Best Chewable Vitamins for Kids

Chewing vitamins for children - a necessary tool for a growing child's body. When the child's immune system has not yet been strengthened, he is susceptible to various diseases much more often than adults. With the help of vitamin complexes, you will be able to effectively maintain his health by activating all the necessary protective functions. These drugs are able to fully meet the needs of minors in those substances that they lack, in some cases it is problematic to get them even from purchased products.

How to make the right choice?

Choosing the right chewable vitamins for children is extremely important. Most vitamin baby complexes exist in a large assortment, which greatly complicates the final choice. In this article, we will give some tips that should help you.

When purchasing chewing vitamins for children, first of all, be guided by the fact that they correspond to the age of your child. This is of great importance, since the need for specific vitamins in children is constantly changing depending on how old they are.

You should also take into account the individual characteristics of your child, it will be useful to consult a doctor before starting to give your child this or that vitamin complex.

When purchasing chewing vitamins for children, always remember that some drugs may contain substances that cause allergies in some children. So it is always necessary to pay close attention to the composition. Another important factor is the manufacturer. The effectiveness, quality and safety of the product largely depend on the pharmaceutical company.

Why are vitamins needed?

When choosing the best chewable vitamins for children, you should always remember what affects the health of the child. This is sufficient physical activity and a balanced diet. If you ensure active games for the baby and long walks, as a rule, there will be no problems, then with a full-fledged diet, which will also be enriched with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, the situation is much more complicated.

First of all, babies can begin to act up, refusing to eat this or that product. Some are categorically against meat at a certain age, while others do not accept vegetables or cottage cheese. But in each of these products contain substances, without which the body of a minor is not able to function normally. This leads to a decrease in immunity, the child becomes more vulnerable to various viruses and infections.

Children who regularly lack nutrients regularly get sick, have a hard time tolerating viral infections and acute respiratory infections. The recovery period also takes a longer time.

As an effective prophylaxis, most doctors recommend a set of measures, which necessarily includes the intake of vitamins. True, you should not take them as a panacea, which is guaranteed to protect your baby from the disease. You need to understand that this is only an auxiliary measure that helps to fill the shortage of useful elements important for the body and strengthen the immune system.

"Active Bears"

Active bears

Many pediatricians and parents believe that these are some of the best chewable vitamins for children. These are tasty pastilles in the shape of cubs, which have different colors, which is why they attract children so much. As a rule, there are no problems with persuading a child to take this drug.

"Active Bears" - chewing vitamins for children, reviews of which are received exclusively positive. And from doctors and parents. The formula of this complex is designed for children over three years old, it includes ten vitamins.

Mostly these are B vitamins, which play an important role in the development of your baby. They are important for the active growth of the child, strengthening his immune system, increasing the body's resistance to viruses and various infections.

In reviews of "Bears" (chewing vitamins for children), parents admit that they will be enjoyed by their babies in every sense of the word. The packaging is bright, it immediately catches your eye, it depicts funny and attractive heroes. Vitamins themselves have several flavors that can interest even the most capricious child. The parents themselves are bribed by an affordable price and a convenient reception schedule - once a day is enough.

True, there are also certain disadvantages, which are mentioned by those who have already decided to purchase this vitamin complex. They note that sugar is present in the lozenges - two mg each. Because of this, many have the idea that vitamins can serve as a useful alternative to sweets, but they can not be considered "pure" vitamins.

It is worth paying attention to the existing restrictions. Take this vitamin complex is contraindicated in case of individual negative reactions to the components or diabetes.

Sun vitamin

In the children's body, the presence of vitamin D is of great importance. The child feels the need for it literally from the first months of life. At the same time, as a rule, it does not come in full with breast milk. But its role is extremely important, therefore, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, pediatricians recommend prescribing drugs based on it. Including it can be chewable tablets with vitamin D for children.

Remember that only a doctor should prescribe vitamins to a child, especially for infants and newborns. The main task of parents is to strictly follow all recommendations, observe the frequency of administration, a certain dose, treatment course. When a woman is breast-feeding a baby, she is advised to review her diet to include a lot of healthy and fortified foods. So it will be possible to protect the baby from unpleasant ailments in the first months and years of life. Sun baths and rays, walks in the fresh air will also help to enrich the baby's body with useful substances.

If you are going to take drugs to make up for the lack of this vitamin in the body, you should clearly know about the existing dosages, which directly depend on the age of the minor. The choice of the dose of medicine and a specific drug should remain with the doctor who knows the features of your baby. Infants are prescribed vitamins in the form of drops.

Chewing vitamins for children from 1 year old are on the market in a large assortment. In this case, the tablets in their composition have flavoring additives due to the use of auxiliary components that make taking the drug more pleasant.

For example, vitamin D for children in chewable tablets is supplied by the American company Gummi King. They have a different color and shape, which is very attractive for kids. Moreover, at first glance (and taste) these vitamins resemble marmalade, so the children really like them, taking the medicine in this case becomes not some kind of test, but a true pleasure.

The packages produce 60 tablets with different flavors, safe for children and not causing allergies. Admission of this tool allows you to strengthen the teeth and bones, improve the general condition of the child, increase his immunity. Especially taking this drug is recommended in the autumn and winter, when babies have to deal with vitamin deficiency.

"Parade of animals"

Animal parade

Thatโ€™s how literally the name of this drug can be translated into Russian, which helps fill the shortage of another important element. Vitamin D3 is of great importance for the full functioning of the body. Its scientific name is cholecalciferol, and in everyday life it is often called the "solar cell".

It is noteworthy that a significant part of this element necessary for our body, the body produces independently. Typically converting sunlight into chemicals. Vitamin D3 is formed in our skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. After that, he binds to a protein that sends it to the liver, from where it spreads throughout the body.

This element affects the structure of the skeleton, mood, pressure, immunity, the bodyโ€™s ability to defend itself against cancer, and the brainโ€™s performance depend on its presence. It is necessary for the metabolism and absorption of phosphorus and calcium, it is important for bone health, and is involved in the work of the endocrine glands.

With a shortage in the child's body, it is recommended to use chewing vitamin D3 for children Animal Parade. This drug is a real source of energy and strength, does not contain gluten, hypoallergenic, is considered a vegetarian product. It is an effective natural support for bone health.

It is worth recognizing that in recent years, children began to receive significantly less vitamin D in natural ways. Various factors contribute to this: the enthusiasm for video games and films, the use of sunscreens and sunblocks. In this regard, experts strongly recommend taking useful nutritional supplements that can make up for the lack of this substance in the body. These are vitamins, chewing marmalade for children in the form of animals with the taste of black cherry.

It is advised to take children from two years of age, chewing one capsule daily. In addition to the main ingredient, this preparation contains stearic and citric acid, a mixture of fructose, guar gum and natural shock absorbers.

"Solgar" for the health of babies

Vitamins Solgar

Chewing vitamins for children "Solgar" has been present on the pharmaceutical market since 1947. They do not contain GMOs, are already approved by many patients. It is important that they do not contain wheat, gluten, dairy products, dyes and artificial flavors.

The company "Solgar" creates nutritional supplements for 71 years. All of them are created taking into account scientific knowledge and the latest achievements. One serving of these chewable tablets contains 150 percent of the daily intake of vitamin D3 for children from four years old, about 75 percent of the daily intake for babies two to three years old.

In addition to the main ingredient, the composition contains tapioca syrup, cane organic sugar, maltodextrin, pectin, natural flavors, citric acid, purple berry concentrate, silica, black concentrate of black carrot juice, mannitol, turmeric color.

Children aged two to three years are recommended to chew two capsules per day. Children over four years of age, as well as adults should chew four capsules. Before taking the drug, you should consult a doctor who can adjust these recommendations.


Vitamins Vitrum

Chewing vitamins for children Vitrum, according to the manufacturer, contains a formula for growth, memory and intelligence. Recommended for children from the age of three.

This is a delicious chewing marmalade that contains a complex of nutrients. These are vitamins A, C, E, D3, B 6 , B 12 , B 5 , B 9 , as well as iodine, biotin, choline, zinc, pectin, inositol.

Indication for use is the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis, a lack of minerals necessary for the body during the period of intensive growth of the child. It is also worth paying attention to them with malnutrition or unbalanced nutrition, during the recovery period or immediately after a disease, with a decreased appetite.

These chewable vitamins are often prescribed for children 7 years old. In this case, they should be taken orally after meals, chewing carefully one tablet a day.


Vitamins Supradin

Chewing vitamins for children "Supradin" are available in the form of chewable lozenges in packs of 30 or 60 tablets. This is an effective multivitamin complex, which is able to compensate for the lack of micro and macro elements, vitamins during the period of active work.

Chewing vitamins "Supradin" for children is recommended to be taken as an additional source of nicotinamide, biotin, vitamins A, B 6 , B 12 , C, D 3 , as well as folic acid.

The total duration of taking the tablets is one month. Children from 3 years old should take one chewing gum every day, from seven years the dose can be increased. These chewable vitamins for children 11 years old are recommended for one or two lozenges per day with meals.

These vitamins contribute to the development and harmonious growth of the child, supporting his health during the adaptation period at school or kindergarten, for the concept of immunity, helps to cope in the period of lack of vitamins.

Calcium for the body

The growing body of the child must necessarily receive calcium in sufficient quantities. This mineral is extremely important for growing babies, as it is required for the formation of enamel and dentin, muscle tissue, bone tissue begins to break without it, calcium is extremely important for the nervous system and muscle tissue.

Calcium takes part in the activity of the immune system, a sufficient amount of it is necessary for a good condition of hair, skin and nails. Data mineral helps strengthen the vascular walls, active mental activity.

If the child does not receive enough calcium for the body, this can provoke fatigue, weakness, increased irritability, cracking and peeling of the skin, tooth decay, which causes tooth decay. In some cases, numbness of the fingers, sleep disturbances, deformation and increased fragility of the bones, significant growth retardation, a lack of this mineral provokes a spinal curvature and rickets.

After consulting with your doctor, you should jointly choose a supplement that is specifically suitable for your child. Symptoms, when you should start taking chewing vitamins for children with calcium, are periods of intensive growth of children, when their teeth begin to erupt, also with an unbalanced diet, when calcium is not enough in food, as well as with regular dental diseases and frequent fractures.

Multi-Tabs Kid Calcium

As a source of calcium for children, "Complivit Calcium D3" is often chosen. This is a calcium carbonate supplement that is supplemented with vitamin D3. The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets with an orange flavor. Vitamins are recommended for children over three years old.

The multivitamin "Multi-Tabs Kid Calcium +" is intended for babies aged two to seven years. This is a chewable tablet, thanks to which the child receives a complex of necessary substances. These are immediately seven minerals and 13 vitamins.

Vitamins Alphabet

In the vitamin complex "Alphabet" contains nutrients that are contained in sachets and all kinds of tablets. This is due to the peculiarities of their absorption. In one of the sachets, calcium is combined with folic acid, as well as the necessary pantothenic acid.

The tablet drug Calcemin is approved for children over the age of five. In this supplement, calcium is represented by citrate and carbonate, supplemented with zinc, copper, vitamin D, as well as manganese.

We emphasize that there are a lot of multivitamin preparations containing calcium. Before buying this or that drug, you should definitely consult a pediatrician, because only a doctor, knowing all the features of the child, will be able to prescribe those vitamins that are suitable for him. In this case, the doctor will recommend how to change the physical activity of the baby and his diet, so that the effect is maximum.

Often, along with calcium-based supplements, it is required to be taken twice a year to make up for the lack of this mineral in the body. Most often, it is combined with vitamin D. Together, they are better absorbed, and calcium is combined with phosphorus or magnesium.

Mini mix

Finnish chewing vitamins for children come in three different flavors. This mineral pill contains everything you need for the development and growth of the child. In particular, this product has a lot of iodine, iron, which contribute to the cognitive development and normal growth of the child. It contains six minerals and twelve essential vitamins.

It is worth noting that some foods and additives are extremely important in the process of growth of the body. In particular, iodine affects the production and production of certain hormones. They are necessary for the normal growth of the child. Also in these vitamins contains iron involved in the metabolism. - , . .


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