Automatic traumatic and other weapons

Traumatic weapons designed for self-defense. It should be lightweight, compact and comfortable to wear, and also as safe as possible for the shooter. There are many different models of traumatic weapons, some of which are more suitable for self-defense tasks, others less, depending on their caliber and size. Almost all of them accurately repeat the original and, as a rule, have a number of differences characteristic of all “injuries”. Some weapons are only available in the pneumatic version.

Legal side

Traumatic weapons — assault rifles, pistols, submachine guns — are most often made by enriching war trunks. This carries a certain risk. Firstly, the design must be changed so that reverse alteration is not possible, and secondly, according to the Law on Weapons, the possibility of firing a burst should be excluded, if it is provided for in the combat version. Thirdly, such a model includes all the positive and negative sides of the mechanism, which affects the operation.

traumatic machine

Traumatic machine gun: reality and fiction

Automatic weapons are the types of firearms designed to defeat the enemy in close combat. Their distinctive feature is the ability to create a high density of fire. Also called automatic rifle, or assault rifle. After the Great Patriotic War, machine guns in the USSR replaced several types of weapons: submachine guns, outdated models of non-automatic carbines and non-automatic magazine rifles.

The ability to fire a burst, intermediate caliber cartridges, a removable high-capacity magazine - all this makes the machine a popular weapon. The traumatic option, unfortunately, is not possible.

Automatic and non-automatic weapons

The kinship between the words “automatic” and “automatic” often leads people astray. If you ask a person who is not an expert on weapons what an “automatic pistol” is, he will most likely answer that it is a pistol that can fire a burst. In the twenties of the last century, Nikolai Mikhailovich Filatov - a Soviet specialist in small arms - in relation to the Fedorov rifle, which the designer himself called a "machine gun rifle," the name "machine gun" was proposed. Whether it’s traumatic or a combat pistol, it doesn’t matter, it can also be automatic (as well as semi-automatic), because in reality the automation in the design provides only for self-cocking of the trigger, but not for auto fire mode (firing burst).

Almost all modern weapons are automatic. Already the revolver of the Nagan system in its officer version had the function of self-platoon.

Kalashnikov traumatic gun


Traumatic pistols, as a rule, have some similar characteristics. Sighting range - up to twenty meters (effective from ten). Models created by cooling have improvements in design that limit the power of the cartridge used. The specific shape of the barrel channel will lead to the destruction of weapons in the event of firing from it with enhanced ammunition.

The Stechkin pistol was adopted simultaneously with the famous Makarov pistol in 1951. As a rule, they are supplied with officers who take part in hostilities. It also comes in some special units.

A traumatic submachine gun has been manufactured recently, since 2010. It is made by cooling and has 9 caliber. The gun is automatic, the shutter is free. Since it is considered a civilian weapon, the auto fire mode is excluded in accordance with the Weapons Act.

The gun has a rather large size, and the correct selection of the holster plays an important role in wearing comfort, but, despite the size, it is quite light.

Traumatic APS is almost a complete likeness of combat. This is often crucial among weapon lovers, because the choice is obvious, if you can carry an authorized means of self-defense at the same time and hold the most accurate copy of the original in your hands. The price of a traumatic APS is from 35 thousand rubles.

The traumatic pistol of Makarov and TT is also very popular. PM ("Makarych" or IL-79-9T) is one of the most recognizable types of weapons among the civilian population, partly due to the fact that they are armed with the police, partly due to the constant flickering in the cinema. TT (the model is called "Leader") is also very famous. It is loved for its characteristics, it is very comfortable, lightweight, rather narrow, which is why it is almost invisible when worn. However, TT has a significant drawback associated with the design features of the original. Cases of self-fire are noted, which is why it was even forbidden in the armed forces to carry a pistol in a holster without a fuse turned on and with a completed cartridge. The speed of the rubber bullet is almost 300 m / s, and the firing range reaches two hundred meters and above.

traumatic weapons

The famous "Wasp"

This is one example where a pistol is not created by cooling, because it has no combat analogue. "Wasp" (full name - barrelless pistol, "PB-OSA") has three modifications: "Compact", PB-2 and PB-4-2. There is also an Aegis PB-2 based on the Os.
It is not suitable for shooting training and for shooting at the stand, but fully justifies itself as a weapon for self-defense. G.A. Bideev, the designer of Osa, set himself the task of constructing a pistol that met all the requirements of the law, but had a high stopping effect, and did an excellent job. Equipped with a cartridge of 18 × 45 caliber, created specifically for this gun. There are also light and sound cartridges.

A feature of the "PB-Wasp" is the lack of a trunk. As a result of this, neither conversion to firearms nor firing with reinforced cartridges is possible, because the ignition of gunpowder occurs due to an electric spark.

traumatic gun automatic

Kalashnikov assault rifle

Often on the shelves of arms and sports stores you can see noise AKs. As a rule, this is a cooled machine, that is, made from a military one. It can be used for training in disassembly. It shoots a noise AK with blank ammunition, and both single shot firing and burst firing are provided. Noise AKs are used for school and student military sports games, training in the analysis of the machine, etc.

The civilian population has the opportunity to purchase a traumatic gun, the machine gun does not have such a model. Kalashnikov’s traumatic assault rifle, if produced, would be unable to fire in bursts, as was realized in Saiga carbines. Just like a machine gun, the traumatic version of the Esaul submachine gun is deprived of burst fire. Its alteration for car theft is illegal.

"Traumatic machine" - this is often called the pneumatic version, which is made of metal and wood and accurately repeats the appearance of the legendary machine. The traumatic gun is designed for aimed shooting at a distance of up to 20 meters, and the pneumatic AK produces the same indicators. The price is also very reasonable, it ranges from seven to twenty thousand rubles.

The flight speed of the bullet is very high for pneumatics: 130 m / s, if hit in an unprotected place, it can lead to injury. AK is a favorite weapon of people who are fond of airsoft and hardball, but given that the store in various models can hold up to three hundred bullets, and one cylinder with carbon dioxide in gas-cylinder models lasts less than a hundred shots, an electric drive system was implemented. Instead of a cylinder, an electric compressor began to be used, which, in turn, runs on battery power. Such modernization made it possible to use a machine gun in field games.

The traumatic weapon is primarily designed for self-defense, it should be small and easy to carry, and the machine gun is not suitable for these purposes, but the air gun can cause serious damage, so safety is always in the first place.


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