Chairs for schoolchildren: comfortable and not harmful to posture

student chairs
A growing number of teenagers today have a mild to severe curvature of the spine . Correct posture is formed in the school years, so it is very important that the furniture not only in the classroom, but also at home, suits the student as much as possible. It is desirable that he had his own corner for classes, and did not sit at the parent's desk on an inappropriate computer chair in height and depth. In addition, young fidgets are not so easy to sit down for lessons, so the chairs for the student must be comfortable and quite functional. Do not forget about quality, so as not to update the furniture for each new school year. Changing it annually is definitely not affordable for a significant part of Russian parents. Therefore, you should read this article carefully before heading to the store.

Let's talk about what good chairs should be for a student. The most important qualities that you need to take care of are a sufficient level of comfort, good quality, a suitable size and overall attractiveness. Fulfillment of these conditions contributes not only to maintaining the health of the child, but also to his good study.

children's chairs for schoolchildren
Children grow up quickly, therefore, looking at chairs for a school student in the store, opt for models in which you can adjust the back and seat height. This approach to buying will allow you to forget about new furniture for a long time. When setting up a chair at home, make sure it is at the right height. The legs of the seated child should be bent at a right angle at the knees, the feet should be firmly on the floor. If the angle is less than 90 degrees, the student has already outgrown his chair, if more, then he will have to grow up. The back should not be strongly folded back and should not set an unnatural, strongly arched position of the spine. The edge of the seat should not rest against the popliteal cup. Fulfillment of these simple requirements is the key to correct posture and the absence of problems with the spine. So gaming chairs for schoolchildren are not suitable, as adult computer chairs are not suitable. Even if the child is comfortable sitting in them, the back will not be in the correct position, which will have a negative effect on the spine.

computer chair for a student
Keep in mind that chairs for the student have various weight restrictions. The average value of the maximum allowable load is 40-50 kg. Consider this indicator when choosing. Equally important for the decision is the reliability and safety of furniture. The quality certificate confirming them will be presented at your request in the store. It ensures that the selected model is not harmful to health and does not emit hazardous toxic substances.

So, if you decide to purchase a regular or computer chair for the student, make sure that its dimensions and allowable weight correspond to the height and weight of your child. Do not forget to require a quality certificate to ensure the reliability and safety of the product. A properly selected chair will last for many years and help maintain its owner's correct posture.


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