Chopper is a unique kitchen chopper

In the process of cooking, housewives often have to grind food. For this, in the entire history of the development of mankind, many different devices have been invented. One of the most original and interesting among them is the chopper. This is a unique kitchen appliance that can turn any product into a pile of small pieces in a matter of seconds.

Useful device

Any woman dreams of having as many good helpers in the kitchen as possible. They facilitate its work and turn the cooking process itself into a pleasure. Among a variety of kitchen utensils, a chopper stands out. This device appeared relatively recently, and was invented for fast grinding and simultaneous mixing of various products.

chopper is

As you know, the preparation of any dish usually begins with the preparation and processing of its constituent ingredients. For the hostess, the most boring and monotonous part of the work begins. You have to spend a lot of time for cutting certain products, especially if they need to be chopped as much as possible. At this moment, every woman dreams of having such a device in her kitchen that would take on this hard work. Of course, a food processor can handle this job without any problems. But it is very bulky and in addition requires a lot of additional cleaning time. This is where the chopper comes to the rescue. This small device helps solve big problems without requiring special care.

Principle of operation

Many kitchen appliances have a complex structure. In addition, some of them take up a lot of space on the desktop. A completely different thing is chopper. This miniature device got its name from the English word chopper, which means “chopping”. It is this action that underlies the principle of its work. Such a device, as a rule, consists of two main elements:

  1. Bowls with sharp knives inside.
  2. Covers with a button (or handle) that drives the mechanism.

All the housewife needs to do is place the product inside the container, close it and press the button several times. The rest of the work is taken over by the apparatus. Depending on the duration of pressing the button, you can adjust the size of the pieces (parts) obtained as a result of such grinding. If desired, any ingredient can simply be chopped or turned into a smoothie. It all depends on what is required by the recipe.

Types of appliances

Chopper is a chopper, which, depending on the principle of action, can be:

  • mechanical (manual);
  • electric.

Both of them are quite simple to use and are able to cope with almost any product: from meat and vegetables to greens and nuts. Sharp steel knives are able to cut any fabric. True, in the case of an electric device, a person needs to make a minimum of effort.

chopper chopper

This is an important factor, since in the process of cooking, and so have to make many movements. In this case, any additional use of physical force is highly undesirable. Another thing is when all the work is only to lay the product in the bowl, and then remove the crushed mass from it. In the case of a mechanical apparatus, the hostess has to twist or pull the handle, press the lever or press the button. It is not difficult, but it is better if such actions can be avoided. Moreover, this is what all modern technology is aimed at.

Clear benefits

Any hostess can give several reasons why it is desirable to have a chopper in the kitchen:

  1. Save time and energy. The use of such a device significantly facilitates the work. In addition, it reduces the time required to process selected products several times.
  2. Chopping quality. Due to the rhythmic rotation and use of sharp steel knives, the chopper can easily cope with a variety of food products. It crushes evenly, for example, frozen berries and nuts, garlic and herbs.
  3. Compactness. The size of the chopper is so small that it does not need much space to store it. This is especially true for modern small-sized apartments, in which the kitchen occupies a little more than six square meters. It can be put on a shelf or even in an oven. Yes, and while working on the table, he does not take up much free space.
  4. Easy to care. The little helper is very easy to clean. To clean it, you just need to hold it under running water. In addition, it is made of modern, sufficiently durable materials, which makes it easy to put it in the dishwasher.
  5. The sanitary condition of the room. With manual slicing, products tend to scatter in different directions. In the case of a chopper, all particles, without exception, remain inside the bowl.
  6. The nutritional value. During the cutting process, the products retain all the beneficial substances.

chopper in the kitchen

All these qualities once again emphasize the advantages of a smart miniature device.

Device selection

The most important thing is to choose the right chopper chopper for the kitchen. To do this, pay attention to the features of its design:

  1. Power . For different models, this indicator can vary from 50 to 700 watts. It all depends on what products the hostess expects to use. Dense tissues require the application of more force to destroy them. In principle, a device with a capacity of 500-600 watts is considered optimal for working in the kitchen.
  2. Body material. As a rule, chopper bowls are made of heat-resistant shockproof glass. This makes it possible to grind fairly hard foods (nuts, frozen fruits and berries, as well as ice) at high speed. Small particles, hitting the walls of the bowl, do not cause significant harm to it. It also characterizes the safety of the device. In addition, the bowl can even be put in the microwave or, having closed the lid, placed in the refrigerator. From this, its mechanical characteristics will not change.

chopper chopper for the kitchen

Having determined the parameters necessary for yourself, you can proceed with the selection of the device depending on the price or the manufacturer.

Slap chop

Nowadays, almost every house has a food chopper (chopper) for the kitchen. Mistresses like to use these smart helpers at home. The most popular lately is the miniature chopper Slap Chop. This is a percussion apparatus, which consists of: a body, a handle and W-shaped knives. The bowl in this case is a cutting board. Everything happens very simply:

  1. The product intended for grinding must be washed.
  2. After that, put a small amount on a cutting board.
  3. Install “Slap Chop” on top and press the handle several times. As a result, the knives go down and cut the product into several parts. Shredding usually requires 3-4 presses. The peculiarity is that every time due to a special mechanism located in the body, the knives rotate and cut the next piece.

chopper food chopper for kitchen

This chopper is ideal for cutting: garlic, mushrooms, eggs, nuts, as well as any vegetables. With it, you can prepare a salad or a complex sprinkle for a finished dish in a few minutes.


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