Giuseppe Verdi, Aida (opera): summary

Verdi's opera Aida is one of the most famous and popular works of musical theater art. It has an interesting creation story and an entertaining plot. Although the summary of the opera Aida presented in this article does not convey all the details of what is happening on the stage during its productions, it will help to better understand this performance for those who are going to see it for the first time.

"Aida" opera summary

History of creation

In 1868, the Egyptian government decided to order Giuseppe Verdi's opera. Her premiere on the stage of the recently built Opera House in Cairo was to be part of the celebrations marking the opening of the Suez Canal. Because of the busyness, the composer took a long time to answer, and only two years later began to write “Aida”.

The short script that Verdi proposed as the basis for this work was written by the French Egyptologist Mariette, who at that time lived in Cairo. He decided to use the legend that he read, deciphering the ancient papyrus found in one of the tombs.

She talked about the fight of the pharaohs against Nubia (Ethiopia), which lasted several decades. In addition, Marriott drew several drawings based on the frescoes he found. They were later used to make sets and costumes for the premiere and subsequent productions. Based on the script by Marriott C. du Locle, he wrote a prosaic presentation of the plot of the play “Aida” (opera). The libretto, the summary of which is presented below, needed to be improved, since the arias should have been written in verse.

Antonio Gislanzoni

Everyone knows that one of the most remarkable works of Giuseppe Verdi is the opera Aida. At the same time, the name of Antonio Gislantsoni, who created her libretto, is familiar only to specialists. It is interesting that this man, being the owner of a pleasant baritone and undoubted literary talent, for a long time could not find something to his liking. Having changed many professions, only by the age of 30 he became an employee of the Milanese music publication Italia musicale, which he later headed. Along with this, he wrote several novels devoted mainly to the theater. Being a big fan of opera, Antonio Gislanzoni became interested in writing the libretto. His most famous work was the opera Aida (a brief summary of it can be retold in a couple of minutes). In addition, he owns another 80 libretto.

summary of the opera Aida

A few words about Verdi

Although the theme of this article is “Aida” (opera): a summary ”, a few words should be said about the great composer who created this musical masterpiece.

Giuseppe Verdi is the author of many works that are popular all over the world. Admittedly, his work can be considered the greatest achievement of world opera, as well as the culmination of 19th-century Italian opera. The best works of the composer are Masquerade Ball, Troubadour, Rigoletto and La Traviata. However, according to critics and experts, the peak of Verdi's work is his latest operas, Othello, Aida and Falstaff. It is known that the composer was very meticulous in choosing the plot of the libretto and took into the work only those scenarios that allowed him to show his talent as much as possible.

Aida (opera), a brief summary of which will be presented later, was written by him only after he read the sketch in Locle's prose. The composer was interested in the plot, inspired by an ancient legend recorded on papyrus hidden in a tomb. He set to work and created an immortal piece of music, which today has many fans.

Summary of the opera Aida: First Act

The high priest of the god Fta and the chief of the guard Radames talk about the attack of the barbarians in the border areas of the country. The young commander is overwhelmed by the desire to become the head of the Egyptian army and lead a campaign against the Ethiopians who invaded the country. In case of victory, he will not only have fame and honor, but also the opportunity to ask his master for freedom for the slave of Aida, with whom he has long been in love.

The dreams of Radames are interrupted by the daughter of the pharaoh Amneris. She dreams of winning the heart of the chief of the palace guard and suffers because of his coldness. Aida enters. She exchanges passionate glances with Radames, which does not escape Amneris' attention. The Tsarevna, tormented by jealous doubts, is plotting to punish her rival slave.

The pharaoh and his retinue appear in the square in front of the palace. A messenger comes up to him, who says that the lands in the south-east of the country are ravaged by an army of barbarians led by the Ethiopian king Amonasro. Aida is horrified to hear her father's name.

March from the opera Aida

Pharaoh declares to the people the will of the goddess Isis, according to which the troops directed against the invaders should lead Radames into battle. Aida realizes that soon her lover and father will converge on the battlefield as opponents and may die at the hands of each other.

The girl prays to the gods for death, because she does not want to witness the death of either one or the other.

In the Temple of Fta, the priests perform the ritual of human sacrifice and give Radames a sword, which is stained with the blood of an Ethiopian.

The plot of the opera "Aida": a brief summary of the second act (first picture)

Amneris is looking forward to the return of Radames. In the chambers of the princess gathered young Egyptian aristocrats. To satisfy their anger, they kill a captive black Ethiopian. Aida enters. Seeing her, the princess again experiences the torment of jealousy. To verify his suspicions, Amneris tells Aida that Radames was dead. The girl does not hide her grief, and the angry daughter of the pharaoh threatens her with terrible punishment.

Verdi's opera Aida

The second picture (1st action)

On the square in Thebes, the people enthusiastically meet the Egyptian troops. Sounds a march from the opera Aida. In front of the king and his retinue are captives. Among the Ethiopian slaves, Aida recognizes her father, Amonasro. He asks his daughter to pretend that she is not familiar with him, and informs the pharaoh that he is allegedly one of the soldiers of the Ethiopian leader who died on the battlefield. Amonsaro, along with other captives, plead with the King of Egypt for mercy and mercy. Seeing the tears of his beloved, Radames asks the pharaoh to release the Ethiopian captives. The ruler of Egypt decides to leave only Aida and Amonsaro as hostages and announces his decision to give his daughter in marriage to Radames. Amneris triumphs, and the military leader and his beloved understand that they will never be together.

Action Three

The princess is getting ready to marry Radames. She, along with the servants and the main priest, goes to the temple. There she prays to the gods so that the groom loves her as much as she loves him.

At this time, on the banks of the Nile, Hades awaits Radames. She decides to rush into the river if her lover says that they need to leave. The girl with longing recalls her homeland, where she is unlikely to ever be able to get.

Instead of Radames, Amonasro appears. He says that he learned about his daughter’s love for his sworn enemy and demands that Aida take out the route of the Egyptian army from Radames, heading to punish the Ethiopians.

Aida refuses in horror, and the enraged Amonasro curses her, calling her a slave of the pharaohs, who betrayed her homeland, blood and people. Tortured by the reproaches of her father, the girl promises to help him.

"Aida" opera contents

Radames appears, he hopes once again to return with a victory and ask for Aida as a reward. He could not fulfill this intention after the first campaign, since he had to beg for mercy from Pharaoh for Amonasro and the captured Ethiopians.

All his hopes are crushed when Aida says that she can be happy only if he agrees to flee with her to Ethiopia. She learns from Radames the way that the Egyptian army should go. Their conversation overhears Amonasro. He leaves the shelter and informs Radames that he is the father of Aida. The Egyptian commander is horrified because he realizes that he has become a traitor. Ethiopian persuades him to flee with him and his daughter. At this moment, Amneris, the High Priest and the servants enter. Amonasro runs away, taking Aida with him. Radames is arrested because he does not deny that he has revealed military secrets to the enemy.

After that, he, the priests, Amneris and other characters of the play “Aida” (opera), a summary of the first three acts of which you know, are sent to Memphis.

Action four

Further, the libretto of the work “Aida” (opera), the summary of the previous paintings of which you already know, tells about the preparation of the trial of Radames.

Amneris comes to the former groom in prison, begging him to plead guilty. She promises to save his life if he abandons Aida. However, Radmes replies that love is more precious to him than honor and life. Amneris threatens revenge on Radames, and at the same time prays to the gods for his salvation.

High Priest pronounces sentence. According to his decision, the traitor will be buried alive under the altar of the god Fta.

Hearing that Radames must die a painful death, Amneris curses the priests.

Before his death, Radames indulges in the dreams of Hades. Suddenly, Aida appears, who entered the dungeon to die with Radames.

The singing of the priests is heard. Slaves brick up the entrance to the dungeon. In the last picture, which ends with "Aida" (opera), over a stone blocking the entrance to the dungeon, Amneris prays to the gods for peace and quiet.

plot of the opera "Aida" summary

Music (1-2 actions)

The main feature of works of opera art is that melodies are used as a tool for conveying emotions, creating the right atmosphere, etc. In any production of the play “Aida” (opera), the contents of which you already know, it can be considered, to some extent, as one more actor. In addition, many arias, romances and marches today are performed as separate concert numbers. Among them:

  • An orchestral introduction in which the composer succinctly outlined the main conflict of the drama. For this purpose, a fragile melody of violins is used, creating the image of a loving, feminine Aida and a formidable melody chosen for priests. It captures the entire orchestra, but in the end gives way to the theme of love.
  • Radamez’s romance “Sweetheart Aida”, which is accompanied by gentle solos of woodwind instruments and expresses the young commander’s feelings for the unfortunate slave.
  • Tercet Radames, Amneris and Aida, conveying the alarming mood and confusion of all three heroes.
  • Solemn march "To the shores of the sacred Nile", expressing the power of Egypt.
  • Aida’s solo part “Come back with a victory to us”, which conveys the heroine’s emotional struggle and ends with the prayer “My Gods”.
  • Priest's Choir, which begins with the words "Gods, give us victory." He invariably makes a great impression on the audience. This number does not look like the next transparent choir of the servants of the daughter of the pharaoh, which is interrupted by passionate remarks of Amneris. To emphasize the atmosphere of the female half of the royal palace, the audience is shown a dance of Moorish slaves.
  • The expanded duet of Aida and Amneris is a dramatic clash of these heroines. In it, imperious, proud melodies performed by the daughter of the pharaoh are opposed to the mournful replicas of the Ethiopian slave. The central section of the duet, in which the unfortunate girl prays for farewell, expresses the loneliness and despair of the heroine.
  • The Memphis Choir March, the priests' anthem and the dance with jewels are used to present folk glee.
  • Aria Amonasro characterizes the king of the Ethiopians, who passionately expresses his love of life.

"Aida" opera libretto summary

Music (3-4 actions)

The orchestral introduction through transparent, reverent melodies recreates the atmosphere of the Egyptian night. Sounds Aida's romance “The sky is azure and the air is clean”, in which the voice part is intertwined with the oboe. The following is a duet of Aida and her father. In the course of this issue, the initial sincere melody is replaced by a warlike, stormy melody of the curse of the Ethiopian military leader.

The duet of Aida and Radames is a merger of strong-willed, heroic moods of a warrior-hero and the calls of his sad lover, which are accompanied by a dreary melody of the oboe.

In the first picture of the 4th act, the central place belongs to Amneris. In 2 large scenes, the spiritual world of the princess of Egypt is revealed, enveloped in love, jealousy and a thirst for revenge. Next, Amneris and Radames perform a gloomy and tragic duet.

The denouement of the plot of the opera occurs in the scene of the trial of Radames. Verdi combined the harsh theme of the priests and the impassioned choir, muffled from the dungeon. They are confronted by the mournful replicas of Aida, praying "Gods, take pity" and the menacing sounds of the sentence.

The opera’s most beautiful and memorable musical number is the farewell duet of Aida and Radames, which is full of enlightened and airy tunes.

Now you know how Verdi's opera Aida was created. You also know the summary of the libretto, and you can not only enjoy the performance of the parts of this work by stars of the first magnitude, but also understand what they sing and what emotions they seek to convey to the audience.


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