Let’s ask a dream book: what is clear transparent water for? The meaning and interpretation of a dream

The subconscious mind constantly throws up signs to us, trying to prevent trouble or highlight promising chances. Night visions are also the field of his caring activity. For example, let's ask a dream book: clear clear water - what kind of warning, what about? What is the meaning of this image in a given situation? Is he always positive? Does the dream book tell : swimming in clear, clear water is what? Let us try to find answers to these and other questions in well-known collections of interpretations.

dream book clear clear water

What does pure water mean?

From ancient times it was believed that in the night visions their heavenly protectors talk with people. They operate on the value concepts inherent in man. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately look into the dream book. Pure clear water almost never causes negative emotions. This is a special resource that fills the earth with life and gives hope for the future. Still water pacifies. And pure - gives rise to the desire to create, as was believed in antiquity. That is, the image is completely positive. This is confirmed by famous interpreters. Let's open, for example, the Old Russian dream book. “Pure clear water is a sign of a secure, secure life filled with harmony and happiness,” it says. Your emotional state in a dream is also important. If you liked the picture, caused a feeling of comfort, joy or filled with happiness, good events are coming. Some people will change their attitude to what is happening to a more positive, others will learn to enjoy ordinary things. Entrepreneurs such a plot promises the beginning of a successful business, good negotiations, contracts.

dream interpretation river clear clear water

Natural springs

Some commentators base their predictions on the nuances of vision. So, they argue that the source of water is of the greatest importance. To understand, look through Velesov’s dream book. The river, whose clear clear water flows slowly and powerfully, reveals life prospects. You have enough strength to not even notice opponents and spiteful critics. Build plans and implement them, do not pay attention to anyone, no one can interfere. The stormy waters of the river predict the same saturated, but very pleasant events. You will sweep away the obstacles and achieve everything you want. A spring with clear water is a sign of the discovery of a new source of inspiration. Lonely he portends mutual love. The lake is an opportunity for talent realization. The larger it is, the stronger will be the impact of your achievements on society. A small trickle - to cheerful conversations, pleasant meetings. Puddle - do not expect troubles, they are not yet in sight. Endless ocean - discover a talent in yourself that you were not even aware of.

dream interpretation swim in clear clear water

Water tanks

Sometimes a glass is a serious sign. To deal with artificial containers will help us Ukrainian dream book. “Pure clear water, enclosed in some kind of unnatural framework, indicates the presence of obstacles in life,” the book says. However, you should not worry. The purity of the liquid means that you remove all obstacles without much effort. If you saw a full bucket - suddenly get the money. Likely to win the lottery. Bath with water - to health. Sleep is good for patients, it promises an early deliverance from ailments. He tells the rest that there is no need to panic, the common cold, if it appears, will quickly disappear, and no other diseases are expected. By the way, a glass of clean water predicts a good conversation with a friend, help in a difficult situation. To see how wine turns into water means that in life you will encounter a miracle. To pour out liquid - to get rid of far-fetched barriers. The water flowing from the tap speaks of a close connection with the subconscious. Sleep recommends acting on a hunch, not to give up prompts from above.

Swim in the water

Visions tell us quite a lot in which we interact with the elements. Reveals the secrets of the Family Dream Book. Swim in clean clear water - to prosperity. Such a plot promises a life devoid of worries and hassle. Everything will begin to happen according to your true desires and needs. In order not to jinx and scare away Fortuna, try not to enter into conflicts, do not offend anyone. If you happen to dive in the clear waters - you will understand what real happiness is. Looking from the depths to the sky - making plans for the distant future. They will certainly come true if you do not give up your goals. If you swam in the company of a stranger of the opposite sex - fall in love. The feeling will be mutual. Splashing around in a clean pond with people of the same sex - to true friendship. Swam in the pool, where there were a lot of different people with you, which means you will participate in some important event where you will be able to prove your best.

dream book swimming in clear clear water

Wash yourself with clean water.

People worried about this or that occasion, it is time to stop panicking and get to work. This is a hint of sleep in which you wash yourself with pure spring water. In the old days, such a vision was considered almost a mystical rite. The soul washes itself, cleansed of the devilish influence, the black demons who tried to take possession of it, and transmitted the results of the work in the form of such a beautiful image. There is no reason for not believing the wisdom of ancestors. Once you wash yourself, it means that soon you will get rid of the yoke of painful thoughts inspired by ill-wishers, or circumstances adjusted by them. Perk up and follow your own plans without looking at anyone. Wash hands - get a chance on the project. If you got rid of dirt in the process, get the money.

dream book clear transparent water with fish

See the water inhabitants

Such a plot as a whole portends good news. To understand the intricacies of interpretation, let's look at the Muslim dream book. "Pure clear water with fish bodes a quick profit," says this wise source. For young women, vision can still predict a desired pregnancy. Sometimes at a very young age, the guardian angel gives important parting words for a lifetime. So, a few fish in clear water, which the girl caught, indicate her future children. It’s bad if there are dead among them. The plot is interpreted as the inability to give birth, portends a terminated pregnancy or a sick child. Animals in the depths are a sign of a large and important event, the time for which has not yet come. That is, prediction refers to the distant future. This is what Maly Velesov dream book tells us.

dream book water pure transparent blue

Water: clear, clear, blue

Some stories promise a person real happiness, getting rid of any anxieties and worries, the highest achievement. One of these describes Miller's dream book. There is a story about blue water. If you managed to find the source of such, then wash the bird of luck. With proper behavior, she will accompany you to old age. Bathing in clear water, cast in blue, portends a special favor of higher powers. Use this arrangement of stars, realize the most cherished. To drink from such a source is to discover literary talent. Write at least one story, do not be afraid. Probably, the unconscious mind is not able to push you on the right path in a different way. Take a pen and create, trying to say it!


The attentive reader is probably surprised that there is not a single negative interpretation of dreams of pure water. They really are not available. According to the collective opinion of the interpreters, even drowning in such an abyss is not bad. Such a plot indicates a way out of a difficult situation with a profit of both material and moral sense. Pure water is a great sign, unless you happen to litter it or make it muddy in the country of Morpheus. Enjoy great prospects and believe in your star. Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K9872/

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