Serial killer Nikolai Dzhumagaliev: biography

The terrible killings that took place on the territory of Kazakhstan shocked the entire Soviet Union. Discovered disfigured corpses of women led the police to the idea that such atrocities are beyond human control. But the defenders of the rule of law were deeply mistaken, because Nikolay Dzhumagaliev was guilty of everything - an ordinary man who turned into a psychopath monster.

Life path

Nikolai Dzhumagaliev was born in 1952 in a large family living in the village of Uzun-Agach in Kazakhstan. His father was Kazakh by nationality, and his mother was from Belarus. Parents of little Kolya worked on a collective farm and were responsible for raising their son. But all their efforts were unsuccessful. Studying did not bring joy, and the guy managed to finish the 9th grade with difficulty.

After parting with the school, Jumagaliyev entered the railway school. Having received a secondary specialized education, he left for Atyrau (formerly Guryev). Upon reaching the age of 18, Nicholas received a summons and went to pay back his debt to his homeland. The service took place in Samarkand, and after the distribution, Dzhumagaliyev fell into the chemical defense troops. Later, the young man decided to go to university, but did not pass the entrance exams. And his application, filed at a driving school, was ignored.

Shocked by this turn of events, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev decided to leave his native village. This act fundamentally distinguishes him from the people of that time. For three years, Kolya wandered around the country, replacing one profession with another. As a result, the future murderer returned to his native settlement and in 1977 got a job as a firefighter.

Nikolay Dzhumagaliev

No one noticed the change that happened to him. Dzhumagaliev apparently remained the same - a cheerful, carefree guy who loves drinking and women, but his subconscious has already painted bloody paintings, and black hatred has filled his soul.

What happened during the trip?

When Nikolai Dzhumagaliev traveled around the country, he met a woman who was ideal for him, perfection. Long courtship, however, did not bear fruit - the girl tactfully rejected the gentleman, saying that she would never have warm feelings for him. At that moment, the man’s life changed radically, and he returned to his native settlement with broken dreams.

Aversion to women

When a man confessed, he informed investigators that he hated all women. Every day this feeling increased, and later he could no longer fight with the monstrous manifestations of aggression and perverted desires.

It is known that Nikolai Dzhumagaliev (photo above) was not deprived of female attention.

He was a strong man, of medium height, and the mixed blood of his mother and father gave his face a certain flavor. The fairer sex was drawn to him, like a magnet. He was not shy in communicating with girls, easily started a conversation and disposed to himself from the first minutes of meeting. To satisfy his sexual desire, Nikolai met with several lovers. But, in his opinion, they were all frivolous, loved to drink, spent evenings in taverns and were capable of betrayal and treason.

As the killer Nikolai Dzhumagaliev later claimed, he wanted to create a strong family with an easygoing woman. He was attracted by the ladies of the European type, but at the same time repelled by their windiness.

Mental Disorders

Soviet serial killer Nikolai Dzhumagaliev told investigators that because of his love affairs, he first contracted syphilis and then trichomoniasis. Some sources claim that it is sexually transmitted diseases that caused mental disorders. The maniac told psychiatrists about his bloody dreams visiting him at the time of his illness. In visions, Dzhumagaliyev observed a muddy river, along which the female remains swam: torsos, legs, and other parts of the bodies.

nikolai espolovich dzhumagaliev

According to other information, there is another reason that pushed Nicholas on the path of murderer - a mixture of Muslim and Soviet ideologies. From an early age he listened to his father, constantly re-read the Quran. As time passed, Jumagaliyev forgot about religious dogmas, plunging headlong into the world of vice. Girls for him were toys, second-class creatures, and gradually the attitude to the weaker sex only worsened. The maniac claimed that women bring misfortunes, from them all troubles.

The book that impressed the criminal

The thought of eating mankind crept into the minds of men long before he committed the first crime. Initially, Nikolai Espolovich Dzhumagaliev described in his sore mind the murders of the entire female genus, but later he read a book called Black Fog, and his thoughts about the massacre became more monstrous.

A collection of works promoting atheism and distorting the concept of religion was released in 1976. On the pages of the manuscript, the horrors of ancient rituals of different tribes for several centuries were painted in detail. It was in the content of this book that Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, a maniac and psychopath, found excuse for his behavior.

Nikolay Dzhumagaliev maniac

Having read that Germans in ancient times could predict the future by drinking human blood, the man thus wanted to develop supernatural abilities. In addition, Nikolai dreamed of seeing a soul flying out of a man’s throat cut. Here is what knowledge he gleaned from a terrible treatise.

First arrest

For the first time Nikolai Espolovich Dzhumagaliev was arrested not for cannibalism, but for murder by negligence in 1979. Perhaps if the police had caught him earlier, the monster would have been punished much more severely. Indeed, in the days of the USSR, maniacs did not stand on ceremony and did not try to seek out a mental illness. But the fate of Dzhumagaliev was different. In a drunken stupor, he shot his colleague at work and was sent by court order for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric clinic, where he was diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Nikolai Dzhumagaliev ogre

Psychiatrists learned that Nikolai Dzhumagaliev is an ogre much later, but it was unacceptable to challenge the decision made by the community of experts from the Serbsky Institute.

Horrible find

Before the murder of his colleague, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev had already left several bloody traces. A disfigured corpse was found in January 1979, the girl became the first victim of a murderer. The maniac told investigators that he was the first to hunt a woman. He stabbed the victim's throat with a knife and drank blood, and then dismembered. Diced Jumagaliyev ate for a month.

Bloody trail

After the first murder, a little time passed. In April, a maniac killed an elderly woman, in June - two. Only a week passed, but the cannibal could not calm his thirst for blood and again committed a crime.

This happened when a cohabitant of Dzhumagaliyev named Tatyana said that one person, a certain Valentine, robbed her. The killer ordered the thief to be brought to his house. In the evening, Nikolai returned to his place, there a girl was waiting for him, for whom the story ended in the most tragic way. Police officers subsequently found a barrel in which cadaver meat was salted.

The trial of the murder of a fireman colleague who worked with an ogre stopped the perverse odyssey, but not for long. Psychiatrists released the maniac a year later, claiming that he recovered.

What happened next?

Five murders and mutilated corpses, but the police made a helpless gesture because of a lack of evidence. While Dzhumagaliev was being treated, everything was calm, but when he left, he continued the bloody business.

killer nikolai dzhumagaliev

Memories of the rituals set forth in the book did not give Nikolay peace, and each time, opening the throat of the next victim with a knife, the psychopath tried to see the departing soul.

Finally caught

The fact that Nikolai Dzhumagaliev is a cannibal was first found out by the man’s friends, and then by the police. The psychopath, while visiting, began to dismember the girl’s corpse while the comrades had fun in the next room.

He thought over everything: he took a small ax and prepared a basin for blood flow. But he didn’t have time to finish what he started, one of his friends saw what atrocities Jumagaliyev was doing. The guests fled in panic and called the police. But law enforcement agencies were so dumbfounded that they did not immediately realize that the cannibal escaped. Soon they were able to find and detain him. The court found the killer insane and sentenced, again, to compulsory treatment in a mental hospital.

who is nikolai dzhumagaliev

The murderer is free

After eight years spent in a clinic for mentally ill criminals, they decided to transfer Dzhumagaliev to a regular hospital. His behavior was not suspicious, therefore only two people accompanied the maniac: the driver and the nurse. Cannibal decided to escape and realized his plan. He hid in the mountains for about two years, but neither the hang gliders from Moscow, nor the soldiers and the police could find him. The killer might have gone into hiding, but was tired and decided to go to prison. Having stolen several sheep and pretending to be a Chinese, Dzhumagaliev waited for him to be put for theft. But his orientation was everywhere, and the police identified the cannibal. Nikolai was sent to the hospital, and after 3 years he again became free.

The man returned to his native village, but he was not accepted there. Women showered him with curses, and men spat out curses directly in the face. And the maniac had to go to the mountains. He did not wander for long and soon decided to return to the clinic, but without a court decision this was impossible.

Then the psychiatrists and police officers changed their minds. This happened when female dissected corpses were discovered on mountain passes. And in 1995, Dzhumagaliyev was sent to a hospital surrounded by barbed wire.

cannibal nikolai dzhumagaliev biography

And finally

The cannibal Nikolai Dzhumagaliev, whose biography is full of bloody events and various perversions, chose the dates for the killings more than consciously. During the trial, the maniac said that he sacrificed one of the girls to his grandfather, on his hundredth birthday. The psychopath dismembered another woman on the anniversary of the death of his grandmother.

So who is Nikolai Dzhumagaliev? A cold-blooded killer who counts every step forward, or a mentally ill person whose mind has been poisoned by an occult book? Psychiatrists from the hospital, to which the murderer is still being held, believe that schizophrenia is to blame. But people suffering from this disorder have periods of rise and fall in activity, which the cannibal does not observe.


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