Fasting days in milk milk. Fasting day on milk milk: recipe, reviews

On the eve of spring, beautiful ladies are especially keen on losing weight. Fasting days on milk milk will help to achieve this goal. This method is relevant for people who by all means want to lose a few extra pounds, but do not want to suffer from a lack of food. After all, this delicious drink perfectly satisfies hunger.

What kind of beast is this?

Now we will understand this issue in detail. So, milk milk is a healing drink made from tea and milk. The effectiveness of this technique is very high. If it is correct to organize a fasting day on milk milk, the recipe of which we will describe below, then you can reduce body weight by one and a half kilograms per day.

In addition to the fact that the drink helps to get rid of annoying excess weight, it also positively affects the entire body, cleanses the organs of the excretory and digestive system, as well as the skin.

milk fasting days

Note that almost everyone can afford fasting days on milk milk, of course, except for those who have lactose intolerance. Such a drink on the whole body acts only positively. Why? We will explain now. The composition of this drink includes tea, which facilitates the process of absorption of milk fat. Due to this milk milk can be consumed by people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Green tea contains a substance such as tannin. It protects the gastric mucosa from the end products of fermentation. Another advantage is that green tea lowers blood sugar. The action of caffeine and alkaloids on our body softens milk. And in the composition of this dairy product there is calcium, which activates the active burning of fats.


Milk-milk fasting days are a good way to lose weight in a short time. In addition, such a drink helps to remove excess water from the body. In addition, milk milk is characterized by choleretic action.

Nutritionists advise using it not only to combat excess weight, but also to restore the activity of the heart, nervous system and kidneys. And - in addition to everything - this drink has tonic properties.

The effectiveness of such a fasting day depends on the correct preparation of milk milk. The first thing you need to do is to choose the raw materials on the basis of which you will make this wonderful drink. You can use both black tea and herbal tea (melissa, mint, etc.), or, for example, green. An interesting option is a mixture of several varieties. You will also need low-fat milk (not more than 2.5% fat). The drink must be stored either in a thermos or in the refrigerator.

milk fasting day recipe

Cooking methods

There are several cooking options. The first one is as follows:

Pour into a container one and a half liters of milk, bring to a boil, then add 3 tbsp. teaspoons of tea (any). Then let it brew (about half an hour), then strain it. If you want, you can add natural honey. For such an amount of drink - no more than 2 tbsp. spoons.

The second way: Brew tea according to the usual recipe, that is, put 2 teaspoons of tea in one glass of hot water. Let it brew for five minutes, then combine with boiled milk (1: 1). For this drink, you can take mint, lemon balm and other medicinal herbs. But the most effective is large leaf green tea.

milkweed day

Proper organization of unloading in milk milk

Now let's build the scheme of our diet. Remember, only one fasting day is allowed per week. The greatest effect is observed in the first 24 hours of drinking a wonderful drink. After that, the body gets used to it and already does not respond so effectively to its cleansing actions.

The most important thing in this unloading is the careful organization of entry and exit. Dinner before a significant day should be light, exactly the same - and the first meal after a fasting day. By the way, experts advise in the morning after milk day to drink on an empty stomach a cup of freshly squeezed apple and carrot juice. By using such nectar, you will enhance the effect after unloading.

During the fasting day, you can drink a diluted drink: half a glass of milkweed the same amount of hot water. During this diet, in addition to the main drink, you should drink plenty of fluids (about 2 liters).

Try to drink milk milk regularly (for example, every few hours). Then you will not have a feeling of hunger. You can drink this product both in cold form and in hot.

milk fasting day reviews

Milkweed fasting day: reviews, features and results

A survey was conducted of losing weight girls who used this technique. We found out that in one day on milk milk you can lose up to one and a half kilograms. The result depends on several factors:

• The amount of excess fluid in the body. As you know, in people who have a lot of extra pounds, the plumb line will be more noticeable.

• Diet. Some neglect the rule and start to eat some foods during the fasting day.

• Physical activity. If you drink milk milk and exercise, you can achieve a greater result.

Note that some people lost weight not just 1, but as much as 3 days on milkweed. The responses of the respondents in this case are good. Girls note that they liked this method of losing weight, especially if you use green varieties of tea with peach or mango to make a drink. According to the respondents, after such an unloading, they felt light, significant changes in volumes were noticed for three days.

3 days in milk milk reviews

However, not everyone sings the praises of the drink in question. As you know, there are negative reviews among the reviews. So, some girls say that milk milk provokes an upset stomach, which, incidentally, is not so fast. This is explained by the fact that an important component of the drink is milk - a product that is not tolerated by many adults, as a result of which a similar reaction of the body manifests itself. Therefore, before you go on such a diet, be sure to check with your doctor if you have lactose intolerance. It would be nice to discuss the use of this method with him: despite the fact that such unloading is easily tolerated, it is a great stress for the body.


Now you know what fasting days are in milk milk, and how to properly maintain such a mini-diet. Lose weight on health!


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