Rifle FN FAL: description, manufacturer, characteristic, aiming, dimensions, usability and description with photo

The most famous among various small arms was the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Many wars and armed conflicts did not pass without the participation of the product of the Russian designer. According to experts, the machine was used on almost all continents. In addition to AK, the American automatic rifle M16 is also often mentioned , which, according to experts, is unfair, since there are other equally effective rifle models. One of them is the Belgian rifle FN FAL. According to experts, it was this rifle unit, and not the M16, that in the 20th century made worthy competition to the legendary AK. Information on the creation history, device, modifications and technical specifications of the FN FAL automatic rifle can be found in this article.

fn fal caliber

Start of work on Belgian weapons

During the Second World War, the military of most countries recognized the high efficiency of automatic weapons. In the post-war period, intensive rearmament began in the armies, since submachine guns no longer corresponded to the needs of army formations. This is due to the fact that automatic rifles are characterized by low accuracy when firing a burst and limitation of ammunition. Otherwise, the rifle would be too heavy and uncomfortable to wear. The Germans solved this problem with the help of a specially created intermediate cartridge. The power of this ammunition and dimensions are greater than that of a pistol, but less than a rifle.

Soon the idea of ​​using a similar class of cartridges was adopted by gunsmiths in other states. Belgium did not stand aside. In 1946, the designers of the Belgian company FN Herstal in Erstal began to create a new automatic rifle, which in the history of weapons became known as the FN FAL assault rifle.

belgian fn fal

About design

The creation of the FN FAL rifle was carried out under the leadership of the chief engineers Dieudonne Sav and Ernest Verviers. At the same time, work was underway on alternative options that could be equipped with a German intermediate cartridge of 7.92 by 33 mm and standard rifle ammunition. Also designed a new rifle under the English cartridge 7 x 43 mm. In 1949, the third option was ready. A year later, weapons were tested in the United States. The Americans recognized the benefits of Belgian weapons, but disproved the idea of ​​an intermediate cartridge. Instead, the American gunsmiths proposed their own development - the T65 ammunition. Today, this cartridge in the technical documentation is listed as 7.62 x 51 mm NATO model.

According to experts, there is an assumption that unofficially between NATO member countries and the United States there was an agreement according to which Europeans bought American ammunition, and in return they adopted the Belgian FN FAL. Whether this is so in fact is unknown. However, if there was such an agreement, the United States did not fulfill its promises, since in 1957 the American infantry received M14 rifles.


Work on weapons FN FAL completed in 1953. The rifle unit was completely ready for mass production. The first state to adopt the FN FAL rifle in 1955 was Canada. There the weapon was listed as C1. In Belgium, the soldiers received this rifle model in 1956. A year later, the FN FAL rifles were delivered to England. There, Belgian-made weapons were listed as the L1 SLR. In Austria, rifles since 1958. There they were renamed Sturmgewehr 58.

In accordance with NATO standards, the FN FAL weapon contains a muzzle brake and uses standard rifle grenades.


The Belgian rifle consists of the following main parts:

  • Barrel and receiver.
  • Gate.
  • Trigger mechanism.
  • A vent pipe containing a gas piston.
  • Handle for reloading.
  • Butt.
  • Score.

The stock consists of forend and butt. In the forend there are two cheeks, with the help of which the vent pipe is closed in front. The design of this shooting model is made according to a breakable scheme, namely, the receiver and the trigger are connected via a hinge. The classic rifle is equipped with a special carrying handle.

fn fal automatic rifle

From 1964 to 1965, the fittings were made of wood. Later, plastic began to be used as a material, making the production process easier and cheaper. Later samples began to equip the Weaver and Picatinny rail.


The FN FAL rifle uses the removal of powder gases with a short stroke supernatal gas piston. The rifles SVT-40 and SAFN-49 had a similar design. The gas piston is equipped with its own return spring. A gas chamber was also placed above the barrel. Thanks to the regulator built into it, the shooter has the opportunity to independently control the movement of powder gases through special openings, depending on operating conditions.

If rifle grenades are used, the gas outlet can be completely blocked. To do this, it is enough to close the holes in the chamber through which the gases escape into the atmosphere. The barrel channel is locked using a longitudinally sliding shutter, which is skewed vertically, is shifted down and fixed with a special protrusion in the bottom of the receiver.

fn fal assault rifle

The rear of the frame was equipped with inclined protrusions that provide a lift of the shutter, therefore, unlock the barrel channel. The location of the shutter became a massive shutter frame. After each shot, a gas piston acts on it, which is responsible for compressing the return spring. In modifications, it was placed in a fixed butt. It acts on the bolt frame with a long narrow shank. A similar device is typical for rifle units, in which the fixing of the butt is provided. If they are folding, then the place of the spring is the cover of the receiver. At the same time, it interacts directly with the frame, which has been slightly modified for this purpose.

The return mechanism is mounted in a metal tube. It is represented by two springs with different windings and located closely to each other. On the left side of the box mounted handle for reloading. Her task is to retract the shutter. Forward pushing return springs. If its closure did not occur to the full extent, then it is not possible to shift it forward with an effort to do this. After using up all the ammunition in the store, the bolt remains open. In this position, it is held by a special protrusion of the feeder in a clip. Photo FN FAL presented in the article.

fusil automatique leger


According to experts, the Belgian rifle contains a simple and reliable trigger mechanism. It is used as a model for the design of later shooting models. USM placed in a separate unit, which has a pistol grip, recoil box and the mechanism itself. Using hinges, the block is connected to the bottom of the receiver. USM trigger type contains a separate mainspring and a rotating trigger. It is adapted for single and automatic fire. Using the self-timer, shooting is excluded if the shutter is open. On the left on the receiver is reserved for a mode translator.

About ammunition

For the FN FAL assault rifle, detachable magazines designed for 20 and 30 ammunition were developed. Their supply to the chamber is carried out by a special pusher.

automatic fn fal

30 round clips are of two types:

  • straight lines that are considered standard,
  • curved, like the horns of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

According to weapons experts, the Belgian assault rifle shop can be equipped with L1A1, but not vice versa. This is due to the fact that during the production of FN FAL, the front hooks of the clips are stamped, and they are smaller. In L1A1, hooks are made as separate parts, and they are more massive. Given the size of these hooks, grooves are made in the shafts of storehouses.

About Sights

According to experts, various modifications of the FN FAL are equipped with various means for aiming. Most models have a diopter rear sight. In addition, the front sight is traditionally located in front of the venting device. In the original rifle instance, the sights are designed for distances within 200-600 m. In order to make the rifle effective in a variety of conditions, the Belgian developers equipped the front sight of the weapon with special illumination, which is a luminous point.

About the installation of optical means

Optical (day, night, thermal and electronic) sights are mounted on the gun using a special bracket, for which, in accordance with the STANAG standard, a two-point mount is provided. Brackets are produced together with the receiver cover as a single unit. To equip the rifle with optics, it is enough for the arrow to dismantle the standard cover, and put a similar product in its place, but with the bracket. In rifles with folding stocks, the brackets are turned in the opposite direction. Also for mounting sights, use Picatinny rail and Weaver. These products are special adapters.

In an effort to make the installation of optics simpler, arms trading companies have set up the manufacture of milled aluminum barrel lids with already installed trims. Judging by numerous reviews, due to this design, the sight height has been significantly reduced.

About technical specifications

The model has the following specifications:

  • The total length of the rifle is 109 cm, the barrel - 53.3 cm.
  • Weapons weigh no more than 4.3 kg.
  • Caliber FN FAL - 7.62 mm.
  • Shooting is carried out by NATO ammunition 7.62 x 51 mm.
  • The barrel is equipped with four right-handed rifling.
  • Box type automatic detachable magazines contain 20 and 30 rounds each.
  • From one Belgian rifle from 650 to 700 rounds can be fired within one minute.
  • The aiming range is 650 m.
  • The bullet moves toward the target with an initial speed of 823 m / s.
  • The rifle is equipped with a standard diopter sight.

About modifications

The Belgian rifle (French fusil automatique leger) served as the basis for the design of new rifle models:

  • FN FAL 50.00. It is a standard rifle with a folding butt.
  • 50.64. For the model, a folding butt is provided.
  • 50.63. Rifle unit with a shortened barrel and a folding metal butt. Weapons are used by airborne troops.
  • 50.41. This rifle unit is a light machine gun with folding bipod, an elongated and weighted barrel.
  • FN CAL. It is considered the first European submachine gun using 5.56 x 45 mm cartridges.
  • Steyr Stg. 58. Structurally similar to the 50.00 model, but has a modified forend and butt. Country of origin - Austria.
  • IMBEL LAR. The weapon was designed in Brazil based on a Belgian rifle.
fn fal weapons
  • DSA-58OSW. It is a shortened FN FAL. There are Picattini slats from the American company DS Arms. Designed specifically for police officers. According to experts, today this sample is considered the most common in the US arms market.
  • C1. The rifle was developed by Canadian gunsmiths based on the FN FAL design. It differs from the Belgian rifle unit in modified butt and sights.

About the advantages and disadvantages

According to experts, the rifle has a high accuracy of battle from a distance of up to 1 thousand m. This figure is significantly reduced if the fire translator is switched from single-shot to burst fire. Also highly appreciated is the high slaughter of the NATO ammunition of 7.62 x 51 mm. Cartridge with a stable and heavy bullet. The shooter may not be afraid that as a result of contact with foliage or branches, the projectile will change the flight path. Judging by the reviews, with such ammunition it is easy to hit targets dressed in body armor. However, the Belgian machine is easily clogged.


The Belgian rifle FN FAL has established itself as a reliable and unpretentious small arms. For this reason, the high popularity of this model in the world is explainable. Automatic rifles are commercially available in the United States and Brazil to this day.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9835/

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