Engagement Theater in Tyumen: how to get there? Reviews

One of the most spectacular forms of art is rightfully considered a theater. Having visited one performance, you can enjoy a talented acting, refined vocals, subtle work of the illuminator, exciting dialogs and original choreography. This is the action that can transfer us to the world of another reality and make us forget about the surrounding reality. Each theater has its own history, repertoire, troupe and special atmosphere, and the Tyumen theater "Engagement" in this regard will not be an exception.

How the theater came about

"Engagement" as a private theater in Tyumen appeared on the initiative of entrepreneur Viktor Zagoruyko together with artist Leonid Okunev in 1994. The post of chief director was taken by Mikhail Polyakov, a great professional in stage production, winner of the State Prize and the highest award of the Union of Writers of Russia - the medal "Vasily Shukshin".

Engagement Theater Tyumen
This is not to say that this is an engagement theater for children in Tyumen or a youth theater, although it was previously conceived of in this way.

History of development

“Engagement” is known to the theater public in Tyumen not only for its memorable productions, but also for great charitable actions. From 1997 to 2000, from the very first days of its creation, the theater began to conduct theater lessons based on works by popular authors. Original creative ideas were supported by the regional committee on culture.

Theater Engagement Tyumen

The two thousandth year became a landmark in the life of the amateur theater. The acting troupe was actively growing. New performers of the main and secondary roles came - applicants of the acting faculty of TGIIiK. The Youth Theater of Tyumen received municipal status.

Prizes and contests

The skill of the performing staff, a delightful language and a well-chosen list of performances allowed the youth theater "Engagement" to win the love of the inhabitants of Tyumen, as well as become a participant and winner of many competitions and prizes.

repertoire of the engagement theater Tyumen

In 1994, the production of this theater, The Leader of the Redskins, based on a novel by the writer O'Henry, became a laureate at the Real Theater art festival in Yekaterinburg, which over time became one of the most famous in Russia and in the world.

Repertoire of the Engagement Theater in Tyumen in November
The play "Nosferatu" from the repertoire of "Engagement" was not only popular with fans of the Tyumen theater, but was also noted and awarded by critics of the international festivals Kolyada-Plas in Yekaterinburg and Molodova. Fest ”in Chisinau in 2010. It was with her that the theater won the grand prix at the international festival “Theater. Chekhov. Yalta. " This extraordinary performance caused an enthusiastic response from the public in Tambov at the competition named after Nikolai Rybakov. With the performance “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, created by Oleg Bogaev according to the popularly beloved book of N. V. Gogol, “Engagement” travels across Russia and wins the hearts of people not only in Tyumen, but throughout the world.


First of all, the theater was created as a charitable organization, designed to educate and educate those parts of the population that most need support: orphans, unemployed, large families, children of military personnel and liquidators. For example, once a theater troupe made a gift to the Tyumen City Development Charity Fund. His pupils received more than two hundred tickets to the play "The Snow Maiden's Birthday".

Theater troupe

"Engagement" regularly replenishes the troupe of its theater with graduates of the Institute of Arts and Culture of Tyumen. In total, it includes 15 people.

Children's Theater Engagement Tyumen
The troupe consists of: Leonid Okunev - artistic director, director of the Engagement Theater since 2005, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, talented, wonderful and beloved public actors: Igor Kudryavtsev, Maxim Ivanov (Rogoza), Ekaterina Zorina, Roman Zorin, Nikita Gerasimov, Denis Rekalo , Nikolai Kudryavtsev, Lyudmila Suvorova, Vladislav Darichev, Tatyana Pshenichnikova, Vitaliy Krinitsin, Nadezhda Emelyanova, Andrei Zakharenko, Galina Ponyatovskaya, Yana Shveina, Irina Nesterova, Anastasia Gavshina, Elena Gorlatova, Nikolai Davydov, Alexey Shlyamin, Yulia, silverside Zakharov, Irina Krasnova, Kseniya Kudryavtseva, Hope Yemelyanov, Denis Yudin, Sophia Lavrusenko Ilya Chan, Natalia Karaganov, Lyudmila Petrusheva Albina Zakharova, Elena Yudina.

What productions can I see

The repertoire of the Engagement Theater consists of performances for children and youth, but there are also performances for senior viewers based on the works of classical prose writers and poets: Gogol, Shergin, Averchenko, Shakespeare, Slutsky, Bulgakov, Moliere, Schwartz, Omelyanchuk, etc. Some performances age restrictions. The following productions are very popular among the public: the play “The River Continues”, the tragedy “Zoykina Apartment”, the tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”, the adventurous comedy “Six Dishes from One Chicken”, the lyric drama “Music at Night,” the play “A Very Simple Story”, the stage composition Wine of Love, the comedy The Lord Who Pays, the play The Incredible Crime of Julia and Natasha, the detective game The Secret of the Enchanted Portrait, and the play At the Ark at Eight.

Youth Theater Engagement Tyumen
There are also premieres in the new season: a tale for the smallest “Hedgehog, Teddy Bear and Holes. Pyr. ”, performance“ Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf ”, as well as a large-scale theater project - comedy A.N. Ostrovsky "Not all cats Shrovetide." The performances “Claws, wings, 2 tails!”, The performance for children “Clever dog Sonya”, the performance “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, brought a lot of joyful impressions primarily to the children's audience. New Year’s premieres are expected: the performance "Morozko", the festive performance "Birthday of the Snow Maiden", the play "New Year's Tower". In total, the Tyumen “Engagement” has 20 different plays, comedies, and fairy tales in its repertoire, but on an ongoing basis the theater puts on 15 performances.

Theater Engagement Tyumen address

The Engagement Theater in Tyumen has its own page on the VK network. There you can read information about the repertoire, the cost of the admission ticket, the time of the premiere, get acquainted with the biography of the actors, photos from the performances, participate in the draw of invitation tickets, and there is also a very useful function for online ticket sales. The page on VKontakte will also be useful if you want to review articles about performances, announcements of performances, a biography of members of the cast. The theater is actively collaborating with the Drama Theater. Chekhov from Serov, "Kolyada-Plus" from Yekaterinburg. The audience can attend their performances in the building of the Engagement Theater if they give a tour in Tyumen.


The play "Clever Dog Sonya" based on the animated film of the same name is a performance of two actors. Theatrical performance is being built on their game, which will become a real holiday for the children's audience. Adult visitors to the play "Clever Dog Sonya" will have not only positive impressions of the performance, but admiration for the troupe's skill. The play "Nosferatu" is a story played by actors about aging comedians. The performance, capable of moving to tears not only ordinary visitors, but also a strict jury. The audience is pleased with the pricing policy of the theater. Democratic prices, a decent repertoire, original language, a special atmosphere in the hall have already been appreciated by many theatergoers.

Repertoire of the Engagement Theater in Tyumen in November 2017

Performances for children




November 4 and 18

fairy tale story for children “Magic pot”


11th of November

fairy tale "Barmaley"

11:00 and 12:00

November 12 and 26

fairy tale "Hedgehog, Teddy Bear and Holes"

11:00 and 12:00

November 18 and 19

tale of ancestors "Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf"


November 19th

performance for children "Clever dog Sonya"


November 25

fairy tale "Barmaley"

11:00 and 12:00

Performances for youth and adults




November 4th

performance "Not all cats have Shrovetide" by A. Ostrovsky


November 5

adventurous comedy "Six dishes from one chicken"


10th of November

performance "The river is returning"


November 11 and 24

performance “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”

18:00 and 19:00

November 12th

performance "Portrait"

2 p.m.

November 16th

play "Nosferatu"


November 17th

stage composition "Wine of Love"


November 18th

comedy "The gentleman who pays"


November 19 and 30


16:00 and 18:00

November 25

tragedy in two acts “Romeo and Juliet”


November 26th

tragifars "Zoykina apartment"

2 p.m.

Location, stops, address

The Engagement Theater in Tyumen is located at ul. Olympic, 8A. You can get there by bus with numbers: 2, 17, 46, 53, 30, 59, 25, 151, as well as by taxi: 50, 57, 62, 65, 73, 79. The schedule should be checked in advance according to the day of the week . Engagement stop is located on the street. Shirotnaya, 119. You can walk to the theater from it in 4 minutes. Drive northwest on the street. Latitudinal towards street. Olympic, then turn right, walk another 0.4 km and on the right side find your destination. Those arriving by personal transport should be aware that the building is located in a residential area and is quite far from the center, which somewhat complicates the independent road to it. Near the building there is a parking where you can put a car.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9774/

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