Marry an Armenian: traditions, pros and cons

Armenian man - with this expression in his head appears the image of a tall, handsome young man with a bright oriental appearance. Surely many representatives of the fairer sex are ready to go to great lengths so that such a mysterious and attractive handsome man is at their feet. But is so much that Slavic women know about the Armenian character, their native traditions and way of life? If you are one of those girls who want to marry an Armenian, you should learn more about your chosen one before deciding to take such a serious step.

What is his Armenian character?

In Russia, men of this nationality are trying to adapt primarily territorially, because otherwise they simply will not be able to live here. Over time, the young man undergoes obvious changes - by his nationality he still remains an Armenian, but in his behavior and outlook he becomes more like a Slav. And there is nothing strange in this, because gradually a person simply adapts to a different environment and mentality.

A stable image of a fatal man, famous for his ardent temperament and caring attitude to girls, has settled in the female mind. In reality, the Armenians do not stand out so much among people of other nationalities. They are distinguished only by jealousy, a sudden change of mood, undeniable charm, temper, hardworking, loyalty to traditions and customs, veneration of family values. Men living in Russia are usually more sociable than their compatriots remaining in their homeland. True, one should not forget that each person is individual, and Armenians are no exception to this rule.

Marry an Armenian: Pros and Cons

Armenia is a long-suffering state in which it has long been necessary to make a lot of efforts to build its own housing and harvest crops. Perhaps that is why the men who grew up there prefer not empty talk, but action.

Few people know that the indigenous people of Armenia are only at first glance so aggressive and strict. In fact, behind their charming, attractive appearance hides the vulnerable and rather subtle natures, who certainly know how to love and sometimes commit rash acts. Such men are really able to appreciate every joyful moment and give their sincere feelings to women.

However, not everyone understands what it really means to marry an Armenian. Of course, the first thing to say is that such a family is often very strong, because it is built on mutual understanding and respect. Armenian men really know how to honor their traditions, and with sufficient respect to treat their loved ones.

To marry an Armenian

Where can one meet such a person? Of course, you can go directly to Armenia as a tourist. Probably few people know that this country is really beautiful. And it is possible that it is in its open spaces that you will be able to get acquainted with a standing person who will make you happy. If you manage to win his heart, then very soon you will be able to marry an Armenian.

So, you will become part of the Armenian family, and most likely you will soon realize how lucky you are. After all, people born in Armenia value their loved ones above all else.

What to expect

Should I marry an Armenian? Each girl determines the answer to this question for herself. But you should know that, usually, such families turn out incredibly strong, large and friendly. If this is exactly what you need, then you can very well become the chosen one of a real Armenian.

Such a man, of course, becomes the head of the family, placing all responsibilities on his own shoulders. But it is worth saying that this does not mean at all that the Armenian is a tyrant or despot. First of all, he is a loving and caring husband, and also a father.

The benefits of marriage with an Armenian

Such a strong-willed and responsible man will work day and night to feed his spouse and children. By the way, another advantage of the Armenians lies in the fact that they love children very much. Their babies always live surrounded by respect, care, fidelity and honesty. Although rigor and discipline are integral components of education.

What you need for a successful marriage

If you can accept all the customs, traditions and laws of the Armenian people, then your acquaintance with a representative of this nationality may well develop into something more. Even if you fail to marry an Armenian and build a love relationship with him, a strong friendship will still be guaranteed to you. But how to understand their holy customs?

First of all, you should learn more about the history of Armenia. You will need to try to feel all the pain of this unfortunate people on yourself. Do not forget that in their temperament and disposition, Armenians are significantly different from other Caucasian peoples. They are more judicious, filled with dignity and confidence. Another important quality characteristic of Armenian men is considered unshakable calm.

The wars that took place for a very long time on the territory of their country taught this people above all to value peace, kindness and harmony, as well as enjoy life.

Marry an Armenian: life stories

Love, as you know, has no nationality. But if you are one of those women who at all costs wants to marry an Armenian, you should prepare for some features of such a marriage. And as an example, here are some stories from the lives of our readers.

So, a girl named Anna shares her experience of family life with an Armenian. She married him 12 years ago, and since then she has never regretted it. According to Anna, for a long time they did not want to accept her in his circle, but when she still became part of his family, she was truly loved. The girl admires her husband, and he answers her with his care, respect and understanding. Anna calls her husband a family man who does not just look after his children, but really lives for them. By the way, the girl does not need anything - the head of the family provides the needs of her household in everything.

Stories from the lives of Armenian women

Another girl, Svetlana, has been happily married to an Armenian for 10 years. She calls her family incredibly strong and friendly. Svetlana says that her husband is surrounded by a lot of Armenians, because they always try to stay together and help each other. On all family holidays, the house is full of people, very fun, noisy and interesting. True, his parents also adopted the girl very wary and not friendly. But over time, the situation improved, and Svetlana became a full member of the family.

Sensational marriage

Just recently, a scandal broke out in the press under the headline: "A Chechen woman married an Armenian." It would seem that this is bad? In fact, these two peoples have long been at enmity with each other. Pushkin also wrote about the contempt of Chechens for Armenians.

That is why when the famous Chechen singer Kheda Khamzatova married an Armenian, the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, sharply reacted to the event. His speech was filled with foul language, and soon her compatriots were sent to the girl, who took her back.

Chechen woman married Armenian

How to interest an Armenian

First of all, it is worth saying that there is no confirmation that men of this nationality prefer a certain type of women. So dyeing your hair from white to black, or gaining a few pounds of excess weight is absolutely pointless.

The Armenian may be interested in the mystery of the lady, the presence of the so-called zest, which is visible, but remains unsolved. This is the only way to attract him, arouse interest in yourself and really intrigue. If you meet him by accident, do not try to impose yourself, try to act at ease. And the best thing is to show impregnability - thatโ€™s how you can really push an Armenian to actions and actions. Indeed, in essence such men are conquerors.

Unapproachability, mystery and well-groomed appearance - should become your main trump cards in attracting the Armenian.

What to expect from a marriage with an Armenian

Registration of marriage in Armenia

Is it possible to marry an Armenian in his native country? Yes, but some conditions must be met for this. For marriage, first of all, mutual consent of both parties is necessary. Both man and woman must be of marriageable age.

Not allowed to get married in Armenia:

  • close relatives;
  • cousins โ€‹โ€‹and brothers;
  • divorced people;
  • if one of the couple is legally incompetent.

Registration of marriage is carried out:

  • territorial representation of the registry office;
  • registration chamber of birth and marriage.

To submit an application with you must have:

  • the statement itself, signed by the bride and groom;
  • both passports
  • certificates confirming the absence of previous and current marriages.

The foreigner will additionally need to make a copy of the passport and notarize it.

Armenian marriage

Armenian wedding traditions

To marry an Armenian means to adhere to all the customs of this people. Believe me, it is difficult to find something more beautiful than an Armenian wedding. For centuries, despite the difficult situation in the state, this people has been trying to carefully preserve all available rites and customs.

All close and distant relatives, friends, and even unfamiliar people are necessarily invited to celebrations. Weddings taking place in the vast expanses of beautiful Armenia are always distinguished by splendor and wide scope. Marriage is usually celebrated for several days.

In preparation for the event, all close and dear people always take part. And finally, no triumph takes place without a betrothal procedure.

On a pre-selected day, all relatives gather with a large number of gifts for the bride in the groom's house. Usually bring jewelry.

Then, a chic banquet is set during which relatives wish a couple of long years and a strong family. After a long event, all guests move to the bride's house.

Armenian wedding traditions

What else is worth knowing

According to ancient customs, it is the parents of the future husband who present the outfit to the girl. And in traditional Armenian families, a rite is still being held to confirm the innocence of the bride.

After the wedding night, a messenger with a red apple for his mother and praises for his father is sent to his wifeโ€™s house.

Also keep in mind that simple cohabitation is not welcome in Armenia. Usually, the groom takes the bride out of her house only after the wedding.


So, you made every effort to marry an Armenian, but what will you get in return? Usually, such men are well-mannered, attentive, it is interesting to communicate with them, they are unmatched in courting and always take care. According to statistics, in the vast majority of cases, Armenians turn out to be exemplary husbands, loving fathers, placing their family above everything else. They always respect their spouse and appreciate her opinion.

And in order to marry an Armenian, one should adhere to all long-standing traditions, rites and, of course, to know the amazing history of this people. Only on the basis of respect and understanding can you build a truly strong relationship with such a man.


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