Pike fishing on a wobbler: catchy models of wobblers and fishing technique

Pike is one of the most popular and coveted prey for anglers. Legends and even fairy tales are composed about this fish. Pike is distinguished by many qualities: this toothy prey is cunning and energetic, it is lightning fast in jerks, unpredictable, and its power and good appetite made fishing on it incredibly popular.

general information

In different ponds, pikes are not only of different sizes, but also slightly different in habits and lifestyle. Nevertheless, this is the most common predator that lives in our lakes and rivers, the greed and gluttony of which is well known. Therefore, it is generally accepted that catching a pike is much easier than any other more or less large fish. But it is not so. In order for fishing to end with a good catch, you should know not only the habits of prey in order to quickly find its location, but also choose the right equipment, including bait.

Pike gear for spring fishing

Depending on the season, weather and age, this toothy predator hides so that, hiding behind masking objects in the water, it will be closer to the food base. Small and medium-sized individuals stay close to the shore, at the edge of reeds and algae, where it is easier for them to find profit among the many small fish that live in the coastal strip. Large specimens prefer deep places near flooded snags and bushes, among algae.

Pike fishing

Catching this coveted prey is quite an exciting experience. Pike are fishing on spinning, track, zergleny, circles or stakes. It is rare for her to fish with a donka or an ordinary fishing rod. The best time for fishing is in the spring. This season, the pike pecks almost during the day. True, the first ten after spawning, occurring in many reservoirs at the beginning of March, this toothy predator, kept at great depths, is very lethargic, and therefore practically does not go on the hook. But then two or three weeks of the spring zhora begin, when it can be caught on almost any tackle.

Catchy wobbler

On bait fish in rivers, pike can be caught on dace, gudgeon or chub, while in lakes or ponds - on roach and perch, crucian carp, and rudd. Nevertheless, if you ask spinningists what bait they prefer, most will say it is artificial.

The possibility of replacing a real fish with a similar artificial one allows the fishermen to select, by way of samples, such an option of a nozzle that is currently in a “trend” in a specific reservoir near a toothy predator. Judging by the reviews, this fish is perfectly caught on a wide variety of artificial baits having various designs and shapes. But the most common is pike fishing on a wobbler. This fascinating event almost always ends successfully. In addition, there is no such avid fisherman who is not familiar with pike fishing on a wobbler. A huge assortment of these lures is in every specialized store. You can even purchase sets of wobblers. For catching pikes, oscillators were mainly used everywhere before. They were of various types - coastal, for fishing in the grass, on the track, etc. But today the most common is pike fishing on a wobbler. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

Types of Wobblers

The fishing industry is developing very fast today.

Best wobblers for pike

It is impossible to keep track of many new lures, besides it is difficult for beginners to figure out where which model to use. According to the category of deepening, wobblers for pike are of three types: deep-sea, subsurface and surface. And if the former “work” at the very bottom, the latter are universal, then the latter fall by a maximum of ten meters. Depth depends on the buoyancy of wobblers. According to this characteristic, there are the following categories: drowning, lowering to the bottom of the reservoir, floating, lying on the water surface, as well as suspenders or neutral, remaining at the depth at which the wiring stops.

Pros and cons of wobblers

Among the advantages of these artificial baits, their “longevity" is considered the most noticeable. The best wobblers (for pike, perch, pike perch, etc.) even after a hundred casts are attractive for predators with their game in the water column. Fishing with such a bait is always a passionate and dynamic pastime. Wobblers can be used on any body of water, regardless of its depth, as well as the presence of a stream or aquatic vegetation, etc. Everywhere, this bait withstands competition with lure and rubber band, showing very good results. The main advantage of this equipment, experts call the unquestionable catch. In addition, the fisherman has the opportunity to apply them all year round.

Great catch

Although pike fishing on wobblers is most common in summer and spring, nevertheless, even in winter, they show amazing results on ice-free rivers and streams. A wide variety of options for this bait, which differ in game, shape, size, color, as well as the degree of buoyancy and the working horizon, can also be considered a big plus.

Catching pikes on a wobbler from the shore

There is no specific type of this bait, used especially for a toothy predator, since other inhabitants of the reservoir, for example, perch or pike perch, are also willing to go to it. However, experienced anglers should be able to choose the best pike wobblers suitable for fishing in a particular pond. It must be said that not every model is suitable for spinning from land.

I catch pikes on artificial baits mainly on spinning. If fishing will be conducted from the shore, then for long casting a rod with a length of at least three meters will be required. It should be made of such material that will enable the angler not to fear for loss of prey or gear. The most common are rods made of composite material, which are characterized by a high tensile load, as well as lightness. The latest quality of spinning fishing is very important.

Posting pike

To catch pike from the shore, it is better to use a large inertia-free reel with a spool that can wind about 150 meters of a half-millimeter fishing line.

Fishing from a boat

Catching pike from a boat to wobblers enables the fisherman to more effectively catch those promising areas in which prey can stand. The watercraft allows this artificial bait to be carried out at very different angles to the potential sites of the sites of the toothy predator. If you approach the fishing properly, then fishing from a boat will achieve much better results than when fishing from the shore.

Catching pike in the river

Fishing craft is prohibited during spawning, when navigation on a specific reservoir is closed. Using a boat, a spinning player gets the opportunity to more productively explore any water area, for example, frogs, in which it is difficult to approach the shore, as well as large lakes or reservoirs, where it is impossible to put tackle to perspective points, almost all rivers. A watercraft opens up wide opportunities to catch even the most secluded points where a large pike can be.

Fishing technique

Catching pike with a wobbler on a river or in a small lake implies the use of a correctly selected bait, which is very important to fix it well. In addition, the angler must skillfully carry out the wiring. Depending on the depth at which the pike is located, the desired wobbler model is selected, which should either remain at the surface of the water, or immediately go to the bottom after casting.

Posting in the upper layer should be carried out evenly with small pauses, not forgetting to twitch the tip of the rod. If the pike is hiding at a considerable depth, then it is necessary to use sinking elongated wobblers on it.

The wiring in this case should be stepwise with significant pauses. During it, it will be necessary to imitate a sick fish: such prey is always a priority for pike.

Catching pikes on a wobbler from a boat

Catching pike in spring on wobblers from a boat makes it possible to get as close as possible to the pits where predators are located, but stopping at such places is not worth it. It is necessary to place the craft at a certain distance and abandon the bait, and so that it is beyond the point at which the prey is located. Then you should evenly wrap the fishing line so that the wobbler passes through the area in which the pike is located. For posting in this way only baits of sinking types are suitable, which after casting go to the bottom.

Top 10 Wobblers

The rating of these artificial pike baits is based on the feedback of experienced anglers. Ima Flut 120 wobblers come first in terms of catchability, followed by Megabass Vision 110 and Zip Baits Khamsin 70 SR. I must say that today every such “proprietary” bait has its own cheaper copies, most of which are caught no worse than the originals. Lucku Craft Pointer 100 SP, Jackal Smash Minnow 110 SP also occupy high places in catch ratings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9859/

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