"Okolipen" for weight loss: reviews, instructions, analogues

An inexpensive, effective and safe means for losing weight is the dream of almost every woman. Who would refuse the opportunity to be slim and beautiful without making any effort to do this? I went to visit a plentiful feast, and then drank a pill - and you do not need to arrange fasting days. Unfortunately, these are only dreams that are likely to remain such. However, if you firmly decided to lose a few pounds, then there is a faithful assistant - Okolipen for weight loss. Reviews say that this, of course, is not a magic pill, but in combination with other means can well serve a good cause.

octolipene slimming reviews

What to consider

If you want to get not a short-term, but a stable effect, that is, to become slimmer for many years, we recommend that you seriously think about whether you need to take any medications. They can be expensive or cheap, effective or useless, safe or even harmful to your health, but they have a general principle of action, which you must be aware of.

If you are overweight, it means that calorie intake exceeds consumption, or metabolic disorder is observed. In the first case, you need to fine-tune the balance between incoming and expended energy, and in the second, go through a course of treatment and adjust the distribution of protein, fats and carbohydrates for the benefit of the body. What do slimming drugs offer us? That's right: continue to eat in the same way, lead a sedentary lifestyle, but at the same time swallow miraculous means. Even if you get a result, it will be short-lived and will only lead to an even greater imbalance in metabolism.

Why did we decide today to figure out whether it is possible to use "Oktolipen" for weight loss? Reviews of doctors say that if there is a need to take drugs for weight correction, then these should be natural compounds that the body itself uses to normalize energy metabolism. Having become interested in this statement, we decided to find out whether a lipoic acid-based drug can solve such a difficult problem as weight loss. Advertising can be very attractive, but is it really so rosy?

octolipene Price

Not for all occasions

In fact, specialists in the field of healthy nutrition sometimes prescribe Oktolipen for weight loss. Patient reviews warn that there will be no instant effect. Following the doctor’s recommendations on nutrition, you can become slimmer, but this is the result of all the work in the complex. However, the desire to lose weight is sometimes so strong that women begin to self-medicate, as well as use those drugs that one of their friends recommended to them. Not all will help Oktolipen for weight loss. Reviews of doctors say that taking drugs at random is not recommended. Like any other, it has contraindications and side effects, although in general the drug is quite safe.

octolipene instruction

What it is

Let's take a closer look at what Oktolipen is. The instruction emphasizes that taking the drug is safe for humans. Sometimes doctors prescribe it as a medicine from the category of "will not be worse." So, the active substance of the drug is alpha lipoic acid. This is a powerful antioxidant that binds free radicals, due to which the whole body heals. This favorably affects the condition of hair, nails, skin, and also indirectly affects body weight.

A lot of rumors are due to the fact that you can eat sweets in unlimited quantities, and then take "Oktolipen". The instruction does not confirm such statements. Indeed, taking lipoic acid helps to reduce blood glucose and increase the amount of glycogen in the liver. That is, by its properties, this substance has an effect similar to that of the famous B vitamins. Alpha-lipoic acid is involved in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates the production of cholesterol and improves liver function. However, if your goal is to establish all internal processes, it is extremely important to adjust your diet.

octolipene analogues


In the free sale you can find the drug "Oktolipen". Capsules are the most preferred form. Each of them contains 300 mg of lipoic acid. It is enclosed in a convenient gelatin shell that does not need to be damaged, just wash the capsule with water.

The second option is Oktolipen tablets. The active substance is the same - lipoic acid in an amount of 600 mg. That is, if necessary, increase the dosage, this may be the best option. Excipients are calcium, silicon and starch. They are necessary for shaping.

A natural compound for our body

It is such a substance that is lipoic acid. It is an antioxidant that blocks free radicals, prevents liver disease and the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels. With age in the human body, it is produced in smaller quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to start taking the drug "Oktolipen" or any other source. There are a lot of analogues on the market.

octolipene slimming women reviews


Reception of "Oktolipen" gives a hepaprotective effect, that is, it is recommended first of all to use it in case of violations of this organ. By the way, it is liver problems that often cause the accumulation of excess weight and its slow decline. On this side, the drug is chosen correctly: if you want to be slim and beautiful - bring your internal organs in order. In addition, lipoic acid improves the activity of neurons, reduces the manifestation of diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy. This disease is characterized by numbness and pain in the hands and feet.

For health and weight loss

It becomes clear that we are talking about a single drug containing lipoic acid. This is a substance that is synthesized in minimal doses in the body. It is part of enzymes and is involved in the respiration of cells. It is the unique ability to oxidize and recover that allows it to perform a number of important functions in the body.

  • First of all, it is necessary to highlight that it is a powerful antioxidant, almost a vitamin of youth. It slows down the aging of cells, which leads to improved functioning of the whole organism. Such an action is primarily noticed by those who take "Oktolipen" for weight loss. Reviews of women emphasize that from the first days there is lightness and well-being, a desire to act.
  • Lipoic acid helps detoxify the body. An important point again. It is toxins and toxins that lead to poor health, weakness and drowsiness, when a person instead of active activity pampers himself with an extra bun near the TV.
  • "Oktolipen", the action of which is complex, normalizes the rate of insulin, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • All of the above improves metabolism, enhances the effectiveness of training and physical activity.
    oktolipen for weight loss how to accept

Effect on Weight Loss

Today, many women, deciding to put their figure in order, try the drug "Okolipen" on themselves. The analogs, which we will consider below, are no worse, and many differ in a more attractive price. However, now we are primarily interested in the mechanism of action, that is, how lipoic acid helps to remove extra pounds.

Judging by the information provided by the instructions for use, it effectively acts directly on the strategic reserves of the body. Incidentally, the formulation is not entirely correct: under the influence of lipoic acid, fat reserves are released and a large amount of energy is released. That is, to lose weight, you need to either cut your diet or increase physical activity.

There is another point that is important to consider when taking Oktolipen. He has a small price, this is an affordable remedy, and sometimes women begin to bite sweets for them. Let's look at how such a solution is born. In fact, the logic here is simple: if a lot of carbohydrates enter the body, then the level of insulin in the blood increases. He begins to store sugar in the form of fat. Here, lipoic acid plays a very important role. It also captures excess carbohydrates, but transfers it not to adipose tissue, but to muscle tissue, where they are consumed or used for muscle work. This once again confirms that the drug can be used to reduce weight, but only in a duet with physical activity and a proper diet.

And what will happen to the muscles

This is also a completely legitimate question. What effect does the accumulation of glycogen in muscle tissue have under the condition of increased physical activity? Studies clearly demonstrate that lipoic acid does not have a direct anabolic effect. However, there is good news. The drug "Oktolipen" significantly reduces the amount of lactic acid in the muscle tissue, which is formed and accumulates during training. That is, you get the opportunity to withstand longer and more intense loads, which, of course, will affect the appearance in the most positive way.

Lipoic acid enhances the absorption of glucose by muscle cells. This leads to the fact that even light training will neutralize the effects of tea drinking. In addition, it should be borne in mind that during exercise, the metabolism in the cells increases sharply, a large number of free radicals appear, which lipoic acid easily neutralizes.

octolipene action

Dosage and route of administration

In pharmacies today, not only Oktolipen is for sale. Analogs are presented in such an assortment that it is better to compare reviews before making the final choice. These are “Espa-lipon”, “Berlition 300” and much more. In addition to these, lipoic acid is sold directly.

To make the final choice, you need to determine the dosage. Only the attending physician will help with this. Dosage varies greatly: 50-400 mg / day. Sometimes the doctor prescribes up to 1000 mg, but this is, rather, an exception. The instructions for the drug contain information that it is not recommended to exceed a dose of 600 mg. You need to start taking it with less. For example, with half a daily portion. If you feel normal, then you can proceed to the total dosage. It can not be exceeded without the recommendation of a doctor, since blood sugar may fall.

Let's dwell a little more on the issue of using the drug "Okolipen" for weight loss. How to take capsules or tablets with minimal health risk? There is no big difference between them, so see what you find more convenient. Capsules contain 300 mg of active ingredient. Therefore, it is enough to take two a day, without chewing, 30 minutes before the first meal.

Tablets are used in a similar way. They have a larger dosage, 600 mg each, respectively, 1 piece per day is required. Exceeding the prescribed amount can lead to headaches and a sharp drop in sugar, diarrhea and nausea, vomiting and an allergic reaction.


Today, consumers are primarily interested in price. If there is an alternative, then no one wants to pay a large amount for the same effect. If we consider the drug "Oktolipen" - its price is not the highest. Capsules containing 300 mg of active substance will cost 310 rubles per pack. 600 mg tablets are twice as expensive, 637 rubles. So the choice is yours.

In pharmacies, alpha-lipoic acid is found in person. This is the most affordable option of all, it costs only 80 rubles. Tialepta costs 605 rubles per package, Tiogamma 209 rubles, and Espa-lipon 798 rubles. Drugs do not differ in effectiveness and can replace each other.

Nutritionist Comments

Despite the fact that this drug is actually used by women to reduce weight, an experienced doctor should warn you against such experiments, unless it is a violation of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as weight correction in diabetics.

In all other cases, there is no evidence base that the drug actually breaks down fats. We have not found a single confirmed experiment, therefore, the effectiveness of the drug can be considered unproven. Lipoic acid is not foreign to your body, but can not burn fat and significantly improve metabolism. That is, a number of nutritionists attribute the entire effect to self-hypnosis, active training, and dietary restriction. All these measures can be taken without additional expenses, in the form of the purchase of drugs. Therefore, sign up in the gym, remove mayonnaise and ketchup from the refrigerator, and lose weight gradually, but without harm to your body. In this case, the lost kilograms will definitely not return, as they are supported by rational, proper nutrition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9839/

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