered what they mean. So, people wondered whether dreams are prophecies or whether they are in no way connected with what awaits us in the future. Today we suggest finding out what you should prepare for if at night you dreamed of some form of dust. Dream Interpretations interpret this vision differently. We offer the help of the most comprehensive and trustworthy sources. So why do you dream of dust?

dust dream book

Dream Book of Gustav Miller

To begin with, we learn how one of the most famous esotericists in the world considers this image. So, dust, according to Gustav Miller, warns the dreamer that he will have to deal with unprincipled and unscrupulous people in the near future. Therefore, be careful. You may be able to recognize them. If you fancy that you are covered in dust, then you expect minor losses. The dream in which you clean clothes from dirt indicates that after minor difficulties you will be able to master the situation again. However, this may take some time.

What interpretations for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity does this dream book contain? Wipe the dust and generally clean the apartment - to improve relations with her husband. Also your children will be cheerful and obedient. If the lady imagined that her house has a dirty floor, but for some reason she is not trying to clean, then in the near future you may suffer disappointments and troubles.

dream book wipe dust

Assyrian dream book

A very interesting interpretation is offered by this source. So, its compilers argue: if a person dreamed that he was eating dust, then he would soon become decrepit. He also runs the risk of poverty, alienation. Fortune will turn his back on him.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

Road dust, according to information from this source, indicates that in the future you risk being subjected to some serious humiliation. Perhaps you will remember this for a long time. At least that's what the dream book says. Dust in the house is seen as a symbol of time, desolation and disappointment. Perhaps you are not paying enough attention to certain aspects of your life. Do not miss the time, so that in the end you do not experience the deepest disappointment. After all, life is given to us only once.

dream book dust on the floor

Russian dream book

We learn how this source interprets the vision in question. So, the dream interpretation suggests interpreting dust as a symbol of eternity. But in everyday life, it is a sign of sloppiness, neglect and a harbinger of future losses. It is possible that you need to reconsider your attitude to certain things so as not to regret it. If you dreamed that strangers would help you clean your dirty clothes, then in real life you would suddenly make true friends. A vision in which a curtain of dust appeared before you indicates that you should not spend energy trying to look into the future, as this will not lead to anything good.

dream book to clean dust

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What is worth preparing if you have dreamed dust raised by a car traveling on a country road ? The dream interpretation considers such an image as the possible appearance of disagreements with relatives that arose on the basis of the inheritance of some property. Sneezing from dust - to be laughed out of ignorance of basic things. Dirty clothes promise a serious loss.

What else can the dream book tell on the subject under discussion? Remove dust in your own home - to a change of scenery or place of work. If you dreamed that you knock out carpets, then career growth awaits you. Blowing dust in the eyes (in a figurative sense) is a shame, the consequences of which will haunt you for a long time.

Esoteric dream book

Wipe off the dust and clean the apartment - to the liberation from turmoil and life's difficulties. Very soon you will feel harmony and joy from everything that happens. If it seems to you that you are cleaning the office or other workplace, then soon you will be able to get rid of annoying people, most likely colleagues.

dream book dust in the house

Dream Book of the White Wizard

Now we propose to learn about another interpretation of the image in question. So, this dream book dust on the floor, which you have been going for a long time, but still decide to remove, is regarded as a reflection of the fact that in real life you have accumulated a lot of unsolved problems and unfinished business. You are anxious about ending this. However, do not take any action. And the problems are growing like a snowball. Be sure to do everything possible to unravel this tangle, even if it seems to you that it is almost impossible to do. At the same time, the compilers of the dream book do not advise too rushing to resolve difficulties. Therefore, do not set yourself impossible tasks, but try to resolve issues gradually.

If it seems to you that you wiped the dust everywhere, and your home shines with cleanliness, then a couple of lulls will soon come to life. You can spend more time with your beloved activities and communication with loved ones. However, do not relax too much, as this period will not last forever. Also, the compilers of the collection of interpretations recommend that you do not relax and do not lose shape so that the process of transition from relaxation to active activity does not become stress for you. If you dreamed that you didn’t do the cleaning all by yourself, then in real life you will need helpers or allies in order to finish some serious business. Therefore, in the near future it makes sense to be puzzled by their search.

A dream in which you watch the cleaning from the side indicates that in reality you will not have to make special efforts to achieve any goals. It is possible that you can take advantage of the labor of others. And while you will not experience the slightest reproach of conscience. However, remember that this cannot go on forever. Sooner or later, you’ll have to pay the bills. Therefore, try not to appropriate the results of someone else's work, but try to do as many tasks as you can on your own. In this case, you will not be in danger. And besides, you can experience true satisfaction from a job well done.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9756/

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