Sex in a dream. What does sex in a dream mean?

As you know, in a dream we can see a wide variety of objects and phenomena. Often, dreaming images prompt us to think about the presence in them of a hidden meaning and a hint of future events. Today we suggest finding out what to prepare for if you have dreamed about sex. To answer this question, we decided to turn to several of the most reliable and complete sources.

Gustav Miller's dream book: if you had sex

This collection states that if intimacy brings you pleasure and enjoyment, then in reality in your personal life there will not be any problems. If sexual intercourse in a dream left you with exclusively adverse feelings, then you should think about the moral and ethical aspect of your relationship. A vision in which you observe the intimacy of other people warns that because of your inherent outlook on things, you will experience serious difficulties in the process of creating a family.

Dream of Freud: intercourse in a dream

According to information from this source, a ghostly intimacy does not need a symbolic interpretation. As a rule, sex in a dream is characteristic of puberty, as well as with prolonged abstinence. Such a vision may be a reflection of your regret for missed opportunities and an unfulfilled desire to enter into close relations with a particular person.

Modern dream book: see intimacy in a dream

Having sex is about having a strong attraction in your real life. If you see these dreams regularly, then you should think about your relationship with your partner: is everything smooth in them and are you really with a person who suits you in all respects, including in bed.

Medieval Dream Book: Sexual Intercourse

If you had an intimacy with a spouse, then you will find a variety of favorable events. As a rule, they will be associated with family life.

Why dream about sex: oriental dream book

A vision in which you enjoy intimacy prophesies sadness and anxiety. If sex in a dream was dull and did not bring you the expected satisfaction, then, on the contrary, all sorts of joy await you.

Intimate dream book

The interpretation of dreams, in which sex plays a fundamental role, is the most complete in this collection. The authors of the source very carefully describe various possible situations and give their meaning. We propose a more detailed discussion of several points of such interpretations.

Have sex with husband

A dream in which a woman becomes intimate with her husband can be interpreted depending on the feelings and emotions experienced at that time. So, if you experienced deep pleasure, then you are quite happy with the current state of affairs, and you are afraid of changing something. If you have not experienced any satisfaction from sex with your husband, then, quite possibly, subconsciously you want to part with the disgusting duties of the housewife and the respectable wife. Most likely, you are inherent in the feminist spirit, in connection with which you want to achieve equality with representatives of the opposite sex in all spheres of life.

Virtual sex

This phenomenon reflects a false appearance of the situation. Therefore, virtual sex in a dream hints that you are mistaken about the real state of affairs and the attitude of people around you. This may apply to both appearance and ability and professionalism. After all, virtual reality is extremely deceptive and unreliable.

Intimacy in space

This dream is a reflection of the process of improving your soul and body. So, if at the end of sexual intercourse you experienced truly unearthly bliss, sooner or later you will be able to comprehend the secrets of the universe. What does sex in a dream that was unpleasant to you mean? In this case, something or someone is hindering your attempts to know the laws of the universe. If during a lovemaking in space you observe planets or other celestial bodies nearby, then you are not alone in your desire to learn the secrets of the universe. In addition, such a vision may reflect your inherent desire to distance yourself from the people around you and remain alone with yourself and your thoughts.

Sex in a public place

Such sex in a dream reflects your inherent desire to flaunt your feelings and thoughts. Perhaps the reason for this is the lack of wisdom that subconsciously you want to compensate for with advice or recommendation from a person from the outside. In addition, such a vision may be the result of feeling lonely and thus trying to draw attention to yourself. If a man dreams that he has sex in a public place, then in real life he seeks to demonstrate to others his own superiority. For the representative of the weak half of humanity, such a vision can mean the loss of a good name. If you dreamed that you and your partner were completely naked and making love to a whole crowd of onlookers, then in the near future you run the risk of committing a rash act, which you later seriously regret.

Intimacy with a famous person

Such a dream may be a reflection of your desire to join someone's glory. For a young man, such a dream symbolizes the opportunity to receive the patronage of an influential person, which will help to quickly move up the social ladder and make an excellent career. For a man, this means the emergence of new ideas and forces for their implementation. To dream about sex with a celebrity for a woman is to luck and fulfillment of cherished desires.

Sexual intercourse with a deceased person

Such visions reflect the longing for people who have irrevocably gone, the desire to come into contact with them at an incorporeal level, and even temporary being in the other world. If your blood relative was your partner in sex, then you are often visited by nostalgia for the bygone times of your childhood and youth. If in a dream you made love just with a familiar person who is now not alive, then you are very interested in the question of what happens to our soul after death. In addition, it is believed that through visions the dead try to convey to our consciousness some important things that we desperately seek to know.

Intimacy with a Monster

Sex in a dream with a huge monstrous creature has three interpretations. According to the first of these, such a vision reflects your inherent constraint in terms of intimate life. You always try to adhere to moral standards, which does not allow you to completely surrender to your instinct and get pleasure. The second interpretation boils down to the fact that the dreamer unconsciously considers someone from his entourage close to him as a real monster and monster. For women, such a vision can mean the onset of menstruation. For representatives of the strong half of humanity, such a dream can act as a reflection of unwillingness to obey the authority of another person (for example, the boss). This may occur due to the fact that you doubt the professional qualities of your boss.

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