Nabutov Victor Kirillovich: biography and photos

Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich became recognizable among a large number of viewers after he appeared as a presenter in a fairly rated program “Vremyachko”. She aired on TVC channel. Later, the young man’s work was added by the work of the TV presenter in the morning NTV morning show. He began to lead the program together with Valdis Pelsh.

Nabutov Victor Kirillovich

Despite his successful career, Viktor Kirillovich Nabutov, whose photo is provided in our article, prefers to be called not a TV presenter, but a media worker. Since he considers journalism to be his main vocation.

Star families and the story of Victor’s parents dating

Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich, whose family consisted entirely of creative and talented people, could hardly grow up a gray and ordinary person. His dad’s grandfather is familiar to almost all fans of Soviet football. This is Victor Nabutov - a football player and a legendary commentator. Maternal father ─ Gennady Shatkov. He is an Olympic boxing champion. Victor's grandfathers, long before his birth, were good comrades. They often met because of their professions related directly to sports.

Once they decided to introduce their children. The idea was crowned with success. Alla Shatkova and Kirill Nabutov got married soon after they met. The career of both spouses subsequently developed very successfully. Victor followed in the footsteps of his father. At first, he became a sports commentator, and a little later appeared on television screens already in the role of a popular and sought-after television presenter. Alla works as the chief editor of the St. Petersburg television channel "Russia". She is currently preparing a weekly final program.

Youth of Nabutov Jr. and education

In this marriage, two children appeared. Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich, whose biography began in St. Petersburg, was born on April 12, 1978. He was the eldest son in the family. The second child was Peter. The eldest boy was always tall. For a long time, he seriously thought about the career of a basketball player. As a student of the school, he even flew to the USA, where he had the opportunity to play for the local American basketball team.

Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich personal life

But his sports career, despite all the hopes of Nabutov Sr., his son did not work out. It was decided that Victor will receive higher education in the field of international relations. To do this, he entered the corresponding faculty at St. Petersburg State University, which he graduated quite well in 2002. But in the future, Viktor absolutely did not see himself as a diplomat. Like his parents, he preferred to devote himself to television and radio broadcasts.

Debut on the air

For the first time, Nabutov Jr. appeared on television along with Lev Novozhenov in his popular show Today. This work experience has been successful. And Victor decided to move to Moscow. In the capital, he continued the family dynasty and got a job as a sports commentator on the NTV-plus channel.

Nabutov Victor Kirillovich wife

A young and talented guy soon became very popular. He began to conduct various programs on NTV and TVC channels. In 2008, he became the leader of his own project called “New Russia. Start". It was a series of documentary programs that told the history of the country from 1992 to 1999. Later, another Nabutov project ─ “In broad daylight” was released on the screens, where topical issues of interest to most Russians were discussed and discussed.

Work on the radio

In addition to working on television, Victor managed to build a successful career as a radio host. For the first time his voice was heard in 2006 on the waves of City-FM. Over time, on this radio, the young man began to lead a number of copyright programs.

Nabutov Victor Kirillovich photo

In 2007, a new station called Zenit was opened. Few people know that Victor on this radio is not only the leading, but also the CEO. He was one of the founders, standing at the immediate origins of its creation. In 2012, Nabutov's voice sounded on the waves of Silver Rain. There, he began to conduct his own program, “Hello, Nabutov,” which immediately won loyal fans and was highly rated.

Star relatives and a difficult relationship with his father

Many already probably do not remember that it was Victor’s father, Kirill Nabutov, who was a kind of discoverer of such a direction of television broadcasts as a reality show. At one time, it was he who became the host of the Behind the Glass program. It was the first show showing on television screens the real life of ordinary people. Several years ago, during the year, Kirill Nabutov served as general producer on the NTV channel. He was a respected man. It would seem that his son - Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich had every chance to take advantage of the position of his father and become a star of this channel. But paradoxically, everything turned out exactly the opposite.

The son was the only person to whom the road to NTV was strictly closed until his father was the main producer there. Surprisingly, this family has never decided to solve their problems at the expense of other people. For Nabutov Sr., the question of helping his son turned out to be very important. Cyril can help Victor only with advice. But not in advance by pull.

Nabutov Victor Kirillovich biography

Moreover, the son really appreciates all the advice of the father, because he considers him one of the best domestic journalists. But the relationship between these two native people did not always develop so harmoniously. For a long time there were resentment and misunderstanding between them. And the reason for this was that when Nabutov Jr. was still small, his father went to another woman. He left Victor and his younger brother Peter with his mother.

Nabutov Sr. just fell in love with another woman. About ten years Cyril grew up without a father, for which a very long time and was offended by him. In the life of a young man there was a very long period when they did not even communicate. Cyril says that his upbringing in teenage return was mainly dealt with by the basketball team and the street.

Enviable bachelor

Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich, whose personal life interests thousands of his fans, never suffered from a lack of female attention. And this is not surprising. Indeed, not only is the young man clearly not bad at himself, he is also famous, popular and obviously not poor. In his interviews, Victor Kirillovich Nabutov repeatedly said that he was already tired of annoying and ubiquitous female attention. Usually girls get to know him first. They are the ones who show initiative in the relationship. Such attention tired him. Therefore, he began to prefer reading a good book at home than a similar obsessive women's company.

Relationship with girls

Having received the unofficial status of an enviable Russian groom, Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich once recalled that, as a student, he really loved one girl. But since at that time he was still too young and was afraid to miss all the joys of a free bachelor life, he categorically did not want to marry his lover. This was the main reason for the breakdown in relations between young people. They broke up. Then Victor spun her life: career, shooting, interviews. And in order to build a full-fledged relationship in adulthood and find your other half, the time was simply not enough.

Victor Kirillovich Nabutov

Also, Viktor Kirillovich Nabutov admits that still in his life there were quite a long and serious relationship with a colleague named Oksana. She worked on television, but was not a public person. Victor does not submit the reason for the breakup for general discussion. But now he says that he is trying not to have any close relations with colleagues.

Let's get married!

Nabutov Viktor Kirillovich, whose wife, in his opinion, should be a miniature girl, is not a supporter of defiant beauty. He does not consider bitchiness a feminine virtue. Also prefers that his chosen one does not use profanity. It is clear that in the modern world, and when there is still not very much free time, the chances of accidentally meeting such an ideal are negligible. For this reason, once, a journalist and TV presenter decided to go to the popular show “Let's Get Married,” where three pretenders fought for his sympathy.

Still free

Nabutov himself does not advertise his further personal life after the project. But in an interview, his father made it clear that nothing important had happened in his son’s life after participating in “Let's Get Married”. Nabutov Sr. said that Viktor was invited there only because his life story could be of interest to many viewers of the show. The likelihood that Nabutov Jr. would indeed meet the girl of his dreams there was negligible.

Nabutov Victor Kirillovich family

At the moment, there is no information that Victor was married. Therefore, we dare to assume that the heart of one of the most enviable suitors of Russia, Viktor Nabutov, is still free.


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