Where to go fishing in the suburbs: description

For some, fishing is just a hobby, while for others it is part of life. And the latter in the suburbs a lot. But fishing is not an easy process, often unpredictable. Many factors influence biting. This is an increasing number of fishermen, poachers. Ecology and climate also strongly influence. An important fact is the closure of many reservoirs by dams. Nevertheless, there is fish, and it is diverse: both small and large. But where to go fishing in the suburbs?

Moscow river

The Moskva River is the main waterway of the entire region. And it is home to the greatest variety of fish species. Up to the Mozhaisk reservoir there are good places for spring biting. Roach and ide ideally go to spawn. In the summer there are a lot of minnows, chub, roach and dace. In the fall catch perches and pikes. If the question arose about where to go fishing in the suburbs, then you can go down from the reservoir. There, in addition to the fish already listed, you can catch asp. But near Zakharkovo there is a closed water intake area, and it is no longer possible to fish there.

where to go fishing in the suburbs

It is well caught on the old man. Scavengers, zander, pikes, and perches come across on the donk or spinning. Sometimes even a medium-sized roach. But in winter, fishing there is not recommended due to the deep variable current, and quite strong.

Moscow channel

Where to go fishing in the suburbs? No need to travel far, you can just go to The Moscow Canal, combining two reservoirs (Ivankovskoye and Ikshinskoye). This is a favorite place for fishermen. But the course there is changing, which means that you have to adapt to catch in different ways and change them all the time.

Best nibble goes at the top of the Ivankovo ​​reservoir. On the far edge, rods with a length of 9 to 3 meters are used, in smaller places - about 7 cm, but bait will already be needed. You can often catch zander and pike. The territory near the Trudovaya railway station is the most successful. The catch is good, and large fish come across . But because of the speed of the stream and its variability, it is more suitable for experienced fishermen.

where to go fishing in the suburbs


In the Moscow Region, the Volga captures only a small area - near Dubna. The most favorite area for fishermen is down from the dam. There are caught medium-sized zander, asp and pike. A good place for fishing is considered a site near the village. Ratmino. Where Dubna and Volga merge together. The Shosha River is another place that fishermen like to visit. She has small branches - Lob and Lama. But in the area of ​​the Zavidovsky reserve, fishing is prohibited. The territory is under protection.


If you are interested in fishing in the suburbs, the description of the reservoirs will help determine the choice of location. There are several such reservoirs that are in the greatest demand:

  • Sychevskoe is rather miniature, it is often possible to catch specimens up to 5 kg. There is also paid fishing, but boats (even inflatable boats) are not for rent.
  • Uchinskoye is one of the largest in the Moscow region. Located north of the capital. Pike, bream, zander, perch and roach are caught. Most of all fishermen are attracted to the territories near the village of Akulovskaya, Stepankovo ​​and the Uchi River. There are also protected places here.
    where you can go fishing in the suburbs
  • Ikshinskoye - it contains a lot of fish characteristic of the Volga: burbots, pikes, carps, breams, etc. The best places: Yermolinsky Bay, the place of confluence with the river. Kotyoshki and territory from the village of Ivanovo to the Moscow Canal.
  • Pyalovskoye is a wide canal divided into two zones. On the left are two bays - Aksakovsky and Yuryevsky, on the right is Nikolsky. Most fish are caught near the village of Aksakovo.
  • Pirogovskoye - fishermen mostly prefer the left bank - near the village of Chiverevo. But it also pecks well on the right bank - near the village of Povedkini. Also a good place near Pirogovo.
    where to go fishing in May in the Moscow region

Where to go fishing in the suburbs: the most attractive lakes

Biserovskoe Lake, although large, but shallow - no more than 5 meters. It contains perch, roach, carp and crucian carp. On the left bank pecks well, but the right one is the best place for fishing. A simple worm is suitable for bait. If you wish, you can rent a boat or spend the night at the Biserovo base, which is nearby.

Trosten Lake is even smaller than Biserovskoe. Depth reaches only up to 2.5 meters. At the bottom - two-meter silt. Roast, pike, crucian carp and other fish that prefer bogging are found in Lake Trostensky. The best bite at the place where the Trosna River flows, or at the beginning of the river. The lake.

Where to go fishing in the suburbs? Bear lakes are a great option. They have a pair of reservoirs - Small (depth 14 meters) and Large (no more than 6 m). Interconnected by a small duct. You can fish both from the shore and from the boat. The main fish are crucian carp, tench, pike and perch. The carp also comes across.

where to go for underwater fishing in the suburbs

Long and Round lakes are united by a common stream. Fishermen prefer the village of Ozeretskoye, which is 3 km away. You can catch burbot, pike, perch, crucian carp, bream and roach. It is also worth visiting the villages of Rybaki, Agafonikha and Myshetskoye.

Senezh is an artificial lake located at the junction of the Maziha and Sister rivers. The pond is small, it overgrows very quickly. Ideal places for fishing - from the embankment or dam. In addition to pike, ruff, crucian carp, roach and other fish, even eel can also be caught.

Where to go fishing in a boat in the suburbs? Poletskoye Lake is famous for its large crucian carp; pike, bream and perch are found from smaller fish. Fishing will not work from the coast, as they are quite viscous. Here you have to take a boat. For fishing on Lake Poletsky you need permission, but the price for the pleasure is small. On the shore there is a recreation center and boat rental.

Peat bogs, the village of Polubarskoye. After the development of peat, small quarries filled with water remained. They are shallow - up to two meters. Mostly crucian carp is caught in them, and perch and pike are less common. It is preferable to fish from a boat, as from the coast the approach is difficult.

Shatursky lakes consist of a group of reservoirs: Lake Svyatoye, Black, Murom and White. Connected by channels. When does fishing begin in May? Where to go in the suburbs: the deepest and weakly overgrown is considered Svyatoe Lake. Here you can catch zander, perch, bream, roach and pike. There is a ban, but because of warm water, fish spawn earlier, because fishing is allowed in mid-May. On the shore you can rent boats.

fishing in the suburbs


Where can I go fishing in the suburbs, if the river is of interest? There are many places like this. For example, the Pakhra River is famous for its catch of perch, roach and pike. Sometimes a tench also comes across. Below chub, asp and ide are caught. The best fishing spots are dams near the villages of Novlenskoye and Shaganino.

Severka abounds with perches, ruffs, roaches and minnows. But a good catch is problematic, you need to know the pond. Local fishermen usually catch nets or electric rods. On the shore you can rent a boat.

Sherna flows next to the Gorky highway. You need to fish on the right bank - up from platinum. Below is a large current, nibble is problematic.

The Oka River near the Egorievsky highway. Here are the best places on the bends. On the shore, you can rent a boat or boat. A good place for fishing, starting from the confluence of the Ugra. A lot of zander and asp.

The Istra River is the left tributary of the river. Moscow. Here you can catch roach and scavenger, perch and silver bream. Just below the Istra reservoir - char, ide, chub and gudgeon. Sometimes come across asp and bream.

Spear fishing

Spearfishing can be practiced in the suburbs, and not just abroad. Especially in the summer. There are many beautiful places. So where to go underwater fishing in the suburbs? For example, to the village of Protivino on Protva. You can go fishing in Lama, p. Black, at Severka. In Domodedovo district is very successful p. Rozhayka, and in Zhukovsky - Bykovka. In these places there are many not only fish, but also vegetation, springs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9810/

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