Smartphone review Philips Xenium I908, reviews

Every modern person has his own phone. All models differ from each other in their appearance, design, capabilities and characteristics. True, all of them are simultaneously similar to each other. Today we will learn about the Philips Xenium I908. This, according to the manufacturer, is a fairly new smartphone of the latest generation, which will provide us with many incredible and useful features. But is it really so? What do consumers think about the Philips Xenium I908? Are they happy with their purchase? Or does the manufacturer simply advertise an unremarkable product well?

philips xenium i908


The first thing you should pay attention to is the size of the device. Philips Xenium I908, a review of which is presented to our attention, has quite impressive parameters. But they are still several times smaller than most modern smartphones.

The thing is that the length of the Philips Xenium I908 phone (black or white) is 143 millimeters, the width is 70, and the thickness is 8.8. To be honest, this smartphone can not be called ultra-thin. Rather, he is ordinary. This does not prevent customers from using this model with comfort. However, sometimes customers say that this model is not particularly suitable for small female pens or for children. Nevertheless, Philips Xenium is still quite popular among the entire population.

It is also worth noting that such a device does not weigh very much. Only 150 grams. As practice shows, it is not difficult to handle the phone, it will not get lost in trousers or a jacket, you will always feel the light weight of the smartphone. This means that you do not have to check every time whether your equipment is in place or not.


The phone display is also an important point. And so many customers carefully study it before buying. After all, the quality of the image transmitted to us depends on it. Smartphone Philips Xenium I908 boasts pretty good performance in this area. Especially regarding its diagonal. She is 5 inches. Compared to its counterparts, this is not very much. But for games and reading books for the device, this is quite enough. Especially considering the rather compact size of the phone as a whole.

In addition, the resolution here is also very pleasing - 1080 by 1920 pixels. This means that with Philips it will be possible to watch video in good quality, and also not harm your eyesight while using the device. The screen of the Philips Xenium I908 is capacitive and, of course, touch. It is reliably protected by a special glass that prevents scratches and other damage. The color rendering of the smartphone also receives good reviews - 16 million colors and shades. So you can be sure that with such a phone you can always observe a bright and clear, rich picture on the display. And all this even in the sunlight!

philips xenium i908 review

CPU + system

For any phone, features like a processor and an operating system are important. The entire functionality of the device as a whole depends on them. And the Philips Xenium I908, whose review is of interest to many buyers, offers us, in this regard, incredible opportunities. But first, a little about the usual. It's about the operating system.

Philips Xenium I908 (Black, White) the familiar and familiar "Android" is installed for everyone. True, the version is not very new - 4.4. Nevertheless, it is very popular among buyers. After all, such an โ€œAndroidโ€ allows for detailed settings. And this cannot but rejoice. Also, according to users, it is on this version that you can activate and run many useful and interesting applications and games, including the latest news. But if you want a newer Android, then there is always the possibility of automatic updates. In practice, this is extremely rare. Especially if you are interested in using the phone for games.

In addition, the Philips Xenium I908 (Black, White) is a completely new word regarding the processor. After all, as many as 8 cores will be offered here. Each power at 1.7 GHz. Just this moment also pleases buyers most of all. Perhaps the most powerful processor has not yet been invented. So, together with the Philips Xenium, you get a real gaming smartphone with many features.


There is such a characteristic in the phone as RAM. She, together with the processor, is responsible for the operability of the device as a whole. It is believed that the greater this indicator, the better. But, as practice shows, this does not always happen.

philips xenium i908 reviews

For example, the exception is the Philips Xenium I908 smartphone (black and white). Here, by modern standards, there is not much RAM - only 2 GB. If we compare with some analogues, then this figure reaches 3-4 GB. Nevertheless, many claim that the RAM does not interfere with the performance of the device. Rather, it is thanks to her that the Philips Xenium I908 Black gets very good reviews . After all, the ratio of "RAM - processor" here is just perfect.

Buyers claim that the smartphone works no worse than their more powerful counterparts. Perhaps the quality can be compared with a model that has 4 GB of RAM. You can launch the latest in the mobile gaming industry with Philips Xenium in huge quantities. And with all this, do not harm the speed of the device.

Place on the phone

The space that can be filled with personal data is an important characteristic. And in this regard, the Philips Xenium I908 gets good reviews. True, among buyers there are still those who are dissatisfied with something.

Philips Xenium offers us 16 GB of free space. But in reality, the user will be provided with only 14-15 gigabytes. This is due to the installation of the operating system. In principle, not so little. But not much. Enough for the average buyer.

Nevertheless, often people complain that they are sorely lacking space on the Philips Xenium I908. You can fix the situation. Firstly, systematically clean the device. This will help not only to free up space, but also contribute to speeding up the device. And secondly, take advantage of one feature of the model. And now we will meet her.

philips xenium i908 black

Memory card

Of course, we are talking about an additional memory card connection. To be honest, this feature is not present so often now. For some reason, manufacturers are trying to abandon it. And buyers do not like it. But in the case of the Philips Xenium I908, everything is in order. After all, with a shortage of space, you can always connect to a MicroSD device (the most common format). But there are limitations.

For example, only models up to 32 GB inclusive are available for connection. Yes, you can try to add more space. But remember: you do this at your own peril and risk. As customers assure, when you connect a memory card with 64 GB or higher, the data is damaged, and the Philips Xenium phone starts to work with malfunctions and other malfunctions. Sometimes they become critical. So itโ€™s better to learn to find in all measure. Another little tip - do not fill in all the free space on the memory card. Leave approximately 1-1.5 GB free. This will help you once again protect yourself from the occurrence of system failures and malfunctions.

Communication support

Philips Xenium I908 - a new generation phone. So, it should be universal in the matter of supported types of communication. Fortunately, in fact it is. Especially when you consider that Philips Xenium is a representative of the latest generation of smartphones.

philips xenium i908 black

As with all modern models, there is GPS, and GPRS, and 2G networks. In addition, you can easily and simply enjoy a 3G connection. Wireless internet and bluetooth data transfer are also present. And the latest version is 4.0. It helps to quickly, efficiently and reliably transmit information using Bluetooth technology.

True, the smartphone has one drawback. Despite the fact that this is a gaming and powerful phone of the latest generation, it does not support 4G. This type of communication has only received its distribution. But he is already very popular. In principle, you can buy a Philips Xenium I908 if you do not plan to develop 4G in the next few years. There are no more flaws in the issue of communication in the model.

Another feature is support for multiple SIM cards. When using different operators, no glitches or malfunctions were noticed. So, you can count on high-quality communication. This is exactly what all customers need. True, some still do not risk using two SIM cards at the same time. Although the Philips is unrivaled in this matter. Today's model almost does not cause problems with simultaneous calls to two SIM cards at once.

Take pictures

The camera on the phone is also important for many. Of course, if you initially choose a model without it, then you can consider the smartphone obsolete. After all, modern technology must be interchangeable. In this regard, the Philips Xenium I908 Black gets good reviews. The camera does not produce great enthusiasm for the public, but it still remains at its best.

smartphone philips xenium i908 black

For example, it is worth noting immediately: in the model there are 2 cameras. Front shoots with 5 megapixel quality. This is a very high rate. For comparison: the camera on a laptop on average offers 2-3 megapixels. With this device, you can take high-quality selfies and make calls using a video call. Sometimes itโ€™s convenient.

The second type of camera is the rear. She is responsible for the quality of videos and photos and has a resolution of 13 megapixels. In addition, there is a face recognition system and smiles, as well as automatic flash and autofocus. All this contributes to obtaining quality videos and photos. Even if you are on the move. Underwater, of course, you canโ€™t shoot, but for regular shooting the Philips Xenium camera is more than enough.

Battery and runtime

The Philips Xenium I908 smartphone has a very capacious and good battery. True, it is not removable. And its volume is 3000 mAh. Finding a phone with a larger capacity is now almost impossible. So, you can count on a long and uninterrupted operation of the device. That is what many customers think.

But in reality it turns out that the Philips Xenium I908 discharges quite quickly. Of course, this to some extent depends on the activity of use. But according to reviews, the quality of the battery of a smartphone does not suit many. In standby mode, the device can lie up to 3 months. But once you start actively using it, you will have to recharge the charge after 2 days. So get ready to keep your charger ready.

Price category

We have already found out that we are dealing with a gaming phone. Now it's time to find out the price of this miracle of technology. If you do not take into account the small space on the phone, then by its characteristics it is very powerful. Of course, the price of the Philips Xenium should also be appropriate. The way it is.

The average cost of a smartphone Philips Xenium I908 is 15-18 thousand rubles. True, many buyers claim that this is a fairly humane price. Especially when you consider which processor is embedded in the device. True, sometimes for the same price you can find something more powerful. But you have to prettyly shake your nerves.

phone philips xenium i908


So is it worth paying attention to the Philips Xenium I908, reviews of which we now know? This question excites many potential buyers. After all, the price of the device is not very small. Of course, everyone decides for himself. But bypassing the Philips Xenium is not necessary.

If you need a powerful gaming smartphone with a good camera, as well as other features, then our today's model is worthy of attention. Of course, if you are not confused by the fact that the Philips Xenium I908 will have to be constantly charged. But for people who plan to play and have fun with a mobile phone for a long time, this option will not work at all. So it all depends on your needs.


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