Assessment of buildings and structures: documents, rules and methods

The assessment of buildings and structures can be carried out for many reasons. Most often this concerns the payment of property taxes, the amount of which depends on the cadastral value of the property. To revise this figure and make a smaller amount of money as tax payments, the owners order an independent assessment of the property in a specialized organization. The article will present a list of necessary documents for the procedure, as well as the rules and methods by which this action is carried out.

Why is it needed?

Calculation of the contract amount

In addition to the reason regarding the revision of the cadastral value of an object, there are a number of other circumstances that require an assessment of the condition of buildings and structures:

  • Presale preparation with identification of market value for a specific date. The procedure is necessary in order to complete any type of transaction (purchase and sale, exchange, rent, registration of shares, etc.).
  • By decision of the court or to review the proceedings in court.
  • To calculate damage due to damage to property.
  • In order to obtain a loan or mortgage.
  • To make an object in the authorized capital of the organization.

To whom to entrust an independent evaluation

Cost method

Experts advise to adhere to the following rules when choosing a suitable company:

  • Ask a question in a search engine, for example, in Yandex, indicating your region. This will be much more productive than looking for ads in print media or interviewing friends and relatives.
  • Examine the ads of several companies. The more information on the Internet, the more reliable the company, but the more expensive its services will be.
  • You should find the site of the selected company and study it in terms of the level of design, content, presence on the page of contacts and information on your subject.
  • It is necessary to check the placement on the site of scanned copies of permits, certificates confirming the legitimacy of the company, as well as a certificate of professional liability insurance.
  • It is recommended to search for reviews on the Internet. Of course, if there are only two or three of them, then this will not be decisive, but the presence of negative opinions of clients should alert the owner of the property.
  • Having found a suitable option, you should call the company, introduce yourself and chat on the topic you are interested in. Clear and concise answers will help you make the right choice. Inability to get through, getting on an answering machine, switching from one employee to another should alert the client.

Documents for the assessment of buildings and structures

Usually the owner has several documents for the real estate. To find out which of them are necessary for the procedure, you should contact the selected valuation company. As a rule, an employee of the company at the first meeting or in a telephone conversation will explain what needs to be provided to a customer service specialist. The main documents allowing to assess the market value of buildings, structures owned by a legal entity are:

  • Certificate of registration of ownership of the property.
  • Documents about restrictions on the use of the object.
  • Confirmed boundaries of the building or structure, with a reflection of the location.
  • Inventory card issued in accordance with accounting data.
  • Information on the initial (replacement) value and the amount of accrued depreciation.
Ground certificate

Documents relating to the right to land under the object:

  • Technical passport made by the Bureau of Technical Inventory, with drawings for the object.
  • The absence of documents from the BTI implies the provision of technical characteristics according to accounting data.
  • The list of fixed assets of the company located inside the building or as part of the structure, as well as their book value.
  • Project documents with an explanatory note.
  • Commission acts of actual depreciation of property.

Certificate of State Registration

This document was title until June 2016 and was issued for all real estate objects. In case of change of ownership, address, technical characteristics (for example, due to reconstruction) or when necessary adjustments were made to the Unified State Register of Rights (Unified State Register of Rights), a new certificate was issued immediately.

Object Certificate

Since the summer of 2016, the document has not been drawn up, and you can confirm the ownership by receiving an extract from the Unified State Register, which is valid for one month.

Object Restrictions

It provides information on the presence of encumbrances, tenants, contracts, agreements and any restrictions that will undoubtedly affect the final price of the property as a result of the assessment of buildings and structures. Of particular importance are the various litigations considered in court at the time of the procedure for determining the value of an object by a specialist of a hired company.


The address of the property can be confirmed by a certificate of ownership, an extract from the Unified State Register, a geodetic plan, technical or design documentation. The cadastral number of the building, structure and land on which the property is located should also be provided to the valuation services specialist.

Accounting data

Accounting for fixed assets at the enterprise is always maintained. In accordance with the requirements of PBU 6/01, property is put on the balance sheet. Further, an inventory card must be started on it. It can be filled by hand, which is typical for small firms. In this case, all changes about the object are also made manually. But most enterprises use 1C. Here, data about the object is entered into the program, and accounting is carried out automatically.

In order to assess the replacement cost of a building and construction, a specialist of the company conducting the work is provided with a copy of the inventory card, manually completed and certified by the signature of an authorized person.

Documents on the ground

It is necessary to provide the appraiser with information about the state of the land plot under the building or structure. In addition to the cadastral number, there is a list of documents, which includes:

  • cadastral passport or plan;
  • certificate of ownership (if it was drawn up before 2016) or the right of permanent unlimited use, and from 2016 - an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises;
  • contract (in case of rent).

If there are encumbrances on the site, then they must also be reported when concluding a contract with the company for the implementation of work on the assessment of buildings and structures.

Technical certificate

Technical certificate

Such a document is usually prepared before the procedure for registration of ownership of the object. If the property belongs to a legal entity, which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises, and there have been no changes in terms of technical characteristics since the moment of registration, then it is quite possible for the appraiser to provide a data sheet for the building or structure made by BTI earlier. You do not need to order a new document. Even in the case when the owner does not have it, you can contact the technical inventory specialists at the location of the object in order to obtain a duplicate. This procedure will cost several times cheaper than issuing a new passport for the property.

If the object was transferred into ownership under a sales contract, and the technical documentation was not transferred to the new owner, a brief description should be made for the appraiser according to the accounting data and signed by the authorized representative of the owner.

Other documents

Undoubtedly, in order for the process of assessing the value of buildings and structures to occur without a hitch, all the information on the property should be provided to specialists of the hired company. This applies to the case when you want to evaluate the building along with the filling, for example, equipment that is difficult to dismantle. You can additionally give a look at the design documentation. If the object is partially destroyed, then commission acts should be drawn up confirming the actual depreciation of the property.

For individuals

The average person most often needs to use valuation services to determine the market value of an apartment, house or land owned. In this case, the list of documents is small and comes down to three points:

  • title deed;
  • cadastral passport (to land);
  • technical passport (for a building or apartment).

Assessment Methods Used

There are three methods by which a specialist can determine the cost:

  • Analogue, by which the recent prices of the sold property are compared. This method is suitable for housing valuation. The appraiser examines the sales of the current year, summing up the sold property with the help of the coefficients to the one that is currently valued. Thus, at first he finds information on the housing sold and adjusts their price, taking into account the available characteristics for the evaluated analogue. Then he compares several similar objects in the same segment and displays the average price.
  • Cost, which takes into account all the costs of the construction of a building or structure. Most often this applies to newly built housing with small areas. This refers to the amount of funds that will be needed in the present time to recreate exactly the same object from identical materials of similar installation quality and even with similar architectural solutions.
Cost of home
  • Profitable, in which you can accurately determine the market value, taking into account profitability in case of investment. This method is good for determining the price of commercial space. First, establish the period for which profitability will be calculated. Secondly, the volume of expected income is estimated. Thirdly, the profit that the owner will receive after the billing period is calculated. Fourthly, the sum of all income is calculated in the foreseeable future.

Depreciation of property

All real estate is subject to aging. In accounting, this concept is defined as depreciation, the percentage of which can be estimated on the basis of accrued depreciation. Methods for assessing the physical depreciation of buildings and structures are also used by companies involved in determining the market value of property. Currently, preference is given to the calculation, in which the wear of each structural element is determined, and then all indicators are summarized. With this method, the replacement cost of an immovable property is necessarily taken into account.

How do specialists work?

There are a number of rules that are followed when concluding an agreement on the assessment of buildings and structures:

  • Analysis of the facility offered by the customer to determine the cost.
  • Identification of easements, encumbrances, mortgages.
  • A clear definition of the type of property with a check on the availability of calculation methods.
  • Finding out the limitations that may interfere with the work.
  • Analysis of the information provided by the customer with the determination of the adequacy of the information.
Evaluation result

In his work, the appraiser adheres to the following principles:

  • Independence from interested people and circumstances.
  • The objectivity of the assessment.
  • The absence of a conflict of interest between the contractor and the customer.
  • Mandatory conclusion of a contract for work.
  • Establishment of clear agreements on the timing and subject of the survey.

Thus, when evaluating property, the customer must provide the performer with all the required documents for use. The time period for determining the market value of real estate will depend on this. It is also necessary to provide the representative of the appraisal company with access to the facility, which is a prerequisite for fulfilling the obligations of the contractor under the contract for work.


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