Russian TV presenter - Ekaterina Gracheva

Ekaterina Gracheva - the host of the channel "Russia 24", which last year turned 34 years old. The girl is fluent in Italian, professionally draws and leads an active social life. Now she is studying at the Academy of Actors N. Mikhalkov.

Personal life

The height of Ekaterina Gracheva, judging by the photos in which she is shown next to V.V. Putin, is approximately 175 cm. She is not married, but does not worry about this, because she believes that she is still ahead. The girl does not extend about her personal life. Therefore, in those rare photos that flash on the Web, it is always without a constant satellite.

Work incidents

Gracheva Ekaterina Igorevna often gets into funny situations associated with her activities. For example, one day a technical problem occurred on the news program live, and the presenter, forgetting to turn off the microphone, began to threaten that she would kill her employees for this. This funny video immediately appeared on YouTube, and numerous users did not slow down with comments.

Ekaterina Gracheva

In one of the nightly news releases, Ekaterina Gracheva laughed at the words "incompetent monkey." However, she soon coped with emotions and continued her work. There was also an incident when the presenter unsuccessfully crouched and the view of the audience opened a view of her underwear. However, this case is very pleased with the male part of the population of our country.

Heirloom abduction

In 2015, Ekaterina Gracheva suddenly announced the abduction of her portfolio, which carefully kept photos of the first Soviet man who set foot on the ice of Antarctica. This man was her father - Grachev Igor Yakovlevich, who participated in the first expedition to the South Pole. The famous presenter was the victim of robbers who broke the glass in her car and took the most valuable thing left from the famous father. Fortunately, not all photographs were stolen. The police combed nearby yards for several hours, but found nothing.

Catherine Gracheva leading

Ekaterina Gracheva says that the stolen photographs are not only a family heirloom, but also invaluable historical evidence. Among the missing photographs was the legendary photograph of a distinguished polar explorer amid the huge Ob icebreaker. All photos were supposed to decorate the exhibition, the opening of which was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the expedition. Ekaterina Gracheva understands that it is most likely impossible to return the loss, since the contents of the portfolio are for the kidnappers just useless pieces of paper. No one still knows who stole the photo. However, the girl hopes for a miracle and asks for help in finding people who care about her.


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