How to overclock RAM? Program for overclocking RAM

Using a computer, many of us do not even realize that the performance of the device can be significantly increased without resorting to an “upgrade” - updating hardware components. This is done using the so-called "overclocking" of various types of microcircuits. In particular, this kind of procedure is very popular with respect to PC random access memory (RAM) modules, along with similar experiments with processors, video cards, and other computer hardware components.

What is the practical significance of overclocking RAM, apart from increasing PC performance? This procedure, in particular, can be used in comparative testing of memory modules from different manufacturers in service centers.

Overclocking PC hardware components is a popular hobby in the world and in Russia. People who are fond of him call themselves the interesting term “overclockers” (from the English overclock, which means “overclocking” in one of the interpretations).

RAM slot

There are a number of nuances, the knowledge of which can be useful for overclocking enthusiasts and IT specialists involved in testing hardware. How to overclock RAM and at the same time ensure the greatest increase in PC performance? How to ensure stable operation of the computer in "overclocked" mode? How to choose the best method of overclocking and not harm other hardware components of the computer?

RAM overclocking methods

IT experts, commenting on the possibility of overclocking the RAM, usually focus on the fact that, as such, the RAM chip, as a rule, has a “immunity” inherent in the manufacturer to an artificial increase in performance. Therefore, overclocking the modules separately from other hardware components of the PC can be useless. For this reason, in practice, the "RAM" is almost always overclocked after the processor. Separately - in extremely rare cases. Before thinking about how to overclock RAM, it will be useful for a PC user to study the features of accelerating processor performance.

How to overclock RAM

Under the "acceleration" of RAM, almost always mean the activation of special modes of its operation. Which ones?

Firstly, it is “overclocking” by increasing the clock frequency of the RAM modules. As a rule, this procedure is carried out simultaneously with a change in the processor settings, aimed, in turn, to increase its performance.

Secondly, the “overclocking” of RAM can be carried out by changing the so-called “timings”. If their values ​​are reduced, then the process of exchanging electronic signals in the chip will become more intense.

Some experts also highlight the third way to accelerate the performance of RAM, namely, experiments with changing values ​​relating to the electrical voltage in the chip.

How to overclock RAM using all three of the above tools most effectively? Let's see what IT experts recommend.

Choosing the best RAM overclocking method

Due to the technological features of the architecture of the RAM modules, both of the above methods of their “overclocking” cannot be applied in the modes of setting maximum values ​​at the same time. You have to choose - high timings or frequencies, or choose a compromise combination of settings. How to overclock the RAM, correctly optimizing the combination of these two parameters?

IT specialists do not give a clear answer to this question. There are only general recommendations. One of them sounds like this: if we set higher values ​​for the clock frequency, we will have to slow down the timings, otherwise the PC will be unstable. And acceleration of timings will be effective only if the clock frequency is not increased relative to the factory level.

RAM speed

Experts believe that everything depends on the specific architecture of specific microcircuits, as well as on how correctly the test results of overclocked modules will be interpreted.

The most important nuance: many experts note that a user who has decided to overclock the processor and memory needs to be prepared for the fact that the computer will not accelerate, but, on the contrary, will slow down. Such cases are not uncommon. In this case, the ideal option is not to touch the factory settings of RAM and processor. The best RAM, some IT experts believe, is the one that works according to the frequencies and timings set by the manufacturer.

“Duality” of RAM frequencies: what you need to know

There is a version that frequency is a defining characteristic in the speed of RAM. Therefore, during overclocking, priority should be given to this particular parameter. The higher the frequency, the more operating cycles the RAM modules produce per second. Therefore, the higher the speed of RAM. However, there is one interesting nuance here.

Experts advise you to pay attention to the fact that DDR type RAM modules have two “frequency” characteristics: real (actual) and effective. And the second is twice as much. Manufacturers of RAM rarely indicate the actual. While in diagnostic programs and monitoring the operation of PC hardware components, as a rule, this type of frequency is displayed.

The main "timings"

The second most important parameter when overclocking RAM is timings. There are a lot of them, but in our case, knowledge of four will be useful to us - CAS, RAS-to-CAS, as well as Row Precharge and Row Active. In this sequence, the timings set in the settings are usually indicated.

Optimum operating voltage

Optimization of this parameter is important from the point of view of the stability of the overclocked RAM module. The factory value for DDR2 memory modules is 1.8 volts, for DDR3 RAM a little less - 1.5. For "overclocking" you can increase the voltage, but not by much. IT experts recommend setting the value within 2.2 volts for DDR2 type microcircuits. If the user is thinking about how to overclock the DDR3 RAM, then he needs to keep in mind that for this type of RAM the maximum value in voltage is 1.65. If higher, then the system may begin to malfunction. Experts note: even the best RAM from leading world brands does not guarantee stability during manipulations with the voltage level.

Testing performance during overclocking

As we noted above, it is difficult to predict in advance which acceleration method will be more effective - manipulation with the clock frequency or timing. Therefore, if you decide to speed up your PC, you have to arm yourself with specialized programs that allow you to monitor the performance of overclocked RAM modules.

What programs are worth paying attention to? Experts advise you to get such software as PC Mark and Everest. Which RAM program is most suitable? Experts believe that each of these solutions has its pros and cons. Much depends on the subjective level of comfort in using these programs, which is determined by the user.

These types of software are good, in addition to quality monitoring in terms of performance, the presence of functions to monitor the stability of the RAM modules.

Measuring the speed of RAM is extremely important from the point of view of choosing the optimal combination of tools for overclocking chips.

RAM overclocking tools

You can set the required frequency values ​​or change the settings in the timings in two ways: through the BIOS interface or using special software. Many IT experts recommend the first option, as in this case, low-level interaction with the PC hardware components is carried out.

RAM board

Thus, we are dealing with an amazing recommendation from IT experts: do not use software launched from the operating system. Thus, the best program for overclocking RAM is the BIOS, an I / O system.

Frequency Manipulations: Key Points

Experts in the field of overclocking PC hardware components believe that you need to be careful when changing the frequency of RAM. The fact is that this parameter cannot be set by adjusting any one digit. The total memory frequency is the result of the product of two different parameters: FSB and BCLK (at the same time, an additional coefficient-factor is added to them, which can also be changed). The product of FSB and BCLK is the so-called reference frequency. That it has to be corrected in the process of "overclocking" RAM. Experiments with a coefficient-factor without changing the reference frequency, as a rule, do not lead to visible results.

CPU as a factor in RAM overclocking efficiency

Many IT experts believe that approaches to overclocking RAM modules should be chosen based on the specific processor model. It is possible that setting the same values ​​of frequency, voltage and timings when using modules on different processors will be accompanied by completely opposite results.

Overclocking memory with an Intel processor

Tests conducted by IT specialists show that when overclocking the memory used in combination with modern Intel processors (especially those based on the Sandy Bridge architecture), the following patterns exist.

Firstly, many of Intel's microcircuits are difficult to adjust for BCLK. If you change its values, the PC may begin to work unstably. Therefore, experimenting, most likely, will be possible only with a multiplier.

RAM options

At the same time, there are processors in the Intel lineup, which, experts say, are perfectly adapted to work when overclocking memory. For example, these are microchips of such types as Core i7-8 (they are assembled on the basis of the Lynnfield architecture). The least compatibility with memory overclocking, according to some experts, is possessed by Intel processors assembled on the basis of Clarkdale technology (especially the latest series).

Experts note that the performance of RAM acceleration during overclocking on Intel processors is affected by the parameters of the PC motherboard, namely, which chipsets are used on it. The fast operation of some chips in the computer architecture should be accompanied by no less dynamic performance of others. PC is a complex of electronic components. The more coordinated their work is, the faster and more stable the computer functions. If the user has at their disposal a low-performance motherboard, RAM, most likely, no overclocking will help.

Chips with a chipset like P67 Express have the best compatibility with overclocking memory.

Overclocking memory and AMD processors

IT experts note that AMD is characterized by an incomparably greater conservative approach to changing the architecture of manufactured processors. Therefore, overclocked RAM modules in tandem with chips from AMD, experts believe, behave more predictably than when used in combination with Intel processors. However, the achieved level of performance, as IT specialists note, is usually lower with overclocked RAM modules in tandem with AMD processors.

RAM slots

Phenom II, Athlon II microcircuits are quite good at overclocking RAM. The reference frequency in them is 200 megahertz. For the best result, it is recommended to set the frequency for the memory controller to three, and sometimes even more times higher than the same indicator for memory modules.

Experts note that DDR3 memory, considered one of the most productive, hardly accelerates on PCs equipped with an AMD processor. It is important to make sure that the motherboard is of a different type of modules. Before you start overclocking, you need to examine each RAM slot, see what marking is on the chips.

What is better to overclock: processor or memory?

IT experts do not give a clear answer to this question. It almost always makes sense to do both at the same time. However, some experts believe that a separate processor overclocking will provide a guaranteed increase in system performance. While the effect of using overclocked memory is not always accompanied by real acceleration of the PC, and sometimes even, on the contrary, the system starts to “slow down”.

How to overclock the computer's RAM so that performance is guaranteed to increase, but at the same time the likelihood of malfunctions is reduced? To reveal the real potential of the PC hardware components, according to IT experts, it is possible by implementing an integrated approach, which is expressed in the simultaneous work on overclocking the most different types of hardware.

In particular, the practical significance of increasing PC performance arises, as a rule, when starting computer games and powerful graphics applications. Therefore, simultaneously with RAM and the processor, it makes sense to overclock the video card as well. By setting the parameters of RAM, which presuppose artificial acceleration of its work, it is necessary to compare them with the values ​​that need to be set for other hardware components of the PC.

Cooling aspect

Setting the optimal values ​​for frequency and timings is half the battle. It is very important to ensure that the equipment can withstand increased due to the acceleration of the load. Therefore, before artificially increasing the speed of the RAM, you should make sure that it has a powerful cooling system.

Best RAM

RAM strips should be in close proximity to radiators. This rule applies, meanwhile, not only RAM, but also the processor (as well as other "overclockable" types of "iron"). It is very important that ventilation blows around each RAM slot in a high-quality manner and ensures constant air circulation. In some cases, it makes sense to install an additional computer cooling system at the same time as the factory coolers .


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