Pokemon Pokemon Evolution: Levels

A television viewer can easily distinguish a mediocre project from a real masterpiece. So “Pokemon" at one time climbed the peak of popularity for a reason - these pocket monsters, who were trained by charismatic and interesting personalities, deserve top positions. However, unfortunately, today most people remember only Pikachu and his lightning strikes. Everything else is forgotten, but there were so many interesting things! Taking evolution, for example, is a process that almost all Pokémon went through. The evolution of the Pokémon was not accidental - it was developed in the smallest details, and today, when almost ten generations of these creatures have come out, you can find detailed diagrams of how and in which this or that hero turns into a network. In this article you will learn all the basics of evolution of Pokemon, their classification, as well as some of the most popular evolutionary routes in history.

What is evolution in Pokemon?

pokemon evolution of pokemon

There is hardly a person who would never have heard of who the Pokémon are. The evolution of Pokemon is a slightly different issue, and here the number of knowledgeable people is significantly reduced. But in reality, everything is quite simple. Evolution is the transformation of one Pokemon into another form, which has a large number of abilities and capabilities. Many people think that evolution is a must. But actually it is not. Both the trainer and the pokemon can decide that the pokemon is better in one form or another. And on this basis, agree to evolution or abandon it. Thus, the most diverse Pokémon appear. The evolution of Pokemon is a process that has its pros and cons; this process can both benefit you and harm you.

Pros and cons of evolution

mega evolution pokemon

This is not to say that evolution is what absolutely all Pokémon need. The evolution of Pokemon can lead to both positive and negative consequences. Therefore, it is now worth considering the main pros and cons of this process. If we talk about the benefits, then there are quite a lot of them. Naturally, the first among them is to gain new opportunities - in the process of evolution, the Pokemon either already learns new attacks or gets the opportunity to learn them later. However, there are certain disadvantages that can push any trainer away from the evolutionary process. Changing the appearance does not always lead to negative consequences - externally, the Pokemon can turn out to be very nice. But do not exclude the likelihood that the appearance of the Pokemon will deteriorate beyond recognition. The character is much more likely to deteriorate in character - all the initial forms of Pokemon are somewhat reminiscent of small children, and evolution can change their character, make them more evil and aggressive. Accordingly, you always need to keep track of exactly what your pokemon is turning into. However, it also depends on the platform - for example, in Pixelmon, the evolution of Pokemon goes much more smoothly.

Vast evolution

pixelmon evolution of pokemon

In Pixelmon, the evolution of Pokémon is very poorly covered, so it’s better to clarify more specifically the information, as it may be of interest to many. For example, you should know that there are several branches of it at once. The most common of them implies that a Pokemon has three stages of life, that is, it can evolve twice. There are also those that can evolve only once - and, of course, pocket monsters that always remain the same, since they never evolve - they completely lack this opportunity. However, it is worth talking separately about special Pokémon in which evolution is very different from others. A great example is the Pokémon Ivy, which is beautiful in its initial form, but becomes much stronger when it evolves. But it can turn immediately into one of eight options for Pokemon. Photo evolution will demonstrate to you what kind of character a character can take.

The most popular evolution triggers

pokemon evolution photo

As everyone knows, Pokemon does not just evolve. Naturally, this does not concern how Pokémon survive the process in Pixelmon. Evolution here is an exclusively mathematical parameter. And it can begin at a time when the Pokemon is gaining enough experience. However, in most cases this is not the case. There are a large number of triggers that can trigger evolution, and one of the most popular among them is experience. Naturally, not the same as in Pixelmon or other computer games, but something experienced. Some Pokémon can evolve when they experience happiness, others - when they are in mortal danger. It is also worth noting that many Pokemon evolve only at certain times of the day. However, in the Pokémon project, the evolution of pocket monsters is not limited to this.

Other types and causes of evolution

pixelmon pokemon evolution

There are also not the most popular ways that Pokémon use for evolution. For example, a trainer can find a special item that provokes the evolutionary process of a particular Pokemon. The evolutionary stone works in approximately the same way, only in this case you don’t have to worry about whether the item is compatible with the type of Pokemon, since this stone is suitable for absolutely everyone. Well, do not forget that the Pokemon can evolve when he or with the help of a trainer learns a new trick. Then he gets a new form, as well as new opportunities. As you already understood, the levels of evolution of Pokemon are not so diverse, but inexperienced fans forget about another form.

Mega form

Separately, it is worth talking about the form, which is not found in all publications, but is of great interest. Mega-evolution of Pokemon - this is their further transformation. Moreover, even when reaching the maximum possible form. It is very difficult to achieve such an evolution, since at the same time a lot of conditions must be met. Your Pokemon must fight, it must already reach its maximum shape, you must have a special mega-stone, it must correspond to the Pokemon that is fighting, and so on. In general, mega-evolution is one of the most interesting and rare processes. Mega-forms are not yet common everywhere, but this may change over time. After all, the mega-evolutions of Pokemon make them more powerful, increase their characteristics and add new abilities.

pokemon evolution types

Evolution of basic Pokemon

As you well understand, the list of evolution of Pokemon today is huge, because there are already about a thousand creatures themselves. Accordingly, you can easily get confused about all the information, so it’s worth a little structure. For example, you can separately distinguish three main Pokémon that are given to novice trainers - Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaurus. The fiery salamander Charmander turns into the dragon of Cermillion, and then into the full-fledged dragon Charizard. Squirtle just grows in size, becoming more and more serious - first Wartortle, and then the huge Blastoyz. Well, as for the Bulbasaur, it first turns into Ibizaurus, and then into Venusaurus. Thus, you can clearly see that the most popular among the forms are triple - they are most often found both in games, and in cartoons, comics and other sources.

pokemon evolution levels

Examples of Unit Evolution

Since the basic Pokémon turned out to be all three-level, that is, each of them can evolve twice, reaching the third level as a result, then it is worthwhile to give some examples of those characters that have only two forms. The most famous example in this group, of course, is Pikachu and its large form, Raichu. Also, do not forget about Spiro and Virow, Sandscrew and Sandslash and so on. As you well understand, there are many such combinations, and some of them may well not be implemented, since the trainer can perfectly train the initial form of the Pokemon, if it has the talent and the necessary skills.

Special cases

Naturally, one should not forget about those Pokémon that are unique, that is, they have a development process that is not like the others. For example, Ivy has already been said about earlier - this Pokémon can evolve into one of eight available options, each of which is powerful in its own way. You can also pay attention to the interesting animals Nidoran, which, depending on gender, receive different evolutions. Girls go through the Nidorina stage to become Nidokvina, and the boys turn into Nidorino, who already becomes Nidokvin. Naturally, there are other original combinations that create beautiful species of Pokemon. Therefore, if you are fond of this topic, you should collect as many Pokémon as possible, winning the tournament that everyone dreams of. Ever since childhood, everyone has been tuned in to this in television programs, so now with the development of high technologies it becomes even more affordable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9799/

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