Chekhov Theater (Taganrog): history, repertoire, troupe

The Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) has existed since the 19th century. His repertoire is diverse and designed for different age categories of viewers. The theater is directed by Sergey Davidovich Gert, Honored Artist of Russia.

Theater History

The Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) began its existence in 1827. It was then that the first troupe of drama actors appeared in the city. It was a fortress theater. He was located in the extension of the house of the merchant Karayani. In 1828, 13 serf musicians were bought for the theater. The first troupe of the Taganrog Theater existed for 20 years. Artists played performances not only in their city, but also went on tour. The repertoire included vaudeville, comedies, and also performances staged by the plays of N.V. Gogol and V. Shakespeare.

In 1845, the city authorities turned to the government with a request that they be allocated money for the construction of a building for the theater. But that did not happen. The theater was built, but the money was raised by the townspeople. In November 1866, the first performance took place. For 20 years there have been two troupes in the theater. One is an opera house, in which artists from Italy worked. The second is dramatic, in which actors from Russia served. The Italian troupe consisted of 100 artists. There were 20 actors in Russian. Opera performances among the townspeople were more popular than dramatic ones.

In the 70s of the 19th century, the picture changed. The drama troupe has doubled in number of artists, and its popularity among the audience has increased. After the revolution, the Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) experienced a stagnant period in creativity. In 1941, the city was occupied by the Germans. Actors of Jewish origin, the Nazis shot. Many artists went to the front. In 1943, when the city was liberated from the invaders, the troupe was gone. The theater performed touring. A new troupe appeared in 1945. The eighties and nineties became the heyday of the theater.

Today the troupe is actively touring and taking part in festivals.

Performances for adults and children

Chekhov Taganrog Theater repertoire

The repertoire of the Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) includes the following productions:

  • "Shreds in the back streets."
  • "All hands on deck!".
  • “Oh, this Anna!”
  • "Angel".
  • “All mice love cheese.”
  • "Tartuffe, or the Deceiver."
  • "Pygmalion".
  • "About Ivan the Fool."
  • "Elegant wedding."
  • "Crazy money."
  • "The pearl is black, the pearl is white."
  • "The performance will be announced later!"
  • "Darling."
  • "We play in a friendly family, or a side dish in French."
  • "Oscar".
  • "New Year in Prostokvashino."
  • "Forgive me, my snow-white angel ...".
  • "Memorial Prayer."
  • "School of temptation."
  • "The Wizard of Oz".
  • "The Youth of Louis XIV."
  • "Peppy Longstocking."
  • "Beauty."
  • The prima donnas.
  • "Farewell tour of Prince K.".
  • "Invitation to the castle."
  • "Vasilisa the Beautiful."
  • “Canaries are in Spain, mom!”
  • "DR."
  • "Door to the adjoining room."
  • "Two Baba Yagis."
  • "The last page".
  • "The Scarlet Flower".
  • "Extra man."
  • "Three jokes."
  • “Purely family business.”
  • "The man in the case."
  • "The public is forbidden to watch."


Chekhov Theater g Taganrog

Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) is 16 wonderful actors and 15 beautiful actresses:

  • S. Geert (aka artistic director).
  • I. Gritsenko (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).
  • E. Borsakbaev.
  • A. Semenov.
  • S. Nesvetova.
  • V. Korchanov.
  • E. Fedorovskaya (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).
  • O. Radchenko.
  • N. Krasnyanskaya.
  • V. Egelsky.
  • T. Boyko.
  • A. Topolskov (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).
  • M. Dren.
  • I. Perunov
  • M. Kushnikov.
  • B. Psel.
  • K. Tuzova (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).
  • A. Shitikov.
  • V. Bashlykov.
  • S. Barinov.
  • M. Voskresenskaya.
  • A. Cherenkov.
  • O. Bilinskaya.
  • E. Klyucherova.
  • N. Bashlykova.
  • S. Musalimova.
  • T. Shabaldas.
  • V. Lazebnikov.
  • R. Pylaev.
  • A. Voskresensky.
  • I. Savchenko.

Artistic director

Chekhov Taganrog Theater

The Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) "lives" under the strict guidance of Sergei Herth. He takes part in many productions as an actor. S. Gert has the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Sergey in 1982 graduated from the Theater School of the city of Kazan. And in 2005 - the Academy of retraining of workers in culture, art and tourism. Sergey Davidovich began his career in Orsk, at the A.S. Pushkin Drama Theater . In Taganrog since 1987. During his creative life, he has already played more than a hundred roles. Sergey Davidovich received the title of Honored Artist of Russia in 1998. S. Gert was awarded with diplomas, thanks, diplomas, a commemorative medal dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A.P. Chekhov. He is also a laureate of prizes in the field of art and culture. In 2012, Sergei Davidovich was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The festival

Chekhov Taganrog Theater

Chekhov Theater (Taganrog) is the organizer of the festival. It was first held in the city in 1980. The name of the festival is “In the Homeland of A.P. Chekhov”. Artists from Russia, Spain, Japan, Ukraine, Italy, Croatia, Australia, Germany and other countries take part in it. Taganrog is the birthplace of Anton Pavlovich. For the city, the festival is a significant event that brings a holiday to the life of its inhabitants. Viewers get the opportunity to see interesting productions from around the world, get acquainted with various genres and directions. Participants of the festival must visit the house in which Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born.


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