According to the dream book, what are small fish dreaming of?

The ways of dreams are mysterious. As a rule, dreamers are not able to choose the phenomena and events that will fill their night dreams. Often, sleeping people see fish. For example, the Children's Dream Book of Little Fishes explains how the threshold of minor troubles that can be happily avoided. Nevertheless, the soul after what happened will be restless for a long time. The article will help to deal with other interpretations of small fish.

Small Velesov dream book

Fish is a symbolization of cash, profit, pregnancy and the birth of a girl. Likewise, small fish portend trouble, loss, longing, illness, death. Other interpretations:

  • Cleaning fish is fun.
  • Live fish bodes health, longevity of children and good luck in business.
  • Ironing - to trouble.
  • Wild - a good sign.
  • Asleep, smelling bad, rotten - at the same time a sign of profit and illness, loss, grief, prolonged bad weather and the death of children.
  • There is crude - at a loss.
  • Dream Interpretations are many small fish, they are interpreted as an early pregnancy, profit, gift, victory over enemies, as well as a disease.
  • Eat boiled and fried, fish meat means care, damage and disease.
  • Black fish - to rain, white - to snow.
  • Choosing fish - for profit and gain, getting silver money. At the same time, it is a symbol of the disease.
  • Multi-colored promises a quarrel, a sick person - an exacerbation of the disease.
  • To grief, ruin to catch small fish.
  • Feed the fish - to overcome the enemies.
  • Weather, illness and death are reported by fishing in troubled waters.
  • Dark fish - to a small profit.
  • A successful marriage promises to catch a woman.
  • Catching large fish means profit.
  • Fresh - to the news.
Dream interpretation little fish a lot

Sigmund Freud

His dream book, to which small fish dream, explains, based on various details. In general, fishing reports that the dreamer actually has difficulty during sex. He is too preoccupied with thoughts about current affairs. This leads to the inability to fully relax and enjoy / enjoy. It is recommended that you forget about all problems at least for a while and devote yourself to love, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a sexually flawed person and undermining the capabilities of your body.

Unsuccessful fishing indicates that in reality, at a subconscious level, a person immersed in sleep is afraid to disgrace themselves in bed. It is possible that the reason is associated with the first unsuccessful sexual experience. One must relate to what happened in the past easily and philosophically.

Dream Interpretations of small fish, which a man regains in a dream, explain by the fact that he does not care at all about her partner and her pleasure. For such people, the satisfaction of their own instincts is a priority. A fish is a symbol of a member, and its catch means sexual intercourse. Dead fish is treated as a lack of erection, impotence, and living, beating - as an erect penis.

Pulling a fish out of the water is the message of the subconscious about the expectation of the appearance of children or grandchildren. Those who held live fish in their hands in a dream are in reality prone to self-satisfaction. Unsuccessful fishing reports on an inferiority complex in the intimate sphere.

A rich catch is a symbol of an active sex life, but a frequent change of partners. Cooking suggests that the dreamer is attentive to his partner. The one who had to eat a fish according to the plot is pleased with his intimate life.

Sigmund Freud

The lovers' interpreter

According to this dream book, water and a small fish promise love and peace. To a happy marriage, the girls see a living fish in a dream. In contrast to this meaning, a dead fish is the threshold of separation and loneliness.

Ukrainian dream book

The fish dreams of the weather, rain. Catching promises victory over rivals and income, and cleaning fish is fun. Changes in the weather are reported by similar dreams seen by a man or girl. For married women, this is a sign of the birth of a child. A fish dish promises women easy births, and for men - a mistress or lovers. By the weather - a dead fish and when there are a lot of it.

You can prepare for weakness for those who watched in a dream lifeless fish. It makes sense to fear a dysfunctional birth if the fish fell directly into your hands. Contrary to popular belief, a goldfish means that what is expected and envisioned will not be realized. In addition, fish is a sign of sabotage and the fact that someone is looking for dirt on a sleeping person.

Bad weather

Esoteric dream book

This dream book decodes small fish as a likely unwanted pregnancy and difficulties in communicating with children. Catching means that the heirs are eyeing the dreamer's property. Cleaning and cooking are explained by the fact that, most likely, the sleeping person’s hopes for an inheritance are unlikely to be realized. Unless he eats the catch.

Sleeping man

Gustav Miller

Fish in clear water predicts generous gifts of fate. Dead fish - a harbinger of sorrows and losses. Young people dream of a live fish on the eve of happy love. Walking on water with bullshit - to achieve well-being. This will be due to initiative. Witnessing fishing - to a surge of strength and virtuoso use of positive circumstances.

According to this dream book, to catch a small fish is a serious test that will be steadfastly transferred. To leave empty-handed - the dreamer's desires are petty and vain. To my prosperity and joy I dream of going to the fish market. If you had to pick up the hooks, this can be regarded as a reminder that everything is in the hands of a sleeping person. The fishing net promises acquisitions. But if it was torn, annoying disappointments are not excluded.

Dream interpretation to catch a small fish

Dream Interpretations of small fish explain in completely different ways: from losses to prosperity, from problems to happiness. The main thing that every dreamer needs to remember: there are good and bad prophecies, but there is not a single sentence.


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