Need a good reader for Android? Choose from the best

No matter what doctors say about the dangers of reading from a smartphone screen, no one will stop absorbing new books using improvised devices. After all, it is very convenient. However, not every reader can boast an abundance of functions and stable operation. Therefore, this article describes the best and most popular options. Easy to install data reader on the "Android". In Russian, you can download any edition you are interested in.

good reader for android


Perhaps AlReader is the oldest reader for the mobile OS. The application was released in 2009. Then it was running Android 1.6. Thanks to code optimization, the program takes only six megabytes. Despite all of the above, the utility is constantly improving. A new functionality appears in it. AlReader can open almost all electronic text formats. The only drawback of the application is that it does not know how to work with the Djvu and PDF formats. The author comments on the fact that he does not want to turn the program into a "heavy harvester". In his opinion, a good reader for Android should be easy and fast, use a minimum of system resources.

AlReader can work with archives. Almost any action can be performed with a swipe. Also, the application implements turning pages with animation. The program can reproduce speech using almost any TTS engine. It is worth saying that the utility perfectly shows itself on screens implemented using electronic ink technology . If you need a good reader for the “Android” old version, AlReader is the best choice. The program is absolutely free. The developer often answers user questions in the comments of Google Play.

free reader for android

Cool reader

CoolReader is an application developed by Russian programmer Vadim Lopatin. Google Play users have downloaded it to their smartphones more than ten million times, and the numerous fan sector indicates the high quality of the product. In addition to popular formats, this reader can work with CHM files. The design of the program is somewhat outdated. The main menu is made in the form of a wooden bookshelf. The background of the pages resembles yellowed paper, and the icons are very similar to the Windows XP icons. However, just as one should not judge a book by its cover, one should not cross out an electronic reader from the list of the best because of the menu design.

The background of the book being read can always be changed to any other. This free reader for Android carries a file manager, support for speech engines, changeable profiles for day and night, support for third-party dictionaries, the ability to search for books in the online store. The developer claims that support for the FB2 format in his brainchild is implemented to the fullest. Not a single mobile program today reaches the level of CoolReader. The application is free, there is no advertising in it.

readers for android in russian

Pocketbook reader

PocketBook Reader is a reader developed by Obreey Products. It attracts users with a quality and attractive design. The control scheme is organized a little unusual for programs of this kind. Instead of a large number of side panels or swipes, just click on the screen in it to display a circular menu. Swipe to the side of any item will launch the corresponding function. I must say that the application can open Djvu and PDF files. The reader for Android, however, works with all other popular text information formats.

PocketBook allows the user to leave notes in the book itself. Page turning can be set to the volume rocker, tapas on the screen or swipe. To translate the text, third-party dictionaries are used that are not included in the standard package of the program. They will have to download and install separately. There are no in-app purchases or ads in the app. The interface is presented entirely in Russian. PocketBook Reader is the best choice for those who prefer ten-in-one programs. For users who love minimalism, this reader of books on Android will scare off too many functions.

good reader for android


FBReader is a cross-platform product. It works in such popular OSs as Android, Mac, Windows, BlackBerry. That is, the user will be able to read books in the same program on any platform. The application interface is convenient and clear. The reader allows you to open books in the formats EPUB, FB2, HTML, DOC, TXT, RTF. This limits only the functionality of the standard version. Want more? Install additional plugins. Fortunately, there are a lot of them. And all of them are available in the Google store.

This good reader for Android allows you to install third-party fonts, change themes for different times of the day, and customize the interface. The program has full support for E-Ink screens. Books can be synchronized using the built-in service. But if you don’t like it, nothing will prevent you from connecting the Google Cloud.

pdf reader for android

Moon + Reader

This program comes from the Middle Kingdom. It was there that they came up with paper, which for a long time remained the only carrier of textual information. Although the application was developed in Hong Kong, it is fully Russified. Of course, sometimes in the menu items you can see the English text, but this does not bother. Moon + Reader is a very good reader on Android. It is difficult to list all the many formats with which she knows how to work. In addition, books stored in archives will also be easily opened by the program without unnecessary manipulations in third-party file managers.

Design schemes for different times of the day are already configured and are included in the standard Moon + Reader set. They are user configurable. The control areas for page turning are changeable. And if you don’t want to click on the screen, you can control the volume rocker. By setting up a program to synchronize with DropBox, the user will always be sure that bookmarks will never be lost. This opportunity should be paid attention to someone who has several working gadgets or likes to test new firmware. Moon + Reader supports EPUB3 format. It was created specifically for books, which may include audio files and video recordings. This fact deserves special praise.

android book reader

Disadvantages of Moon + Reader

Although Moon + Reader is a good reader for Android, it also has drawbacks. Firstly, the program is distributed free of charge with limited functionality. If you pay it to the developer, from time to time on the screen of your smartphone will display promotional offers. Secondly, the PDF format is not supported in the free version. Thirdly, there is no synchronization of files with network storages.


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