Fishing knife: floating, folding, with teeth for cleaning fish

In Russia, a huge number of reservoirs: rivers, lakes, seas, ponds. It is not at all surprising that fishing is one of the favorite hobbies of Russians. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are an experienced fishing professional or a beginner just taking his first “fishing” steps, you can’t do without such a thing as a high-quality and reliable fishing knife. A knife for a fisherman is not just an important attribute, but almost the main element of the arsenal. What kind of fishing knives are there, how to choose them and not get confused in the variety presented on the shelves of specialized stores?

fishing knife

The advent of fishing knives

As you know, even in primitive times, the main occupation of man was fishing. Initially, people used a harbor for fishing, that is, a blade attached to a stick. A little later, special metal hooks and knives began to appear, used exclusively for cutting fish. Later, netting, nets, and spinning rods will appear to help increase the size of the catch. But the fishing knife in the everyday life of every fisherman remained and will always remain.

Blades for fishing knives

The first aspect that you should pay attention to when buying a fishing knife is the blade. The most ideal material is stainless steel. She is completely not afraid of water, has a long service life, and suffers any blows of fate, remaining intact.

Blades for a knife can be completely different. A long and thin blade allows you to gently gut the fish. Fishing knives with teeth for cleaning fish - an indispensable thing that helps to quickly separate the scales. Narrow and flexible blades allow you to qualitatively disassemble the loin. A knife with a long and thick blade is perfect for cutting large fish. There are knives with special teeth that allow you to quickly saw or cut bones.

fishing knife

Fishing knife handle

An important part is the handle. Convenient fishing knife - a product with a handle made of ergonomic material. It should lie comfortably in the hand, not slip when cutting fish, not burden the movements of the wrist.

The main materials for the manufacture of handles are wood, plastic, leather, rubber and some other materials. As for the shape of the handle, it is most often rounded, with a separate recess for the index finger. A good and convenient fishing knife also has a hole in the handle. It will allow to hang the gun.

Models of fishing knives

There are a lot of models on the market, therefore, before you buy a fishing knife, you should decide on its main focus. After all, a knife for cutting fish will be completely useless if you suddenly need to make a slingshot for a fishing rod. And a tool that can cut a rope can easily turn fish into minced meat when used.

floating fishing knife


This model of the knife is a small sharp thin blade and a short handle. It has a light weight and a convenient handle shape. Great for cutting both fish and waterfowl. The standard thickness of the blade is 2.4 mm.


This model of a knife, on the contrary, refers to rather large tools of a fisherman. A narrow but long blade with special teeth will cope with any fish, cut it neatly and quickly. On the handle there is a special "guard", which resists slipping fingers. The standard blade thickness is 2 mm.


Lightweight but very durable knife with a standard blade thickness of 2.4 mm. This model is very convenient when ripping fish belly. Such a knife will do the job accurately, cleanly and quickly.

Folding knives

This model is very popular, as it is universal and suitable for several types of work. Folding fishing knives , as a rule, consist of several types of blades. They can perform several tasks at once: gutting fish, cleaning them from scales, opening cans and much more. Plus this model in its low weight with its increased functionality. In addition, this knife has a compact size, fits perfectly in a small pocket of trousers or a backpack.

folding knives fishing

Shker knives

A shker knife is the main working tool of experienced fishermen in the north of our country. It has a heavy handle and a special blade, at the end of which there is a harpoon-hook. Thanks to this design, fish can be cleaned and gutted. The hook is placed in the anus of the fish, held from the bottom up. With the right technique and some experience, you can gut the fish in a couple of movements, save it from the insides and head.

Floating knives

At present, knives that swim, or rather do not drown in water, are not found on sale as often as fishermen would like. As a rule, the handle of such a knife is made of a special cork. Floating fishing knife - the owner of a fairly impressive size of the handle. Compared to other models, it will be much thicker, but it still fits comfortably in the hand.

If the fishing knife is made of quality material, it can hold on the surface of the water for more than a day. The only minus is that the cork, when wet, loses color, becomes a few tones darker. If you lose a knife in the river at night, it will not sink, but finding an assistant will be quite problematic.

Japanese knives

As you know, Japan has no equal in manufacturing high-quality blades. This applies to both swords and carving knives for fish. Japanese knives are equipped with a special super-thin blade. Such an assistant will be in demand only in the kitchen, and in the process of fishing, he will not benefit from it. But for cutting fish, a Japanese knife is an indispensable thing that has a long service life. It has good elasticity and increased cushioning. Agree, in a country where the main dish on the table is fish, they simply could not help but invent the perfect kitchen knife for cutting it.

fishing knives with teeth for cleaning fish


After you have decided on the choice of a fishing knife, you should think about a sheath for it. Many fishermen and hunters neglect the purchase of high-quality scabbard, but in vain. A good scabbard is not just a tribute to beauty or a desire to brag to friends about having money in your wallet. Their main task is to protect the blade and prevent dirt, dust or moisture from getting on the knife. In addition, thanks to a good scabbard, the owner will be protected from unnecessary, accidental injuries.

When choosing a scabbard, try to give preference to a product made of genuine leather or high-quality plastic. Their size should not only be sufficient to completely hide the knife. It should also facilitate quick and easy pulling.


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