The chest of dreams is examined from all sides

Dreams from ancient and ancient times interest mankind. From what depths of the subconscious, collective reason, or the depths of the Universe do symbols and images come to us at night, forcing us to look through the dream book for clues? The male chest, and more often, of course, the female, in dreams has ambiguous symbolic meaning.

Dreaming in yoga has its own section and practice of lucid dreaming, based on an ancient Tibetan document dating back more than one millennium. For 14 years, German psychologist Frederick Van Aiden was engaged in lucid dreams, who drew knowledge and inspiration from Hinduism, but still could not find a way to watch dreams with full understanding, as if “ordering” them for himself.

Many scientists spent years studying dreams, more than one scientific institution was created, Grof discovered the method of holotropic breathing, which allows you to "see" pictures that are close to dreams. But the main question, how dreams are connected with reality, remained open.

Psychologists consider the dream as a kind of use by the consciousness of reality, a dream, as it were, "consists" of individual pieces, fragments of events. But no one can explain why they are going into a logically structured plot and even carry some information (for example, dead people tell something to a sleeping person). In addition, for example, the dream interpretation of the chest is largely the same, which indicates the coincidence of the symbols of dreams, just as there is a coincidence of world stories in folklore.

Perhaps Jung came closest to the solution, who saw in each individual dream the experience of a collective mind deep in the subconscious of every person and carrying the experience of all previous generations. He also noted the special emotionality of dreams, conveying its deepest meaning and fate.

Many characters remain a mystery, not only dream interpretation of breastfeeding interprets in different ways. Most professional psychoanalysts find it difficult to decipher obsessive dreams with female breasts.

Another scientist, Erich Fromm, believed that in ancient times there was a language of symbols, common to all people who inhabit our planet. It was based on images that now emerge from the subconscious in dream plot scenes. All theories are interesting, in each part of the truth may be hidden, but the question of why people see prophetic dreams has remained unsolved for now.

Chest dream book is considered mainly as a symbol of prosperity

When in a dream you have to breastfeed a baby (and in general anyone), this symbolizes good luck, especially if the breast is beautiful and young. But sagging breasts - not bad, it is a sign of loyalty to a partner. If a man sees a woman’s naked torso, this means that in his beloved he seeks, first of all, maternal feelings, you really need to reconsider your life positions, it is time to stop being a boy and grow up.

In most cases, the dream book is inclined to be regarded as a sign of good luck, prosperity and wealth. Only the appearance of a wounded and bloody or dirty chest is of poor importance. Then fate can throw troubles, trials or rivals who are just waiting for the right moment to get your spouse out of the family.

Seeing a woman without a chest in a dream is a warning that family disorder lies ahead. Get ready and concede in everything, then quarrels can be avoided. The female torso, which dreamed at night, has many interpretations, causing a number of associations, in the first place among which, of course, is the symbol of motherhood, since under its sign the formation of personality occurs. The dream interpretation interprets the cut-off chest as a symbol of treason and betrayal.

In addition to maternal motifs, there is another one associated with the female breast in dreams. This is a feeling of isolation from the home, especially if this event has just happened. A person with stubborn constancy can dream of such dreams. Whatever relationship he had with his mother, longing and a feeling of loneliness will haunt him for some time. It is important to overcome the destructive feeling, to understand that an adult cannot be under any guardianship and has grown enough to live independently. A mother needs a strong and self-confident son who will be an assistant, not a yellow-handed youngster, who still beaks his beak in the hope that they will constantly put food there.

If you are haunted by dreams about your chest, look into the dream book: a large chest symbolizes good luck and prosperity, direct all your strength not to longing and moaning about the past, but to success and improving your well-being.


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