How to understand what was blocked on Instagram: methods for determining tips

Bans and restrictions by the Instagram administration usually occur when you violate the terms of use of the social network or community rules. How to understand what was blocked on Instagram, and what to do in this case?

how to understand that instagram user has blocked you

Types of Bans

There are three types of bans on Instagram: action blocking, shadow bans, and page blocking. Each of them imposes different types of restrictions. How to understand that the page on Instagram is blocked? To do this, you should familiarize yourself with each type of restriction in the most detail.

Action blocking

This happens when certain actions are performed too quickly (for example, likes, subscriptions and unsubscribing to user accounts). You will either receive a notification message that the action is limited, or it simply won’t work.

how to understand that the page on Instagram is blocked

Shadow bans

This happens when you post too often or use tags that have been banned. How to understand what was blocked on Instagram in this way? Although you can still perform actions with your account, shadow bans do not allow your messages to appear in the tags you use.

Page Lock

Such bans occur when you constantly get action locks or explicitly violate Instagram's terms of service. This often leads to account deletion. The ban also forever blocks the username, so you can’t re-create your account. In more serious cases, Instagram will restrict your IP access to the website and application.

How do you know if you were blocked on Instagram? In this case, it is impossible to make a mistake - you simply can’t log into your account. Instead of logging in, you will receive a message stating that access is denied.

how to determine instagram lock

What can cause blocking?

This is primarily due to aggressive automatic settings that massively subscribe you to various users and make unsubscribes. Numerous likes and comments made in a short period of time also fall under suspicion.

As follows from the rules of Instagram, you should not create accounts in unauthorized ways, including, but not limited to, using an automatic device, script, bot, scanner, and so on.

Automation can be safe if done right. But if you don’t know what you are doing and installing the bots blindly, Instagram will easily determine this.

Using Automation Without a Proxy

How to understand what was blocked on Instagram if a warning came to another account? If you manage multiple Instagram accounts, you need to run bots on different IP addresses. The risk that you will face if you put all your profiles under one IP address is that when one of them is blocked, the rest of the pages will also be banned. Subsequently, you will find that it is not possible to perform actions or leave messages on each of the linked pages.

Buying fake followers and likes

Most fake accounts are created using bots and managed through scripts. All this contradicts the terms of Instagram and can be removed from the account. Even if you are not caught using bots, buying subscribers will block your account and damage your brand.

how to understand that a person has blocked on instagram

Buying another user account

According to the rules of using the social network, you are responsible for any actions performed through your account, and you agree that you will not sell and transfer your account, subscribers, username and any data.

Posting Sexual, Inappropriate, or Copyrighted Content

You cannot create posts containing violence, photos of naked and partially naked people, discriminatory and illegal publications that violate the rights of other users, as well as other obscene content. In this case, you may not be able to access your profile.

How to understand what was blocked on Instagram for such a violation? In such cases, an account is usually completely blocked. This means that you will not be able to log into your account at all.

How to unlock your page?

You are lucky if you got just a blocking action. Typically, restrictions will be lifted as soon as 24 hours or several days have passed.

If your account has been permanently blocked, returning it can be quite difficult. The reviews of many users indicate the following: you need to directly contact the Instagram administration to remove the ban.

how to understand if you were blocked on instagram

However, many forms of technical support, such as "Report a hacked account", have been deleted. The best place to go is the help center of the service.

Can another user block you?

In addition to prohibitions and restrictions by the administration of the social network, there is the possibility of blocking by a specific user. The owner of any page can do this for their own reasons, including personal ones.

If this happened in relation to you, you may not immediately determine whether the user banned you or simply closed your account. How to understand that an Instagram account is blocked for you? This is pretty easy to check.

How to perform such a check?

To find out if you’re banned from Instagram, first open the app. Then enter the name of the person who you think has blocked you.

When you find the right user, click on his name to enter his profile. You should be able to see his photos without problems. If this is not the case, most likely you were blocked or he deactivated his Instagram account.

How to understand that the user "Instagram" has blocked you? If the person you suspect of restricting your access to his page has a public account, you can find his name in the search bar. If you go into the profile of this person and cannot see his photos, even if the top line indicates that he has images, you are not banned.

how to understand that the Instagram account is blocked

Perhaps the user deactivated his Instagram account or was banned by the administration of the service. You can use external applications, such as Unfollowgram, which allow you to find out who has unsubscribed from your page, since the person who blocked you will automatically cease to be your follower. But this is also not very reliable information, since unsubscribing can be made for other reasons.

The most reliable methods

How to understand that a person has blocked your profile on Instagram? If this person has a personal account, his name will not appear in your results when searching. Therefore, you will not be able to find the person who blocked you.

If you try to view a person’s profile but cannot see it in your account, most likely you are blocked. However, if you want to be sure of this, you can try viewing this user’s page from another Instagram account. If you perfectly see all of its content, you can be sure that you were blocked.

What does blocking by the user entail?

What happens when you are blocked by a user? Check what happens if you ban someone on Instagram and find out what options for interacting with this person on the social network are possible.

Blocking someone on Instagram is pretty easy. If the user wants to ban you for his reasons, he will do it easily and simply. By clicking one button, you can make settings so that a person can no longer see your profile or photos, although you can see the profile of that person if you look for him.


To avoid blocking by the administration of the resource, carefully study all the rules and limits, and do not allow their violations. In the case of other users, everything is somewhat more complicated.

There are various reasons why someone may block you on Instagram, but if this happens to you, it’s better not to worry too much. Do not ask for more explanation and do not try to send text messages to this person, as this will only worsen the situation.


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