Can I drink protein without exercise? Rules for intake and side effects of protein

During regular exercise, the muscle corset is significantly strengthened. When working on yourself, muscle volumes increase, endurance and strength indicators increase. As you know, building muscle is needed for muscle growth. In the case of the human body, it is protein. At certain times, the amino acids that come with food are not enough. For further muscle development, athletes use special nutritional supplements - protein shakes.

protein review

Information on such a method of supplementing one's diet with essential nutrients has been rapidly disseminated in wide circles. In this regard, many began to wonder if it is possible to drink protein without exercise. This is what we will discuss in detail in this article.

Types of metabolism in the body

In the human body, several types of metabolism are distinguished:

  • carbohydrate;
  • protein
  • lipid.

They support the vitality of the body. Each type of exchange is responsible for certain processes and effects. For example, a person is provided with a carbohydrate link with the necessary amount of energy in order for the brain and other body systems to function normally. But protein is the material from which muscles and elements of immunity are built.

With insufficient intake of one of the necessary substances, dystrophy of a certain type develops, which negatively affects the well-being and appearance.

Eating sports nutrition without training is acceptable in two cases. First of all, if a person has poor nutrition, the diet is unbalanced and the cells simply lack protein. The body of such a person is depleted, morphologically determine a reduced body mass relative to the norm, weak muscle strength, insufficient cross-sectional area of โ€‹โ€‹muscle fibers. In such a situation, protein shakes will fill in the missing nutrients, which will normalize the immune system and will help to gain muscle mass.

whey gold standard

When certain indicators, due to a genetic predisposition, are achieved, the muscles will stop growing. At this stage, it will be possible to observe a different process. This is the second model of protein intake in the absence of training.

An average adult should consume about 120 grams of pure protein per day. If the body produces the required amount of this building material, then it will perceive additional cocktails as excess. As a result, amino acids cannot be fully assimilated, they will pass through the digestive tract and naturally leave the body.

So, is it possible to drink protein without exercise?

Such use is recommended for:

  • diagnosed dystrophy;
  • non-compliance of strength indicators with age and gender standards;
  • lack of immunity;
  • following a diet aimed at getting rid of excess body fat.

Thus, an artificially created carbohydrate deficiency will compensate for the processes of gluconeogenesis. That is, the carbohydrates needed to provide energy are synthesized from protein molecules. As a result, a person will be able to significantly lose weight, while maintaining normal muscle mass and immune activity.

side effects of protein

Is it possible to drink protein without training, it is important to find out in advance.

When the dose is exceeded

Protein is a rather dangerous product in a situation where there is an excess in the intestine. The human body is very complex and simple at the same time. The difficulty is that all regulatory processes are based on the principle of feedback. This means that with a sufficient amount of a certain nutrient, all organs and systems are configured to prevent further intake.

Simplicity lies in the fact that immediately the intestine stops digesting the protein that is in its lumen, it simply removes it.

If you use protein and do not provide yourself with sufficient physical activity, the amount of substance in the body will be very large. What is the harm? In the human intestine contains about two kilograms of special flora, which provides fast digestion of food. It is these microorganisms that secrete specific enzymes that trigger protein splitting processes.

In the course of this chemical reaction, substances are released that have a toxic effect on the nervous system. To neutralize them, the circulatory system delivers them to the liver parenchyma, where they bind, then leave the human body with urine and feces. With the constant intake of excess protein, a prolonged load on hepatocytes occurs, which eventually leads to serious pathologies.

whey protein rules

Therefore, we can conclude that an excess of protein in the body will lead to such effects:

  • putrefactive processes in the digestive tract;
  • the hepatic and renal parenchyma is overloaded;
  • structures of the central nervous system will have a toxic effect.

The rules for taking whey protein must be strictly followed.


In the body of any person, a certain amount of protein must be supplied daily. The physiological parameters of a person influence its volume - its height, weight, physical activity and even gender. In the event of a deficiency, dystrophic conditions and many pathologies can develop that are associated with the work of the immune system and the musculoskeletal system.

However, excess protein is quite harmful. In this case, putrefactive processes in the intestine develop, the load on the tissues of the kidneys and liver increases. Sports nutrition should be taken in combination with regular training in the gym, otherwise the development of unpleasant health complications is not excluded. You can consume protein shakes under the strict supervision of a doctor to get rid of dystrophy or as a dietary food to remove body fat.


Side effects from protein will not develop if the athlete is absolutely healthy. But contraindications are worth remembering. These include the following ailments:

  • Renal failure, other infectious and inflammatory diseases of this organ.
  • Hepatic failure and other pathologies.
  • Digestive tract disorder, decreased secretion of gastric juice.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Protein Overview

In the ranking of sports nutrition, whey protein is the most popular and popular supplement, because the product contains the entire set of essential amino acids, and it has high biological value. It is made from whey, unnecessary fats and carbohydrates are removed and filtered.

The following companies are on the list of brands that have been producing high-performance, competitive products for many years:

  • Optimum Nutrition.
  • SAN.
  • Nutrabolics
  • MusclePharm.

Whey Gold Standard 100% from Optimum Nutrition

This is the most popular among whey proteins. It contains isolate, peptides and whey concentrate. There are no unnecessary ingredients in the supplement, it contains a minimum of cholesterol, fats, as well as lactose. The body perfectly assimilates the product due to the high absorption of peptides. The additive has a large number of flavors: chocolate, vanilla, strawberries, coffee, caramel.

admission rules

Hydrabure by Nutrabolics

It is a hydrolyzed whey isolate. There are no carbohydrates and fats in the preparation. At the heart of 93% of valuable protein, which is maximally purified from lactose and milk sugar. The protein breaks down quite quickly, an increased concentration of amino acids in the blood is observed 20 minutes after use. There are also several flavors: strawberries, chocolate, vanilla.

Platinum Isolate Supreme from SAN manufacturer

This is a whey hydrolyzate. The composition of 93% processed whey, purified from ballast components. The protein has a balanced composition, with 18 types of amino acids. The additive has different tastes: vanilla ice cream, creme brulee, milk chocolate, strawberry yogurt.

Combat 100% Isolate by MusclePharm

It is a pure serum isolate (89%), which is obtained by cross-flow microfiltration. A distinctive feature is the use of undenatured protein in production, which ensures high biological value. There are no lactose, milk fats in the preparation.


The protein does not have a negative effect on the athlete's healthy body. In the absence of contraindications, if the dosage of the supplement is not exceeded, this nutrition should not be feared. Of course, individual intolerance to a component, lactose, for example, may arise. The development of flatulence, bloating, flatulence, and digestive tract disorders is not ruled out.

It is important to understand that sports nutrition is so called because it requires constant physical activity, at least 3 times a week. Without this condition, the product can harm the body. We examined whether it is possible to drink protein without exercise.


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